Love, Necessity and Pride

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May 31, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

nice looking work and great progress there GT. Since your almost done how about you and PM come finish up mine for me, i am feeling a little lazy :D


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

nice looking work and great progress there GT. Since your almost done how about you and PM come finish up mine for me, i am feeling a little lazy :D

Thanks rrumba,

I must clarify the terms of the Iboats restoration agreement...laziness is not an acceptably good excuse...

Time with Family, Definitely OK...

Broken, damaged or missing Limbs, OK...

No Money, Always OK...

No supplies on hand to work on said boat, OK...

Having to work to make more Money to work on the boat, OK...

Even Passing on to the Great Beyond, OK...

but laziness, nah...:rolleyes::D

Good luck with that plan!

Yeah, well a guy can dream...;):D


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

At this point you can tell her you're storing the boat for me or boatnut, if she finds our threads, she'll believe it:facepalm:

Just trying to help:cool:

Thanks for the clarification, except the missing limbs, and the great beyond, most of the those apply...... Now that I've got 'em, I'm gonna hafta do something w/ 'em I reckon...

Have a great week....


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

At this point you can tell her you're storing the boat for me or boatnut, if she finds our threads, she'll believe it:facepalm:

Just trying to help:cool:

See, I knew my Iboats bretheren would come through for me...:rolleyes:


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Gee, this must be South Florida...

I have been receiving a generous outpouring of liquid sunshine every afternoon, so much so that the power got knocked out for almost 9 hours yesterday, from about 3 PM till almost midnight...looks to be stuck in this pattern for the rest of the, no progress to report...Oh well...

Hope everyone is having a good mid-week...:)

Jon Sob

Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 11, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Gee, this must be South Florida...

I have been receiving a generous outpouring of liquid sunshine every afternoon, so much so that the power got knocked out for almost 9 hours yesterday, from about 3 PM till almost midnight...looks to be stuck in this pattern for the rest of the, no progress to report...Oh well...

Hope everyone is having a good mid-week...:)

Are you sure your not in Ohio? We're getting plenty of your liquid sunshine .. lol


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Gee, this must be South Florida...I have been receiving a generous outpouring of liquid sunshine every afternoon, so much so that the power got knocked out for almost 9 hours yesterday, from about 3 PM till almost midnight...looks to be stuck in this pattern for the rest of the, no progress to report...Oh well...Hope everyone is having a good mid-week...:)

Pictures of the Bassassin fountain are always fun...... :eek: To see, but probably not so much to see live in the backyard....

Hmmm...... I seem to remember you making a point of posting pix of the newly drilled & resin'd drain plug site.. Let it rain, the fishes need water until we hook 'em.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 30, 2007
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Halfway to the weekend and catching up. Nice work on the stringers I like your bracing to hold them in place. Here's hoping a smooth rest of the week and some dry sunshine for ya.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Are you sure your not in Ohio? We're getting plenty of your liquid sunshine .. lol

We do like to share...:rolleyes:

Pictures of the Bassassin fountain are always fun...... :eek: To see, but probably not so much to see live in the backyard....

Hmmm...... I seem to remember you making a point of posting pix of the newly drilled & resin'd drain plug site.. Let it rain, the fishes need water until we hook 'em.

Yeah, fortunately the drainage is working as more Bassassin fountain...;)...unless you count the stream pouring out of the bilge...

Fish already have so much water, they aren't even in the lakes and canals any more...they are enjoying the grassy areas and don't seem to be too interested in coming out for a swim...they have so much sushi available though, when the levels actually drop down a bit, and they decide to revisit the waterways, they should be nice, fat, hungry and slow...:D

Halfway to the weekend and catching up. Nice work on the stringers I like your bracing to hold them in place. Here's hoping a smooth rest of the week and some dry sunshine for ya.

Thanks TDF...mornings have been beautiful, unfortunately I am at the time I get out, it is turning wet...:(

Soon it will be...



Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Thursday update...

Played Hooky from work...:p...

Went out to a beautiful morning, Hot as Hades, but bright...couldn't let it go to waste...

Did some excess CSM removal from the CSM-ing of the crossbrace from the other day, and a little ruff-n-scuff of the Knee/center stringer/bilge area...

Added about 2 feet of PB and CSM to both knee stringers [ inboard and outboard faces of each], then added a few pieces of 1708 and CSM Tabbing where the knee's meet the transom and about a foot forward to the hull...also added about a foot of 1708 tabbing to the center stringer...all in preparation for the installation of the crossbrace...I don't want to have to try and do any glassing directly under the crossbrace once it is in place...
CSM'd the Top side of the crossbrace and both sides of the front bow eye to center stringer connector,
When that all kicked off, I ground off the excess droopage, then did a little "thickened to the consistency of Vaseline" resin fill of the edges of the freshly ground areas, ...Man-o-man, believe it or not, that ate up the entire day:eek:

Another interesting note...I have been catalysing my resin in the 1% to 2% range since I started...I am almost out of my original, included with purchase, MEK-P...I am not sure why, but maybe they use a lot less of this stuff in the pro yards, but supposedly, the amount that came with each fiver of resin, is supposed to be enough...well I have gone through approximately 7.5 Gallons of resin and I am down to the last half bottle of MEK-P...I still have about 7.5 Gallons of resin left...??? Go Figure...anyway, I have to get more Acetone [gonna try and breakdown and buy a fiver this time, it does get used up fast and it seems like you use it for everything...] so, when I go back to the supplier, I will pick up more MEK-P. I remember, when I first bought the resin, I asked if the correct cat rate was 1-2% and was informed that YES, it is...Oh that reckoning, I will probably need almost another pint of MEK-P...

I am also using a lot more Cabosil than originally guess-timated...I have already gone through 2 gallon size tubs and am starting on the third, soon...seems like I need to pick up another couple of tubs to have enough to finish this project up...

Also, gonna pick up a couple more pairs of those blue gloves I mentioned in another post...I am impressed with how long they last, I am still using the first pair and they don't look like they are about to give up the ghost, yet...

I am also on the lookout for an Industrial sized Baby Powder Tub...seem to use it for everything else I am not using Acetone for...

It will be interesting to see, when this is all said and done, how much actual material gets used to complete this far it seems like it will be close to double the original estimate on most things...

Getting close to permanently installing the crossbrace, just trying to figure out what steps to take...still gotta figure how I am going to install it...might build a ledge attached to the hull, then slather in some PB...I will document with pics when I finally figure it out...:confused:

Then, I want to PB and CSM the knee stringers a little more, install the crossbrace and I will then be in full contemplation mode to flip this hull...that my friends, will be a MAJOR milestone for me...because once its flipped, that means the bottom of the hull will get all filled and faired then the hull bottom will actually get, just thinking about it and posting it here is giving me 'goosebumps'...:rolleyes:...

Anyhow, the proof of todays work will mostly exist in the written posting you are reading here...the skies did as expected and began to darken quickly in preparation for the afternoon I scrambled to get everything put away, the heavens opened up and blessed us with gallons upon gallons of wet air...:facepalm:...I had no time to document in digital format my accomplishments for the day...

Boy Oh Boy that was a long-winded post...:redface:

May all your Fridays be a good start to a nice weekend...


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Outstanding, we've been getting a bunch of your liquid sunshine here lately too...

Jon Sob

Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 11, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Hey GT ........ It sure is a good feeling when you get to the point where you begin to put paint on your project. You are doing a great job my friend ..... you will be setting a splash date before you know it. Keep up the good work.


Nov 21, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Man you are flying now! A good amount of progress today.

