1972 Silverline Grand Bahama


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: 1972 Silverline Grand Bahama

hi....thanks for the pm....

Its so hard for me to keep up with everybody's builds now....to me....its kinda sad :(
I really enjoy the progress everybody is making, and miss the step by step follow along.

Where EXACTLY is the particle board? it has to come out....But I want to know why it was there in the first place !

To my knowledge...only one builder ever used particle board in there boats.....that was vanguard. (Vanguard is a furniture builder out of Winnipeg that went into making boats)....the idiots used particle board on the decks of the boats....most were sent back from the dealers...you could literally walk on the deck and go right thru !!!!

as far as grinding too far...well.....you will...lol.

but a quick layer of csm and 1708 over that area and you are good.

\Remember....you still have to tab the stringers.....then wrap them...this is another 2 layers of csm and 1708...tabbing the stringers and wrapping them usually goes 4-6 inches from the side of the stringer......well the next stringer is about 18 inches away....so most of the hull is reinforced with new thick glass any how !

3 layers of 1708 is as thick as most hulls. so you will be fine......

please get back to me and let me know where the particle board was.....
im almost thinking it is a core of some type.



Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1972 Silverline Grand Bahama

Thanks oops,
I was thinking possibly a core of some type to. I did a quick drawing in paint for yah, I think my 2 year old daughter could have done better :facepalm:
Ok, this particle board type stuff comes up on the outside "humps" of the tri hull. I attatched a pic of the port side. The black line is about where the original plywood deck ended. Between the black and red lines is where I found that particle board. I'm not sure how far it goes up as I don't want to grind anymore until I'm sure it's ok.



Nov 21, 2011
Re: 1972 Silverline Grand Bahama

Wow boatnut, you are making quick progress with the demo. Just read your thread. I'm no pro, but looking at the last few posts, I was thinking what you found is the same thing I found in mine, endgrain balsacore. I'd wait to hear from the pros though.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1972 Silverline Grand Bahama

I was thinking somekind of balsa as well. The only place I found it though is on the two front "humps" of the tri hull. I plan on going back out tomorrow for a little more grinding. I'll read back through your thread again to see what you found.

Monterey Dreams

Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2011
Re: 1972 Silverline Grand Bahama

You see Boatnut, I must be learning if Oops has the same Idea as I?..Plus one for Dave LOL.:D


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1972 Silverline Grand Bahama

Well I didn't get to work on the boat this weekend like I wanted to. I plan on doing some grinding after work tomorrow to find out where the particle board ends. I picked up a couple tyvek suits today and a handful of flap discs so I should be ready to rock and roll (or itch and scratch) come tomorrow.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1972 Silverline Grand Bahama

After I put the kiddos down for a nap I decided to go out and grind a little to see what I can find. It doesn't appear the particle board stuff goes up as far as I suspected. It seems the chine in that area has some kind of filler in it. It doesn't appear to be rotten, it has a smell somewhat similiar to the epoxy resin I was using on one of my other projects. Hope that helps to anyone who is curious. I should know more tomorrow after another grinding session.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Has anyone mentioned lately how much grinding sucks? I pretty much finished cleaning up what I needed to on the port side "hump" It appears the particle board stuff I found was used as some type of filler but I'm not sure. I'm thinking only the men and women who built the boat are the only ones who know for sure. I am going to try to finish cleaning up the starboard side tomorrow then I can put the new bunks on the trailer and get the foam, stringers and transom out.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Keep plugging along...grinding is a messy job....

Have you started pillaging chocolate thunder for parts yet? Tearing apart a donor boat is a great cold weather sport..

You asked on my thread if I had moved my omc driveline and I forgot to answer... No nibbles on CL or eBay.....I think I am going to take it by a local shop that does omc work and see if they want it for parts...


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Has anyone mentioned lately how much grinding sucks?

Only the all glasser guys in the grinding camps, BN. Tin boats are rumored to cut us tinnies to shreds, if it happened the wounds would heal quickly. In a glasser you just keep grinding and grinding and grinding in a cloud of dust, you can't even see what you're doing. I feel sorry for you and the other glass guys, I keep a candle lit for all of you. :rolleyes:


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Keep plugging along...grinding is a messy job....

Have you started pillaging chocolate thunder for parts yet? Tearing apart a donor boat is a great cold weather sport..

You asked on my thread if I had moved my omc driveline and I forgot to answer... No nibbles on CL or eBay.....I think I am going to take it by a local shop that does omc work and see if they want it for parts...

I havn't started taking apart Chocolate Thunder yet. I'm hoping to water test it this spring to make sure everything is in working order. I have been thinking that I would really prefer one with the gen II drive so I might keep my eye out for one. Even if it's a 4 cylinder as I can just change out the upper gears in the drive. I havn't had any interest in my OMC parts either, maybe in the spring when people are getting their boats ready for summer.

Only the all glasser guys in the grinding camps, BN. Tin boats are rumored to cut us tinnies to shreds, if it happened the wounds would heal quickly. In a glasser you just keep grinding and grinding and grinding in a cloud of dust, you can't even see what you're doing. I feel sorry for you and the other glass guys, I keep a candle lit for all of you. :rolleyes:

The big dust cloud is awful. My neighbors are lucky I keep the cover on while grinding, the dust stirs up fast. Don't hold that candle to close to the glass dust it might blow up :eek:


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Has anyone mentioned lately how much grinding sucks?

I do believe I've heard that before, maybe?:confused:

Oh man, if only there was an alternative to these fiberglass monsters. If only there were another avenue. Gosh if there was just a material out there that we could build boats with that wouldn't be so terribly horrendous to work with.



There must be something....

Wow, wouldn't that be great if there was! Wouldn't that just be so exciting!!!:D


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Man wouldn't that be great! Perhaps something like this......



Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Holy cow! Yah! That boat there looks as if it's made of aluminum! I wonder, it that a concept boat or something? That would be so awesome if they put something like that into production!!:D

(though that rig there looks like it needs serious attention ^^^^)


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

You crack me up Jason. Are you trying to guide me to a tin boat and counsel me for working on a glasser? I hear your good at that :D

I'm still keeping my eye out for a tinny. I actually went and looked at 2 the other day but they weren't what I was looking for.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2011
Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Hi Boatnut74,

I have read through your thread now and am following along.

Thanks for your post on my thread. It is really raising some questions that I will have to look into further.

BTW I think that "Chocolate Thunder" is a good name for the donor :D


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Chocolate Thunder definatly fits. I know all the wood has to go but I don't know why it was there in the first place and I'm also unsure if it needs to go back in or if I can just add a couple extra layers of glass.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

No work on the boat today. I just finished sticking 450 stamps on weddig invitations and getting them sent out in the mail. A little less than 3 months and we will be getting married! Now just to pay for everything :facepalm:


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Grinding glass and wedding invitations!!!! Oh man, you are glutton for punishment!:eek:


Oct 10, 2008
Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Re: 1973 Silverline Grand Bahama

Jas is pushing tinny boats on me as well!