Re: Took the head off my motor, heres a video explaining everything.
I guess I should have said something in the begginning of your rebuild.... put the shifter in forward before you pull the powerhead. I made the same mistake as you, but its not too difficult to remedy. First, the shift rod is the first thing you referenced in the video. The arm along with a plastic guide peice, ride on the motor (that little slotted runner peice with wear marks). Once you reinstall the powerhead you will attach the shift rod arm to the motor runner peice. Then attach your shift cable from the controls to the shift linkage, then put the controls in forward. Now.... in order to get the shifter to the correct gear you must drop the lower unit.
Next, find forward gear by spinning the driveshaft clockwise and watch the prop for correct direction. If its not in forward turn the shiftrod coupler with a pair of channel locks with a rag on the teeth as to not damage the coupler, until you find forward. When you find it, then reinstall the lower and return the control to neutral. Make sure the lower is in fact in neutral by spinning the prop. It should spin freely without any clicking or drag. If it clicks when you spin it, you can adjust the cable where it mounts inside the lower pan (the little clip and barrel that hold the cable in place). Just open the clip up, pull the barrel out with the cable and spin it clockwise while counting revolutions, reinstall and spin the prop. If the prop has no clicking while being spun in either direction then your good to go. If it clicks harder then go in the opposite direction with the barrel.
Thats the way I did it, but maybe someone else has a better easier way? As far as your linkages go... don't mess with them until you get the motor mounted, and the carbs on. I say this because you will need to power the starter to set the timing. I suggest reading Frank A's FAQ sticky on Link and Sync, it is imperative that you set it up according to these instructions prior to starting it.
As for the timing, the linkage at the top of the motor just under the flywheel adjusts your timing. Following the arm that linkage connects to down, you will see the idle screw.
The overheat wire is correct if I saw the colors right