Re: Love, Necessity and Pride
Thursday update...
Played Hooky from work...

Went out to a beautiful morning, Hot as Hades, but bright...couldn't let it go to waste...
Did some excess CSM removal from the CSM-ing of the crossbrace from the other day, and a little ruff-n-scuff of the Knee/center stringer/bilge area...
Added about 2 feet of PB and CSM to both knee stringers [ inboard and outboard faces of each], then added a few pieces of 1708 and CSM Tabbing where the knee's meet the transom and about a foot forward to the hull...also added about a foot of 1708 tabbing to the center stringer...all in preparation for the installation of the crossbrace...I don't want to have to try and do any glassing directly under the crossbrace once it is in place...
CSM'd the Top side of the crossbrace and both sides of the front bow eye to center stringer connector,
When that all kicked off, I ground off the excess droopage, then did a little "thickened to the consistency of Vaseline" resin fill of the edges of the freshly ground areas, ...Man-o-man, believe it or not, that ate up the entire day
Another interesting note...I have been catalysing my resin in the 1% to 2% range since I started...I am almost out of my original, included with purchase, MEK-P...I am not sure why, but maybe they use a lot less of this stuff in the pro yards, but supposedly, the amount that came with each fiver of resin, is supposed to be enough...well I have gone through approximately 7.5 Gallons of resin and I am down to the last half bottle of MEK-P...I still have about 7.5 Gallons of resin left...??? Go Figure...anyway, I have to get more Acetone [gonna try and breakdown and buy a fiver this time, it does get used up fast and it seems like you use it for everything...] so, when I go back to the supplier, I will pick up more MEK-P. I remember, when I first bought the resin, I asked if the correct cat rate was 1-2% and was informed that YES, it is...Oh that reckoning, I will probably need almost another pint of MEK-P...
I am also using a lot more Cabosil than originally guess-timated...I have already gone through 2 gallon size tubs and am starting on the third, soon...seems like I need to pick up another couple of tubs to have enough to finish this project up...
Also, gonna pick up a couple more pairs of those blue gloves I mentioned in another post...I am impressed with how long they last, I am still using the first pair and they don't look like they are about to give up the ghost, yet...
I am also on the lookout for an Industrial sized Baby Powder Tub...seem to use it for everything else I am not using Acetone for...
It will be interesting to see, when this is all said and done, how much actual material gets used to complete this far it seems like it will be close to double the original estimate on most things...
Getting close to permanently installing the crossbrace, just trying to figure out what steps to take...still gotta figure how I am going to install it...might build a ledge attached to the hull, then slather in some PB...I will document with pics when I finally figure it out...
Then, I want to PB and CSM the knee stringers a little more, install the crossbrace and I will then be in full contemplation mode to flip this hull...that my friends, will be a MAJOR milestone for me...because once its flipped, that means the bottom of the hull will get all filled and faired then the hull bottom will actually get, just thinking about it and posting it here is giving me 'goosebumps'...

Anyhow, the proof of todays work will mostly exist in the written posting you are reading here...the skies did as expected and began to darken quickly in preparation for the afternoon I scrambled to get everything put away, the heavens opened up and blessed us with gallons upon gallons of wet air...:facepalm:...I had no time to document in digital format my accomplishments for the day...
Boy Oh Boy that was a long-winded post...:redface:
May all your Fridays be a good start to a nice weekend...