Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild
Looking good, bro; Real good!!
2 thoughts just occurred to me as I watching the last vid: How you are ventilating your engine compartment? Do you have side vents or do they vent out the top? Just thinking in terms of any space that might be needed for the vent fan and the little bellows that attach to it.
Also, I know you are going use 5200 for sealing/gluing the risers to the original engine mount stringers. I agree with JBC to maybe go light on the engine weight so it doesn't get compressed out of there (he's a pretty smart coon after all)....
You are probably already planning on this (knowing you, I am sure you are), but just for the sake of general edification, you may want to drop some 5200 down in your drilled holes or apply some to the lags before they go in (or both) just so if any water does sneak its way down those holes...It won't do much harm...
Thanks for posting... I'm enjoying watching the vids and counting how many different snow hats you have... I think I might have ONE somewhere, but haven't been luck enough to use it this "winter"
Engine Ventilation - I have a plan! I'm actually pretty excited about this as I have some sweet stainless steel vent covers taht ate going in, they are cool! Stay tuned for that, should happen during the rigging phase.
5200 - Yah, I do love my 5200! There will be lots smeered all over the place
Hats - I grab them when they are on sale, like $.99, gotta keep the gourde warm ya know
Looks good Jas, like the risers as well. i think with one of those tool pick ups that are bendable you could lightly tape the nut on and slide it in place without having to pull the engine and then drop the bolt and start it. .
I'll look at it one more time but I'm pretty sure the engine might be blocking the little pocket all together.
In the future you are going to have an engine cover correct? Will the engine cover be easily removable to access the oil filter? When I was watching your video that question popped in my head, because for about $25 bucks you can goto a remote oil filter.
Yah, I've been stewing on the doghouse for a long time now. My plan is to have something totally removable in order to access the whole engine (at the moment anyway). We'll see how that turns out.
i agree with you Vegas and the others that have also stated that. I think that is what i will end up doing along with a remote oil drain out the transom to make it much easier.
Yah, I installed a remote oil drain when I was working on the engine last year...
That should make my life a lil easier.
Jason, you have inspired me. I posted my first vid today to begin documenting my project.
Those stringer risers are looking great! When do you actually sleep dude? I mean seriously, you posted a new vid at 3:54 am?
Keep on keeping on.
Cool Craig!!! Yah, I keep saying I really ought to get some more sleep, it's pretty rediculous. Maybe when this Islander project is complete, eh!
Those stringer risers should be bomb proof, but I wouldn't expect anything less from you
4th coat of epoxy went on this morning
Had time to look through this project. Crazy cool for a bit over the top nuts kind of person. My grandma said "that that boy (me) does not have much sit in him." but you have taken that to new levels of movement.
Yah, I got problems, course, I prolly didn't even need to say that huh:facepalm: