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  1. C

    Warning buzzer issues 1995 E90TLEO

    to work your alarm needs power so battery on one wire would be mandatory ! 10.+ volts (measure it accurately) is likely good enough to buzz but normally battery power common to accessories and all should be equal to what you can read on clean battery posts ... if it is that low the battery...
  2. C

    Warning buzzer issues 1995 E90TLEO

    this sudden buzz at key on... is it a new problem that came up or just a new to you investment (boat) ??? my own tach beeps at key on to confirm it's operation and LEDs . Test wire continuity from your " grounding point" to the buzzer not saying your testing is bad but buzzing at...
  3. C

    18 hp evinrude fastwin

    here you go.. IF you have no meter you can just do this with a automotive light bulb and battery Meters are dirt cheap...borrow one or go amazon some are 15$ some just rotate the FW so the cam is at the highest point then set the gaps at .020
  4. C

    Wonky electrical problem

    Great find.. happy you found it thanks for your feedback
  5. C

    Wonky electrical problem

    heat sensors are like thermostats that react to heat a varying resistance results and triggers the alarm ... one or the other may be faulty and not working within heat range specs causing the alrm. try disconnecting one then the other see what happens. if you still get an alarm with...
  6. C

    Wonky electrical problem

    if you disconnected the VRO and both heat sensors does the alarm still sound or weeeez ? have you compared the resistance to grd on both sending units (engine OFF and engine running at norm temp. ? see diag on a 175hp. Solenoid...
  7. C

    Johnson control box

    on the subject of cheap, China can build the best of them but if "cost cutting specs" are what was agreed by contract and drives the import companies selling their stuff on this side of the pond then cheap is what we get. Adding words like "US designed" or "Designed in Canada" to...
  8. C

    1966 model 18602 18hp eventude

    amazon NAPA should have it or any automotive parts stores etc...
  9. C

    1966 model 18602 18hp eventude

    likely 847 goo seems my last spaghetti seal was .103 dia. a bit thicker than the norm but is did the job. I used aviation type sealer with it on my 5.5 CD refurb. if you have $125 in it ... keep going spag seal won't set you back much. no choice anyway if you found no...
  10. C

    Impeller Issues

    sounds bad... you have to find any chunks . Take down the LU and try a back flush check thermostat cavity fo r any bits .. try air blasting from the pee output . recheck the key some cheap implellers have been known to slip on their center core and spin free ......with impeller fins...
  11. C

    1990 Johnson 15hp only start with carb disengaged

    the other way being SLOW... yes some engine use the throttle to shut down some have a kill button... as long as it idles nide in gear you should be all set seems to have IDLE STOP adjustments(Screw spring...) see parts diagram or user manual for adjustments or... wait for expert here to...
  12. C

    Opinion on 1963 Evinrude 28 H.P.

    nice old style carb with LS_HS needles to fine tune it. has suggested get it on a boat and blast away to get it awake :-) then fine tune the idle see manual suggested for 20$ can't beat it for carb and timing
  13. C

    1990 Johnson 15hp only start with carb disengaged

    what cleaning did you do on the carb.....sprayed carb cleaner or full take down and rebuild ?
  14. C

    Opinion on 1963 Evinrude 28 H.P.

    sounds a bit rough..more work needed . it is a big 2 cycle kicker .. but not a hummingbird :) did you set timing properly if you plan to revive it get the Johnson manual on oldies (good for Evinrude cousins also)...
  15. C

    Old motors DEMAND to be retired when they are 65 years old..

    does it look like it is ready to retire ? 9622a 9.5hp 5.5 Golden jubile cd 11
  16. C

    Evinrude 55 1978 gearcase

    certainly the best option..could even be cheaper than welding...around here anyway....and the thread crack will be past history !
  17. C

    Evinrude 55 1978 gearcase

    imho the small crack surface area JB will cover will be visually ok by will not solidify the GC enough . you best best is to have it welded properly . Up to you.
  18. C

    Evinrude 55 1978 gearcase

    imho the crack is a concern and may render the next " collision" more catastrophic . You can get it welded and polished to restore some solidity. In th mean time keep checking the gear oil for contamination and adequate level. as to black soot it kind of normal just make certain that upon...