Can't wait to see that brace in and you getting her flipped.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Your kickin big time now GT ! Your right on the amount of material used up .It seems you can never buy enough stuff. Heck I lost count on all the gallons of resin and acetone Iv'e used so far and I didn't have to replace the deck or stringers! At least the hardener is cheap!:D


May 31, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

now THAT was one heck of a progress report....... maybe a tad, wee bit, long but then we would not have anything to read if you didn't...... :D since you have no pics :(. keep cranking it out GT and it will be flipped faster than you thought. nice work bud


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 15, 2012
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

You are right on about the materials, at least you have a spot close by to get em. I used 5 gallons of cabosil and 23 gallons of resin, that PB eats it up. I ended up buying a quart of hardener, no way they give you enough with the 5 gallon kit. Good luck this weekend!


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 24, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

makin good progress Gus. Yeah, I'm already double my original cabosil and chopped strand estimate. I also ordered another 8oz of hardener after I saw how fast I was really going through it. At least my original resin purchase is still going strong, lol. (thanks again by the way)

can't wait to see the pics of the cross member.

have a great weekend


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Outstanding, we've been getting a bunch of your liquid sunshine here lately too...

As long as its needed and doesn't cause problems, like's all good...

Hey GT ........ It sure is a good feeling when you get to the point where you begin to put paint on your project. You are doing a great job my friend ..... you will be setting a splash date before you know it. Keep up the good work.

Thanks JS, I sure am looking forward to the flip-n-paint...

Man you are flying now! A good amount of progress today.

Can't wait to see that brace in and you getting her flipped.

You n me both, Brutha...

Your kickin big time now GT ! Your right on the amount of material used up .It seems you can never buy enough stuff. Heck I lost count on all the gallons of resin and acetone Iv'e used so far and I didn't have to replace the deck or stringers! At least the hardener is cheap!:D

Yep, it seems like it doesn't go as far as you think it should...

now THAT was one heck of a progress report....... maybe a tad, wee bit, long but then we would not have anything to read if you didn't...... :D since you have no pics :(. keep cranking it out GT and it will be flipped faster than you thought. nice work bud

Thank rrumba, yeah, sorry, I tend to be long winded...

You are right on about the materials, at least you have a spot close by to get em. I used 5 gallons of cabosil and 23 gallons of resin, that PB eats it up. I ended up buying a quart of hardener, no way they give you enough with the 5 gallon kit. Good luck this weekend!

Thanks V, yeah, I thank my lucky stars all the time for the awesome hook-up on having a supplier nearby...

makin good progress Gus. Yeah, I'm already double my original cabosil and chopped strand estimate. I also ordered another 8oz of hardener after I saw how fast I was really going through it. At least my original resin purchase is still going strong, lol. (thanks again by the way)

can't wait to see the pics of the cross member.

have a great weekend

Thanks Craig, post covers my latest purchases...

Hope y'all are having a great boat progress weekend...


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Saturday update...

Sorry to report nothing has been getting done on the boat...

Had a bit of a flooded bathroom problem I woke up to this morning...:mad:...but it's taken care of for the time being...

Then to reward myself for a job well done...I went shopping for more boat supplies...

5 Gallons of Acetone...$50.00
2 Gallons of Cabosil...$16.00
4" Chip Brush...$1.85
3" Chip Brush...$1.00
Heavy Duty Chemical Resistant Disposable Rubber Gloves...$13.75 Box of 50[25 pair, enough for a lifetime, considering how many uses I can get out of them...]
16 Oz. MEK-P...$9.00
2 ea. 1 Qt. mixing cups...$1.90
2 ea 15 oz. Talcum powder...3.89

Including fuel, munchies, cold refreshing smoothie...about a hunerd pesos...pretty good deal, ifn yous askin me...

Hangin with my boat building assistant, Gabriel, and talking boat smack, PRICELESS!

Next up...some interesting developments...;)


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Can'tbeat 10 bucks a gallon acetone !

Hmmmmm interesting developments ....
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