I have been working on the Admirals deck outside. it's going to be installed in sections. First area went down over the beat up concrete pads.
Then had to do wider steps. I used the "box step" method instead of stringers. More wood and more time but the run/rise is the same formula. Plus it lets me move it around. Got it set temp. Will stain and going to add cedar steps vs. treated for alittle accent. Yea........
I haven't been missing time on the boat but mixing it up with the new project.
Drilled out for more foam fill/flotationfoam combination. Not so bad but a pia.
So learned a coulple of tricks.
-After you make a mix with a drill and a paddle place the paddle in acetone. Kills the expansion and lets you keep on using it.
-You can re- use the old mix buckets with foam in it assuming you are able to still use the paddle.
-Keep a bucket marked for A and B, then combine in a bigger bucket.
Have a nice Ass Post Roast on slow cook so going there after this post. Putting the veges together ya see.