Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

  • Yes, if they had a BIG bank account...

    Votes: 31 8.5%
  • Fat chance, it's mine and I don't share.......

    Votes: 216 59.3%
  • I've done it and would NEVER do it again........

    Votes: 20 5.5%
  • No problem, I am a sucker

    Votes: 9 2.5%
  • I've done it and had no problems and would do it again

    Votes: 37 10.2%
  • OTHER: Explain your answer for other.

    Votes: 56 15.4%

  • Total voters
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Darren Nemeth

Chief Petty Officer
Dec 25, 2007
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

I don't even like people looking at my boat.


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2001
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

I know somone who let a person with "0" boat time & the CG and Sea-tow went to the rescue at 1AM.4 adults & 3 minors on board.

204 Escape

Nov 17, 2007
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

NOPE !!!!!!!!!!!! And I do NOT loan my toothbrush either !!!!!!!!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 10, 2008
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

My father only and since he has reached an age where he could not really handle the loading and unloading and all of that therefore there is no chance I would loan it to anybody--period. I don't loan my truck either. I do keep a "loaner" chainsaw and mower.


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

I'd be leary of lending my boat out, more because it's pretty old and I'd hate to leave someone stranded.

Having said that, I've got two friends that I'd lend it to. One already has 3 boats so I doubt he'd need to borrow it. He and I fish together in my boat all the time (his are not set up for fishing) and I know he knows my boat well. When we fish together, the launching and recovery is a piece of cake. When I go with anyone else, they never seem to do what I want. The other is his brother who has no boats right now, but has been around boats his whole life, was my best man, and I know isn't an idiot. But I'd have to show him how to handle a few things first and go out with him once. Just so he is familiar with the boat.

At this point, one person I would not lend it to is my father. While I trust his boating, I'd be worried with him launching and recovering as he ain't as young as he used to be. 10 years ago, I wouldn't have had the same concerns.

Also would not lend it to my brother. He's not an idiot, but just never boated as much as I did as a kid and has not had a boat of his own ever. Maybe after a few times with him I would, but I just think he lacks the experience.

That would be it. Anyone else asks and I'd just explain it's an old, finicky boat and I don't trust it enough.

Oh, and never gonna let my wife go without me. But she isn't even interested in driving it so not a problem.


Aug 5, 2007
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

I would only loan my boat out to two of my very close friends who both own boats themselves. Im only in $900 with my boat, but still, they are the only ones I trust.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 18, 2008
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

nobody but me uses my boat.


Feb 5, 2008
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

Only someone I REALLY trusted (like my dad, or brother) would ever be allowed to use my boat without me there, and even then, only if they were very familiar with it. There would be no question that they'd be responsible for any damage they caused, as well. ;)

So pretty much, the answer is NO.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 4, 2008
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

Uh, no.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 14, 2006
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

Just about had a family massacre when my sister let her bf's father drive the family SeaRay about ten years ago. They were going up a river with sloping rock shoreline on either side. The guy wasn't a regular boater and so had no concept that when you turn one way you're putting your (my!) prop the other way. He was so busy pointing the bow around corners that he forgot about the stern and ran her rear end up on the rocks, ripped the skeg off, shredded the prop.

Both the BF and sis felt bad enough and split the $500+ to fix it, but here's where it gets tricky because for the next nine years we owned that boat I had to look at the patched lower end knowing it was no longer 100 percent. Also, the gears never really sounded quite right since that time. I think something else got bent just ever so slightly in there. I didn't have the heart to tell them to have it torn down and completely rebuilt as that would have been much bigger cash.

Needless to say sis doesn't lend the boats out anymore. Myself I can't imagine letting anyone other than my dad (to whom I owe my love of and skill for boating) take off unsupervised. Maybe the wife in a pinch...;)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 16, 2003
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

I let a former friend borrow my boat one time and I will never let anyone borrow any of my boats again! He was always responsible with all of his belongings and those things that I had lent him?until he borrowed my little bow-rider. When he returned it (at night when I was sleeping) the poor little thing was tore all to hail. The short list includes a missing skeg (broke off flush with the gear housing), a torn up prop, most of the gel coat on the bottom missing, trash, empty beer cans, and puke all over the interior, the raw water intake ports on the lower unit plugged with mud, and the best part?a seized motor. Several people that I know who saw him on the water called me and they said that it looked like he was trying to destroy the boat (he did a pretty dang good job too). It appears (from talking to those who seen him) that he grounded the boat several times at high speed on mud shoals and powered the boat off. That plugged the water ports and caused the engine to overheat and lock up. He got a tow from one of the lake cops (whom I know and called me to fill in the missing bits of info) and somehow managed to get it back on the trailer. Trying to call him proved a waste of time and a personal visit resulted in a long, heated verbal exchange where he tried to deny any wrong doing?even after I told him that a lot of people had seen his antics. He said that they were lying and that he took good care of my boat. When I showed him the pictures that I had taken his response was ?well sue me then?. And that exactly what I had to do. Long story short?I ended up winning the case because I had several creditable witnesses along with a lot of before and after pictures (thank goodness for that date-stamp my old camera put on all of the picts!). I ended up having to garnish his wages because he refused to pay up even after a court order, Until that little incident we had been best friends for over 20 years. I don?t know why he did what he did to my boat or why he got an attitude after I asked him very nicely to get the boat fixed, but it taught me several valuable lessons. One, you might think you know someone?until you lend them something valuable, or they break something expensive. Two, to keep a friend a friend never loan them money, your tools, your vehicle, or your boat!

Big Sarge

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 10, 2008
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

it really depends on who wants to borrow it... If it was my mom there maybe and if a neighbor possibly but that would be it.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 6, 2005
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

I would never loan someone my boat or my car for that matter. I think it's a recipe for disaster.


Apr 10, 2008
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

...Trying to call him proved a waste of time and a personal visit resulted in a long, heated verbal exchange where he tried to deny any wrong doing?even after I told him that a lot of people had seen his antics. He said that they were lying and that he took good care of my boat. When I showed him the pictures that I had taken his response was ?well sue me then?. And that exactly what I had to do. Long story short?I ended up winning the case because I had several creditable witnesses along with a lot of before and after pictures (thank goodness for that date-stamp my old camera put on all of the picts!). I ended up having to garnish his wages because he refused to pay up even after a court order, Until that little incident we had been best friends for over 20 years...

We should all learn from your misfortune. Kudos for following through with it until you were made right.


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 14, 2007
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

My father used to say "There are two things I would never loan, my wife and my car. Not necessairly in that order." I feel the same about my boat.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 30, 2008
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

I loaned my boat to my boss a few years back (while I had to work) and he returned it washed, vacuumed, and full off fuel - I sent it out with 1/2 tank or so.

He also sent pictures of them having fun and boarding. I thought it was cool. :cool:


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 11, 2008
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

Quick answer, no way!!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 22, 2008
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

There's only 2 folks I would loan it to. My best friend and father in law. Both know how to operate boats and would pay if they damaged anything. I also know that neither one would ever ask so...maybe that means my answer is really... nobody...??? :confused:


Vice Admiral
Aug 12, 2007
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

I would but it is a VERY short list, maybe 2 names on it.


Jul 8, 2008
Re: Would You Lone Your Boat To Anyone?? Poll

I chose OTHER...my son is 19 and we have been boating together since he was born...he is the only person on this earth i would loan my boat to...:>)
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