Well boys and girls and children of all ages, the day has finally come . . . . . . sorta. Riff Raft has SPLASHED, yes you heard it right from the horse's . . . . . mouth, we got the hull, motor, and my feet wet today.
I had to do this alone today as the Admiral is under the weather a bit. The dock here I was run off of since I wasn't needing gas. I went for a short ride (the no wake zone was about a mile but with a narrow channel, no worries). When able to open her up She didn't have any giddy-yap, I'll work on that. This shot is back in the Idle Only Zone
I was planning to take her out several days ago but I went and got a new starting battery when she was struggling to spin over and then my "storage lot" opened back up, my son the Doctor brought his trailer with the 54 Caddy tucked inside to me while he's in Indianna for the next year or so. Anyway, back to the drawing board of tinkering to get the motor "right", I went through similar with the boat I bought from my Uncle some 35 years or so ago, we'll get it right.
Oh, I also noticed just the other day that the wood on the outside of the windshields will need to be scraped, sanded, or . . . . . . and I plan to stain, varnish, and seal that wood instead of paint. I got a few compliments on her