Re: The passing of Don S
I think as a tribute to Don. possibly the owners could create a page for Dons posts in a special search engine, and make it a memorial. A site I frequent did that for a long time poster who helped everyone with electrical issues.
Don made 62k posts and at least 1/2 of those were helping someone with an issue, so it's possible don could keep helping people through his old posts as there is probably not a Merc/ Volvo I/O question unanswered by Don.
Ayuh,.... We already Have one,.... The
Adults Only section is Purely Don's creation,...
The Info, 'n more importantly his Humor, is
Right there,...
He asked me 'bout the name, 'n I concurred, that
Possibly it might be enough to get folks to click on it,...
I know I've typed the directions a few Thousand times, 'n Don always said it got more hits than the other, Identical sticky,...