~~I'm sure I will get in trouble on here, but this is what I would do. Grind down the damaged area low enough for your glass to be mostly below the new finished surface. It mostly looks like abrasion damage. Is there any cracking or is the surface solid? If so I would just lay up your 1708 and be done with it, probably grinding it back 3" or so on the sides to tie in the new glass. If you can still get to it, I would put something on the back to reinforce it for belts and suspenders. If there is cracking or weakness, the you need to start grinding back till you find something solid and remove anything that is cracked. I like to use a course grinder when prepping, a 36 min, gives a nice toothy surface for the new glass to mechanically bond to the old glass.
After grinding the new glass to rough shape, I would use duraglass filler on the first round. This is where I get in trouble, I think the traditional fiberglass fairing methods are overkill for boats that are trailered. Duraglass is very rich in poly, but still sandable with courser grits. Its used mainly to fill larger voids and has the advantage of being very hard for an automotive type filler. Then I would finish it out with normal automotive filler. Easy to work with and economical. I can't tell you how many people told me that it would flake off Miss Morgan the first time I had it in the water. I have never had any type of failure with it. True it is softer, but if you are painting the bottom the weak link will always be the paint when it comes to abrasion.
As for primer, they come in a lot of flavors. I again used and automotive product, DuPont's Nason. I can get the name for you, but it is a urethane, two part high build primer. I took my hull down to 120, then followed up with it. The idea is that you build it up, then sand most of it off into the floor. It fills the low areas and imperfections....takes a lot of time, but totally worth it. It sands very easily by hand, I usually do it wet to eliminate the dust, you would be amazed at what it will fix. Then I used a DuPont urethane base clear system for the finish.....base color, then a clear to seal it. Again no problems what so ever, very pricey, but I would do it again. And you can pick any color in the rainbow including metallics.