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  1. C

    2012 E-tec 25

    i doubt you could test the EMM on a bench .. One fellow on the ETEC site was actually looking at developping a test adapter for that very purpose but not much info is available. may as well not mess things up and wait for your parts. Surprising it is so hard to turn over I have actually...
  2. C

    2000 30hp Johnson possible water restriction/over heats

    strange beast isn't ... no water tube .. no exhaust cover must have been a new engineer in the design shop hired to save a few $$
  3. C

    Johnson 115 track year model

    if hand pumping helps stabalyze things no harm is replacing it... check vacum pulse driving the pump in case it is loosing crankcase case pulse pressure from the back side ... screws thights ? check mesh filter under inlet cap check for mushy hoses or any fuel restrictions between...
  4. C

    Deep Cycle Battery not good for starting??

    2 yellow one red = >rectifier 2 yellows one red one black=> rect-reg
  5. C

    Deep Cycle Battery not good for starting??

    Deep cylcle trolling/starting batteries never gave me any problems for 20 years of use on my 75hp ETEC but I have now gone with marine STARTING battery rated 1000 CCA. .. grp24 works fine :-)
  6. C

    TEMU adds

    just fyi .. I am getting pop ups from them and add to get rid of them and others offensive adds . clear out your stored cookies & search history then .... top right on the windows screen using EDGE are three small ... if you click on the ... the pop up page page offers a list...
  7. C

    1975 Johnson 25 won't run above idle in gear under a load.

    if rubber hubbed....rubber could still slip with a new drive pin... mark the prop and rubber insert with a scripto ... do a run and recheck if marks are aligned or not ...!!
  8. C

    1975 Johnson 25 won't run above idle in gear under a load.

    wouldn't RPMs peak with prop slip... seems OP can't get it to get high rpms in fwd
  9. C

    1975 Johnson 25 won't run above idle in gear under a load.

    could be just carb dirt again from that tank hose you did not change or dirty pick-up check venting ..recheck compression etc.. and sparks more to come surely.. :) check fwd linkage
  10. C

    1956 Fastwin 15 Drive Shaft and Impeller Issues

    on the 5.5 and similar size engines you have a split pin holding all the " stuff" upwards against the PH .. carbon seal spring base etc... no such things on a 15hp so no such PIN top side of the shaft ..just splines to grease.
  11. C

    Info on Evinrude 115 E115TLETS

    17 looks good here ..from Canada
  12. C

    Info on Evinrude 115 E115TLETS

    Evinrude Carbon Guard shoud help...
  13. C

    Info on Evinrude 115 E115TLETS

    we like pictures here :-) !!!
  14. C

    Impeller kit number?

    check utubes on how to refurbish VROs
  15. C

    1993 Johnson 150 -- grinding in reverse

    OP does not say how he shifts in reverse ...could be a new problem that crept up.
  16. C

    E6RCCS broken part 395883 or 395937

    suggestion if this cam is the split version with the adjusting screw pushing a flexing section at the high speed end of the travel ....your Video seems to show a diff. cam compared to the parts list ?? can you post a pic of the broken part check closely on the cam pushing the cam...
  17. C

    1971 Johnson 4hp no spark / possible bad coils?

    Happy Holidays to you to ! the 4hp is a great learner engine. In a tub don't run it to fast because the prop generates lots of air bubbles and impeeds cooling after a while. replace oils and impeller before testing. it should spit water out look up utubes lots of them... here is one :-)
  18. C

    Evinrude 88 SPL Rebuild

    pictures !!!