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  1. jakedaawg

    So, what did you do today?

    Anybody want a job as a mercruiser tech? I will never do another d a rn bellows again. Still trying to replace the bellows. Decided to try a whole different bellows and I broke the little monitor fill line fitting again. Got to pull the engine again...I've done a hundred of these if I've...
  2. jakedaawg

    So, what did you do today?

    I swear, mercury/mercruiser could send me 25000$ in free parts and I still wouldn't have a good thing to say of them. Been fighting with one of those stuuuupid bellows rings for 4 hours. All I have to show is a swollen wrist where I whacked myself with the 2# sledge.
  3. jakedaawg

    Won't pump water when submerged

    It would appear you are assembling some part incorrectly. Some folks have a hard time getting the H2O tube to seat in the pump outlet properly. Has this motor ever pumped water well, fully assembled and in the lake, for YOU?
  4. jakedaawg

    1990 Evinrude 60 Rough Idle and Bogging

    I would clean the carbs. I would beg borrow or steal a compression guage not made in China. Good old north American. I would compression test first.
  5. jakedaawg

    So, what did you do today?

    Okay, I am interested in a 950hp carbuerated setup...what you got goin' on there?
  6. jakedaawg

    1990 Evinrude 60 Rough Idle and Bogging

    Is get a different compression guage. Thats low. Clean the carbs.
  7. jakedaawg

    So, what did you do today?

    Well, applesauce day. The neighbor and I are putting up this year's applesauce. Nothing like applesauce that you can taste the thunderstorms in with your pork chops on a cold February evening.
  8. jakedaawg

    Wiring harness

    That was weird to see emdsapmgr, then I saw the dates....still sad. What a loss to the forum.
  9. jakedaawg

    Gas tank pickup tube

    Get a new tank? They do sell replacement pickups for permanent tanks but I dont think you will find one that fits the 12 gallon portables.
  10. jakedaawg

    2000 225 Johnson 2 stroke

    When you say it jumps are you talking about the trim and tilt? A rough running motor that seems to bounce around in its mount? A little more clarity would be helpful. As far as running hot...was that in the lake under load? On muffs in the driveway? Again, the whole story is always better...
  11. jakedaawg


    Getter done
  12. jakedaawg

    So, what did you do today?

    Well, this evening I spent some time on you tube. I was looking for some outboard repair videos to maybe help train the youngster I have working with me. It blew my mind how bad a lot of these youtube mechanics are. For the most part, on the 20 or so videos I checked before giving up, these...
  13. jakedaawg

    Water puking out from everywhere

    Need pics. Is it possible you routed the tell tale hose to the air silencer? I doubt that would happen. I'm wondering if your base gasket or something failed. This is probably something that you won't get much help with on an online forum. Really need to see it.
  14. jakedaawg

    Water puking out from everywhere

    Going to need pictures or video as this does not make sense. There is not water passages in the air silencer. Maybe base gasket? Has this motor ever ran well and what have you done since last time it ran?
  15. jakedaawg

    Johnson 50 won’t exceed 2k rpm under load

    you say first time on water since a refit...define "refit".
  16. jakedaawg

    Johnson 50 won’t exceed 2k rpm under load

    you put a new primer bulb on, is the arrow on the bulb pointing towards the motor? The temp sensor is the tan wire coming from the head.
  17. jakedaawg

    Water puking out from everywhere

    Are you sure its water and not fuel?
  18. jakedaawg

    So, what did you do today?

    thats too bad for your buddy there 82rude. Hope nobody gets hurt doing the clean up. Twisted trees can be dangerous.