Love, Necessity and Pride

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Nov 21, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Bummer GT...Guess you need to keep the homestead up though, unless you want to move into the assassin....

Can't wait to see the develpoments


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

And now for the interesting developments...

As was mentioned in a previous posting by yours truly...the 'ol Bayliner has moved on to better pastures...freeing up some much needed real estate...







Then this morning, after picking up the much needed supplies...
Gabriel and I decided to take a look at a specimen I had spotted quite a while ago, sitting in what looked like an abandoned house...thinking the whole way there that it would prolly be long gone...

Well imagine my amazement when we drove by and there it was...

I pounded and knocked on all the doors and windows of the house, until about 10 minutes later a young man finally came out...I inquired about whether it was for sale and he said yes, but that it was his buddy's boat and he was at, I left him my number in the hopes that he calls and doesn't want an arm and a leg for it...

Here's a couple of pics of this fine little specimen of what I may soon be known as a traitor to my glassin brethren and kool-aid drinking tinny owner...with fingers crossed...I present to you...this...




It looks to be approximately 12-14 foot long, and about a 4.5-5 foot beam...didn't have a tape measure handy...

The trailer isn't in very good shape, no big deal...

I am pretty sure it has no leaks cause it's almost full of least from the bilge forward...

It needs all of about a 2.5 ft.high by 4.5 ft.wide piece of transom wood...

And either some oars or a trolling motor or even a decent little tiller motor...

I don't know, maybe if I brace it right I could shove a 454 dual quad, shaft drive with tiller steering, similar to my rendition of jas' boat...

Hopefully I'll hear some good news in the next day or so and I will be sure to update...

OK, enough gabbin, I got a glasser that needs some attention ASAP...

BTW, if any of you tin-masters now anything about this metal tub, please chime in...I couldn't find any ID plate on it, and what looked like might have been an ID plate location is bare...

L8R y'all...


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Oh and for those of you who might be interested...

These are the gloves I am talking about...

Made by SAS Safety Corp., 14mil Latex, Size XL, Part #6604...Quantity;50 gloves by weight...



Package says single use only, but I would imagine that is if you are sticking them into human nether regions...:rolleyes:


Apr 5, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Don't know much about the tinny but it looks good. Don't start drinking to much cool-aid before the Bassasin gets done. :D

Have a good whats left of the weekend.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

BTW, if any of you tin-masters now anything about this metal tub, please chime in.

Great news my friend! Even though she is full of water and looks like a pool, no stringer job necessary!!!!:D:D

Happy hunting;)


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Of course, as I was getting ready to get started, 'Ol Father Neptune decided to go swimming in the skies above...soooo...

Don't know much about the tinny but it looks good. Don't start drinking to much cool-aid before the Bassasin gets done. :D

Have a good whats left of the weekend.

Thanks Decker, no worries, my priority is the Bassassin...way too much time, sweat, blood and moola already invested to just let it sit by and watch me indulge in kool-aid...:D

Great news my friend! Even though she is full of water and looks like a pool, no stringer job necessary!!!!:D

Happy hunting;)

Not only that, but I could put the trolling motor and an aerator inside and make a whirlpool with bubbles out of it...:rolleyes:

Worst part is sitting around waiting to get the call and finding out the guy wants a ludicrous amount of money for it...:facepalm:...


Jun 4, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

I get it, and have said it before, that tinny will be a great can collection tub in the back yard while your working on the real boat! You can just punch a hole in the bottom of her to drain out the left over beer/sludge left in the cans. Once its full, just drag it to the recycle center and turn it in. bahabaha:D


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 30, 2007
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Classic little row boat to fill the boat emptiness in your yard. File this under the should you get it folder - Unless you're actually trolling while fishing look for a pair of oars to go in those oar locks. You can be far quieter and (I think) maneuver around the stumps better with oars than with a troller. I've also been been told the pace/pattern of rowing is good for actual trolling but never tried since I really don't fish that way.


Aug 27, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

but its hard to flip your bait while rowing! lol stay away from those tin boat lest you bleed profusely from the eyes looking at it!


Dec 8, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

I was thinking maybe that tinny is for target pratice seeing how GT has Alot of Reloads :D


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Picture the little lady from Poltergest saying....

Gus, run to the light... run to the light... Let go of the tinny... come back to the bassasin....


