Arch/WOG/Goldie, thanks for the info and feed back.
Goldie, I was feeling on top of the world with the progress, until I put the top back on to test fit the floor....... then I had a bit of overwhelming feeling - Oh carp, there is a ton of work left, Im never going to make next summer splash....After a while I remembered, you cant eat the elephant in one bite, just many small bits..... When Im researching the various threads, I try to look at the dates for the posts.....helps keep things in perspective.
Arch, I just finished digging around in the Miss Morgan thread looking for your swim platforms. Those came out great by the way.
I think I am going to use oak on the ski locker hatch and swim platforms, probably for no other reason than I have a bunch of 5/4 18inch wide planks in the attic Ive been saving for a good project. I have some time to figure it out I guess....