Thanks man!
Tx, glad to have ya aboard buddy! My lag bolts will need to be set pretty much in the hole of the mounts. For the center lag bolt I could offset that just a hair I suppose.
Yah, the primary purpose of the 3M 4000 is to keep any water from getting in between the riser and the original factory stringer. Secondary purpose would be to simply hold it in place for me to make the pilot holes for the lags. Considering the strength of that adhesive, it's doing that job and way more! I'll be using 3, 5 inch stainless lag bolts in each stringer that go through the stringer riser, through the original alum stringer, and 2 full inches into the newly built "stringer meat"...
Actually, the only real purpose of the stringer risers would be to simply lift the engine a little higher. That's all.
The way I'm rebuilding this is prolly 10x stronger than how it was bolted into that Baja.
I'm pretty sure if Halley's Comet soared down from space and smashed into this Islander while trolling for a Salmon dinner on Lake Michigan, the engine would likely still be bolted in place. (still be kinda hard to rebuild though)