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  1. C

    Need help with strobe timing on 1972 9.5 HP Johnson 9R72M

    Water in the can gets very oily..... lots of fresh fuel and oil... goes out the window when entering the cyl on the upstroke.... making bucket water " oily" . that is why fuel injected engines are so efficient. normal for 2 strokes
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    1973 4hp Evinrude

    points gap is not to important what is important if points opening at the right instant
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    89' johnson 90 not charging

    2 vac out the stator is never going to give you 12v+ regulated charge current for the battery. presumably you measured 2 vac with rect/reg connected try reading just the yellow AC stator volts ouput without the rect-reg. charge current goes up with rpms
  4. C

    Evinrude 1999 225 Code 44

    depending the the ECU (EMM) they are water cooled so water presence is normal...suggest you download FICHT related books from this site. not all appicable to you but they provide some.. info on FICHT operation ex;: the 2002 and up FICH/ETEC manual...
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    1985 Evinrude 15 HP trouble starting

    a bit wet should cause explosions on the lower cyl... recheck for good sparks and don't flood the engine with to much choking remove plugs and ground them to the chassis.... have a buddy pull start it and check for snappy sparks. use fresh fuel. try openning up the top IDLE...
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    Evinrude 1999 225 Code 44

    see write-up on code 44 on the more newer ETEC EMM
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    Evinrude 1999 225 Code 44

    see write on EP BP SENSOR on later 2002-2006 FICHT... may help...
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    Johnson 5hp

    anytime you want to work on oldies the best book around is this one for $20 just download and print locally. save it on ypour PC hard drive. or laptop dirt cheap 400 page + manual covering all aspects of your...
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    40hp Johnson blows 20a fuse when key is turned

    hard to tell but the yelllow red is typically the key's START control on the solenoid with the solenoid black being ground... your extra (black-yellow) wire you took off is a ground return supply back to a kill circuit which you disconnected . being a solid ground source is it...
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    Johnson 5hp

    TN27 like the TN28 also uses the more "modern coils", points and condensers . see Johnson manual page 29
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    Johnson 40hp 2005 link and idle adjustments

    if it works don't fix it :-)
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    Johnson 5hp

    yes they will work ... get them while cheap check compression before spending $$$$$ report back findings change plug wires and boots while at it. use 7mm solid strand copper wire local bike shops or small motor shops could sell a few feet to you I have use basic metallic...
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    2008 etec running rough

    get a PDF copy of the EMM log dump and post it on the ETEC board for expert analysis... tons of codes does not mean much may be old codes and dated back to 2008 and no longer relevant to your main issue ... INJECTOR code
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    1967 Evinrude 6 HP (6702) - Newbie

    don't remove it before you find the EXACT sized one ++don't forget to adequately clean the side channel leading fuel to the top idle circuit. blow everything out with compressed air . unscrew the top idle needle a few turns and blow air in the side channel and it should exit the 3...
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    2008 etec running rough

    depending on inj. type it may be difficult to find one. contact Barnacle Bill. inj codes are... OPEN or SHORTED so inspect wiring before spending big $$$$
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    1967 Evinrude 6 HP (6702) - Newbie

    agree yet basic concepts and servicing is much similar and the carb itself is very similar to jw carbs and other models. servicing the ignition is identical so for 20$ the knowledge it contains iswell worth it imho.
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    2008 etec running rough

    could be lots of things and if you plan servicing that ETEC get the EV diagnostic software to help out. A sane EMM can only mess you life if it detects a sensor fault or various specs out of range incl...