Re: hull extension in progress with picks
Re: hull extension in progress with picks
Oops... What happened to your Rockets today?
three goals in three shots.....guggenrobber..(the goalie) became googen goat!
i personally think the rockets, blew the round robin game on purpose. they didnt even break a came back to kill them.
but a big congratulations to windsor......they prooved they are great champions.
and congrats to the rockets for getting that far.....they are mostly off to the nhl next the big league will have some new superstars to see. !
Hey Oops
Would you be able to post some video of your sea trial when it happens?
That would be awesome!
Keeping my fingers crossed...
tavlel washer will run one of the chase boats...(2 or three in total) with his camera,
i am hoping that ondarvr can be in town for the maden voyage. i want him to take the helm and judge the feel.
Well, not to rub salt in a wound, but at least now he can take his frustrations out at the shop and get this thing finished! No more distractions right?
and taking my frustrations out on it i cut thru the transom with a vengance !
we took the weekend off to go camping at kal lake with the was running fantastic all season.....then all of a sudden it died in the water....left us stranded at 11 pm on friday night with our cars 30 miles away at the launch, and our campsite on the other side of the lake!....we were at the other end.
no klu and i worked all day saturday on it , floating in the waves and heat......but we got it running....only to find another problem...(one was spark and the other was fuel)
but we got it running and relyable enough to enjoy the weekend....mrs oops and i even stayed till monday sunburnt like a lobster!
.....quick up coming.
we are still wating on the shift and throttle cables, and the gas tank.
i am still looking for manifolds, but there is some at the shop i can use for the time being.
the boat is still "rough"
the cap is not fully faired and the dashboard is not faired in....(these things will take just a few short hours to finish...(lol)
then i have to put the windsheild back on.
the t plate is cut, and today i am going to take the transome down to its 2 inch tollerance thicxkness.
i will be using a router for the job. the transom is between 3 and 3.5 inches thick. so the routering will take some time....after that i will be glassing in the open edges and gellcoating the glass for water protection.
after that....its just the rigging.....approximately 10 hrs.
i have a major wake tower to install on wednesday,,,,(curved backing plates...(ugh!
) so that is going to slow me down for a bit.
after the sea tryals....(if sucessful).....its back to the shop for final finishing....paint and upholstery....and adding some goodies that i want in the boat....(heaters and such) might make it after all!