Re: pic of work so far
Hay guys and Gals !!
Well , I got 8 plus hours on her !!
Its turning out pertty good !!
My little pancake did really great ,
I oiled the sander really well before i started this morning .
It would run even when i ran the tank out ,
now it wasnt as fast as it could have been but it didnt get me in trouble like it would have with it running full out !!
5 inch sanding pad 220 grit !!
I ran out of disk so at 6;30 i had to quit !!!
Ok now here is the transom ,
there are two cracks i ground out bigger so i could shove epoxy and glass in there ,
the transom is at a little different angle then where the splash well meets the transom ,
so there was a gap in there that i didnt know about till i put the motor on there last year ,
when i tightened up the motor mounts i cracked her .
So here the pics of the splahwell ,
there is still a little more i want to clean up on there ,
then a hole lot of marine-tex to it !!!lol