Re: Love, Necessity and Pride
Paint Update!!! Paint Update!!!
Received, minutes ago...Primer and Paint for the Bassassin...
Photo of color...
Quality...I 'spose kinda up there...
Dupont Marine Finish Epoxy Primer, and Dupont Marine Finish Imron Polyurethane Topcoat
Along with all the appropriate reducers and activators...
WooHoo!!! to say the least...
Actual Value...Pretty high!
Actual Cost...0, zero, zip, zilch, nada, nothing, nought, donut hole...
One MAJOR caveat, however...
I am not exactly thrilled at the prospect of applying a metallic Silver to the boat, since I need to do a roll/tip method...spraying is out of the question for me...I am going to do some additional research on how best to apply, but I may end up using just the epoxy primer, and top coating with something else...while I do appreciate the generous gift from my neighbor, I strongly feel that I will not even be able to close to a decent finish, with the metallic best it will come out splotchy and streaky...and although I am not trying for a show finish by any means, I don't think I could live with that kind of fugly finish on the boat...if you look at the picture of the small sample above, that was me doing a test with a brush, and you can see the effect...that is also only about an inch wide by 3 inches long, now multiply that by the size of the hull bottom, and you get the idea...
If it were possible for me to get it sprayed, I know the results would be outstanding to say the least, but like I mentioned, that is nearly impossible for me...
And, finally, to be totally honest, I was hoping to get away from all the glitter and sparkle...
I will report on what develops...
Till then, have a great hump day!