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Well he will need a tracer boat for the bassasin on splash day.. Then he can pull it around like a dingy! :rolleyes:


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Notes and ramblings on an old timetable...:rolleyes:

This going to get ugly, so unless you have nothing better to do, I recommend skipping the following incoherent jibberish of a doofus...:D...

You have been warned...

Been doin some wondering on MEKP to resin ratios...

At my local supplier, they include 1 ounce of MEKP for one Gallon of resin...

Here on Iboats we are usually using the metric system to come up with our ratios...

So, using the metric system...100ml of resin, takes 1ml of catalyst...etc...etc...200/2, 300/3...this is at 1%cat to resin...obviously, double that cat for 2%...

So if I convert one gallon of resin to ml's, I get 3785.41178 ml in one U.S. Gallon, that is, provided the gallon of resin actually weighs 128 Ounces...One ounce is equal to 29.5735 ml, again MEKP may have a different liquid weight/specific gravity than an ounce of water...

Now I am getting confused here, but stay with me while I work this out...

If 1 Gal.=3785ml's[rounded for clarity]and is =128 ounces...

then by my reckoning, if 1oz. of catalyst is used per gallon...the pro shops down here are using approximately a .75% cat ratio for the resin...maybe even less if the actual weight of a gallon of this particular resin is actually more than a US gallon of water...which it may well be...

Because if they were using the 1% ratio, you should be recieving approximately 38ml of catalyst for every gallon which works out to about 1.7oz of MEK-P...or even 3.4 ounces of MEKP to do a 2% cat ratio...but that would only apply if the actual the gallon of resin weighed 128 ounces...which they don't necessarily and can vary quite alot depending on the chemical make-up of the resin...which helps to clear up why I have gone through so much catalyst...

I am using between 1% and 2% cat ratio...which at that rate is about double the amount they use in boat fabrication down here...

Just for comparison, USComposites has this info available for their 404 resin...139.84/4136ml-153.12/4528ml ounces in a gallon of poly resin from USC and they provide 2oz/76ml of MEKP for each gallon...51.7ml-56.6ml MEKP used @ 1.25% ratio...given their numbers they provide enough catalyst for up to a 1.75% ratio using the heavy gallon number of 4528ml per gal...

Is anybody still following along at this point...:confused:

I am not saying anything by this other than trying to figure out why I did not have enough MEK-P for all of the resin and now, after doing some math, I understand why...

There doesn't seem to be any hard and fast rules regarding this subject, other than going by what the specific provider of the specific product recommends, which also, does not seem to be always etched in stone...:facepalm:

The other reason I put this in my thread is to help any who might be encountering the same thing understand this discrepancy...

Maybe the professional boat building yards know something we don't, or maybe they are just building future restorations for Iboats members...either way I have also read of very hot climate boat restorers using as little as .7% or less, cat ratio with complete success and vice versa, cold weather folks going as high as 3%-4%...

I don't claim to actually know what I am talking about most of the time, but this sure is confusing...I guess there is reams and reams of scientific data to prove or disprove whether or not this is really an issue when it comes to the final strength of resin, but my brain is beginning to hurt from all this thinking and will now gladly return you to our regularly scheduled program...

Happy Monday and Carry on...

PS- this is what happens when its raining and I can't get any work done on the boat and I am still waiting for the MBS phone call...:redface:


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 30, 2007
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

I followed most of (ok I skimmed some) and I'm left trying to figure out if you're high from glassing or just over thinking this. :)

I look at it the same way as the craft kits they sell "with paint and glue included" that never have enough of either no matter how hard I try.

I'm not knocking them but think somewhere they have come up with an absolute minimum mix as they have to know that someone in the south VS. someone in Canada using the resin is going to mix them differently based on conditions. I also figure they figure that once you've made it through a couple of gallons you'll have it figured out.

Alright my head hurts trying to keep up with your over thinking ramblings. :D


Nov 21, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

I did the same arithmetic this weekend, only for 5 gal..not one. I came to the same conclusion...won't be enough...

Guess I order more MEKP.

Any word on the aid?


Nov 21, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

opps! I skimmed it to fast too....seen you are still waiting on the call!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

The place locally I get resin provides 2oz per gal.
I got lost somewhere in the middle so when all else fails I stick with my By Guess and By Golly method..:rolleyes:
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