Re: Time to get started on the starcraft resto.
Good afternoon everyone it is time for today's update. I guess we have to work on the red-headed stepchild of the boat rebuild a little.
The rollers seem to be in decent shape I am going to be cleaning them a little. I think the plan for it is basically just to wire wheel the rust off of it sand it to about 100 grit and thrown some rustoleum on it.
New Bearings I just changed the tires so I am good there.
Anyone have any better ideas on how to run the wires for the lights this is a full box trailer not C Channel so I have no clue how to chase those wires all the way to the tongue? That was kind of a temporary solution. Of course you can see the broken UBOLT for the fender as well I snapped it when I was trying to loosen it to run the light wires.
I started rough sanding the hull today I know in the bare metal spots I am going to be priming with self etching. I am not a paint and body guy (I know just enough to be dangerous). I plan on filling the deep gouges with JB Weld there really aren't many and its more deep scratches than anything else.
Like these spots feel fairly smooth to the hand after sanding but do I still need to do anything to fill it in before I spray the zinc chromate?
Can regular primer go over zinc chromate?
The plan is to Zinc Chromate the bare spots sand to level. Then spray the whole boat in regulare primer sand to 180 grit then shoot the top coat sand to 180 then 200 tack and shoot the second top coat wet sand at 400, tack it clean let it cure then buff to shine. That sound about right for the process?
I have to get rid of the old gas in that tank so I am thinking its going on the fire pit for some fun.
In a safe and responsible manner of course :facepalm: