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  1. C

    1967 Evinrude 6 HP (6702) - Newbie

    that spring just hooks on the small hole under the cam roller and attaches to the side of the engine block. to remove the carb you cand remove the side linkage but take a close up photo for reassembly later on loosen the nusts then unscrew the bolt nuts with your finngers and...
  2. C

    1967 Evinrude Sport 4 60 hp, 60753 A, Configuration Question

    btw I think 5mi/gal should be your target .. my old Merc 500 would pump out about 25 miles on a 5 gal tank at wot... if my memory serves me right. lots of variables here but 2m/g indicates a problem
  3. C

    1972 Evinrude 40 outboard no spark?

    top needle is for idle adjustments.... lower carb bowl has a fixed jet behind the 7/16 nut and all it needs is to be spotless.
  4. C

    Fuel and or oil or mix leaking

    check valve on the recirculation hose is to stop flow back down in the crankcase that oily juice is meant to flow upwards only to the top top bearing VERY old concept back to the 1950's still exists on modern ETEC engines nothing new under the sun :-)
  5. C

    Choke stays closed

    B+ choke power MUST BE via the key CHOKE function for momentary activation at start up. wire it it up correctly and problem solved !!
  6. C

    1971 Evinrude Fastwin Fuel Gremlin

    so the fuel pump is ok you cleaned the carb... but to what extent ?? assuming electricals are ok (good sparks and you have compresseion) idling requires fuel to leave the lower fuel bowl up to the top idle chamber under the dime size plug AFTER the LS needle lets the fuel enter...
  7. C

    Choke stays closed

    the choke is no different from a light works when energized by 12v. and that should be a very momentary thing at start up. if it is permanently fed 12v. back track from the solenoid to the B+ source and tell us what you find.
  8. C

    1998 Johnson 115ELECM vapor pump

    the vapor pump is very similar to common OMC square pumps widely available and kits are also available they work by pulse pressure from the crankcase to pump fuel wheres yours pumps out VST vapors & sends them out the carbs or crankcase to be consumed. the pump innards are...
  9. C

    Choke stays closed see diaggram... choke needs 12v to pull up...but only while starting ... so if 12v is constant choking becomes permanent find the source of the permanent 12v on the key or.... crossed wires to B+ somewhere
  10. C

    Which one is the boss gasket?

    don'T forget tha tiny side channel sending fuel to the top welch plug cavity pass the idle needle. the side channel must be blasted clean with carb cleaner exiting on top of the carb idle section !
  11. C

    2000 - 225 Evinrude Fitch EMM Question

    What we all want.. a happy ending :) thanks for feedback.... p.s. maybe Chet could divulge the problem with more precise info ie: what parts flaked out ??p
  12. C

    "71 6hp johnson dies when warm

    could be just bad capacitors acting up under heat load ... has suggested check for loss of sparks. have you redone all electricals recently or still running on old stuff
  13. C

    Fuel and or oil or mix leaking

    you must ALLOW access so we can see the videos .
  14. C

    Fuel and or oil or mix leaking
  15. C

    Fuel and or oil or mix leaking

    just follow the hoses .. the recirc. hoses just go from side barbs to top barbs with a small check valve
  16. C

    Fuel and or oil or mix leaking

    On a similar case on a modern ETEC still using old style concepts it was suggested that the side recirculation hose normally allowing any pooled fuel oil mix found in the lower gearcase to be sucked up and sent to the upper bearing and or drawn in for combustion may be at fault...
  17. C

    Fuel and or oil or mix leaking

    you did not specify if this was sudden new problem or existing one on a new to to you engine... a tilted carb is always subject to some dripping fuel due to the open air atmospheric air supply openning needed to supplement the void created by fuel being sucked out of the carb. see...
  18. C

    9.9 evinrude not idling

    yet the questions remain unanswered and it is up to you to help out on the diagnostic & happy conclusion. You would be surprised how much carb cleaner gets waisted...if the carb is not taken apart. Folks here try to help freely but if we don't meet expectations folks on aomci can also...
  19. C

    9.9 evinrude not idling

    here you go...and lots of utubes on thse old style carbs
  20. C

    Evinrude 2005 135 hp gear selector shaft length

    late myself a bit.... glad things worked out for you.... thanks for the feedback