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  1. merc850

    1964 850 Tower

    I don't think there's a "universal harness" they changed with engineering upgrades; check the plug on this diagram if the "F" terminal is broken you can attach the + output from the rectifier to the + on the starter solenoid. You could replace both with other years' as long as you match the wiring.
  2. merc850

    1975 65hp possible water tube issue???

    Here are the manual instructions.
  3. merc850

    1975 65hp possible water tube issue???

    If the watertube came out of the powerhead you'll have to put it in there first, tip the motor all the way up and look at the rubber seal in the base try and put the tube in place. If it stays put LU back on. There should be a plastic guide tube that helps you get the watertube into LU.(Nr. 35)...
  4. merc850

    1963 Mercury 110 Coil Removal

    Here are the instructions for checking and repairing the magneto, it seems that you can remove the wire(s) without taking the coils out which I would try first then set up the points etc.
  5. merc850

    Why water can intrude through crankshaft lower seal of 77 mercury 1150?

    Replace both gaskets on the exhaust covers with new ones and make sure that the surfaces are clean and level; don't use any silicon seal. Put Anti-corrosion grease on the bolts and tork them according to sequence on page
  6. merc850

    Piston number

    Checking my parts list for my '75 850 the Nrs. are close but you have to use the serial Nr. which could be on a plate between clamp bolts for searching.
  7. merc850

    Torque specs

    This should cover it
  8. merc850

    Deteriorated wiring

    If the wiring is shot then chances are the rectifier and or switchbox are too; the first diagram is your motor the second the manual version.
  9. merc850

    Reverse Lock

    The only other pages concern mounting and bleeding.
  10. merc850

    Reverse Lock

    Can you post a picture of this pump? The large nut should be tightened into the case and to operate the unit the small knob should be set by turning to the left until it stops.
  11. merc850

    Reverse Lock

    Why are you taking the reverse lock apart? The knob pushes on a plate that regulates the tilt up, the system has to be pressurized for this to work; the large nut has to be tight to allow the knob only to move in and out.
  12. merc850

    Motor stand

    If you need a stand for displaying/working on your small Mercs this is my design for a cheap but solid unit. I made 2 and all I used was 1 sheet of plywood for each one; some screws, a circular saw, Sawzall and drill. You can use a router to dress-up the edges or create inlays.
  13. merc850

    Motor rewire

    Wire all the accessories to a terminal strip under the dash and run separate +, - wires directly to the battery thru a fuse or circuit breaker of adequate amperage; you can wire a tach into the harness plug if the brown wire from the 4 terminal side is moved to one of the yellow wires on the...
  14. merc850

    merc 650 4 cyl (1967?) timing and pickup

    First is the small arrow aligned with the mark on the flywheel? To do this easily I remove the magneto and disconnect the condenser then put it back with 1 bolt holding then connect a VOM to the side post and ground. That external piece connected to the side post is a mercury switch that can be...
  15. merc850

    merc 650 4 cyl (1967?) timing and pickup

    This is from a manual, a tach is a good investment.
  16. merc850

    Motor rewire

    If it is a 1975 here's a wiring diagram; (the coil and starter solenoid are physically different and in different locations), the distributor should have a ground wire from the housing to the block. I would buy a new harness and do it right, or you might have it catch fire or leave you stranded.
  17. merc850

    Early 70’s Mercury 650 Stator

    If this is a 3cyl. model this wiring dia. might help.
  18. merc850

    Early 70’s Mercury 650 Stator

    Here's a way of checking the dist. without the Mercury tester
  19. merc850

    76 Merc 85hp Trigger Plate Test Help

    You have to measure the resistance of the components
  20. merc850

    Mercury outboard 140 spark issues

    I tried that on a dead trigger you have to remove the rubber grommet and use a small ball tool on a Dremel hand grinder to clear out the epoxy in the end of the chamber then, solder some new wires onto the 3 posts. I did this just to see what is in there. On my motor I have a new CDI unit.