Love, Necessity and Pride

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Last Mohican

Chief Petty Officer
Aug 27, 2010
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Thanks, bro...good to see you around...really dig the new toy..."Eliminator" Is it? From the pic it looks like my kind of rocket ship...sweet...what's it do 75-80?

It is an 89 21' Eliminator Daytona. These hulls rigged with a jet have been 125+. My boat is only good for ~65 with the current power. It is a bone stock 454. I have the pump on my bench right now freshening it up. That may help a little on the MPH. This winter has been dedicated to cleaning up the outside. Next winter will bring cleaning up the inside. The winter after that will hopefully bring a bigger mill. If I can get it into the 80s I will be happy. That should be easily doable on pump gas and reliable enough to use it every weekend. It really does not fit here on iBoats so I never started a restoration thread on it. Maybe I should. I have done a lot of work to it. Here is a link to a thread I started over on PB.

Baby steps


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Friday! Yep!

:smow: brrr... need a boathouse flunky for the next 8-9wks?

Mi casa, su casa...u come down here for a couple of months, tow one of your rigs down, and we'll get yours and mine done...;)...well at least get something done...:rolleyes:

It is an 89 21' Eliminator Daytona. These hulls rigged with a jet have been 125+. My boat is only good for ~65 with the current power. It is a bone stock 454. I have the pump on my bench right now freshening it up. That may help a little on the MPH. This winter has been dedicated to cleaning up the outside. Next winter will bring cleaning up the inside. The winter after that will hopefully bring a bigger mill. If I can get it into the 80s I will be happy. That should be easily doable on pump gas and reliable enough to use it every weekend. It really does not fit here on iBoats so I never started a restoration thread on it. Maybe I should. I have done a lot of work to it. Here is a link to a thread I started over on PB.

Baby steps

I'll be checking out the thread you posted...

Heck, 454 one of the sweetest big blocks out there to pump up the volume on...
A little machine work, some bigger slugs, hotter cam, pair of tweaked out oval port heads, couple of Q-jets on a tunnel ram, Nice hot Mallory or MSD fire should be good to about a hundred...:joyous:...and reliable to boot...

I don't know much about jet drives, but do they live happier with a torquey motor or a revver?

Quick Friday lunch time update...

Work has slowed down at the shop for a couple of days and I have taken advantage of the free time to get the boat and all the glassing supplies over there in much anticipated preparation to get started on my glassing marathon...

If all goes well, the next time I post, pics will show an almost fully glassed inner hull...

Hasta later, Iboaters...:)


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

OK, finally getting around to posting what is hopefully a much anticipated update...

First off, no video as of yet due to an issue I am having with my new GoPro will soon be on its way back to the factory for replacement...

Secondly, thanks to a heads up from "jbcurt00"...My new to me Morse sewing machine is on its way to me, which makes me an offical member of the "Iboats He-Man Electro-Mechanical Stitchery Club"...:rockon:...I might add, In Training...:rolleyes:...

And finally, this weekend was a resounding success...while I did not get the entire inner hull completely layered in PB, CSM and 1708...a solid 65-70% is complete...I still have 2 stringers and a few parts of the hull to get covered in 1708, but I am stoked by the progress...

Friday PM...getting set-up...


Friday Later that PM...some PB and CSM added to a couple of strakes...


Saturday Morning, about 7 AM, glorious brisk morning in the high 50's...


Spent all day with my super duper assistant, Gabriel...Started out by cutting some CSM and mixing a huge batch of PB, DA the inside of the hull to knock down any offending stiff hairs and such, complete Acetone wipe down, and by Saturday afternoon had most of the strakes filled with PB and covered with CSM and the rest of the stringers bedded, filleted and CSM'd ...




Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

By late Saturday, had 1 of the 5 stringers completely wrapped in 1708 and the port side of the hull covered with 1708...


Called it a day, around 6PM and headed home...

Sunday awoke to another gorgeous day, albeit pretty darn tired and headed over to the shop to see what else would get accomplished...

Started out by cutting a bunch of pieces of 1708, then a quick run over the entire hull with a DA to knock down any nubs, wipe down with Acetone, and commenced to glassing...



By mid-afternoon...we were both pretty the center stringer fully glassed from bow to stern and the inboard Port stringer fully glassed, both with 1708...
Sorry, I have been somewhat sleep deprived and running behind, so I owe you guys pics of the above...:sleeping:

The last two stringers, some small patch pieces, and the starboard side of the hull will have to wait for the next session...

Have a Great week, guys...more input soon...;)


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Man with all that 1708 the bassassin is gunna be a tank !


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Congrats on the Morse & (IMHO) the best update of the day

:llama::llama::llama: 3 out of 3!
Plus a


& a:


Excellent progress & Gabriel deserves a case of old ones...... Maybe 2 cases..... I'm just saying...


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Any issues with air pockets going over the top of the stringers? What method did you use to apply the resin? I know...I ask to many questions:facepalm:


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 24, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

woot, woot! Look at you go Gus! Congrats on the fabric puncturing power tool!


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Any issues with air pockets going over the top of the stringers? What method did you use to apply the resin? I know...I ask to many questions:facepalm:

You, my dear Sir, may ask all of the questions you could ever think of...because thanks to your inquisitiveness, you are constantly helping many, many people!
My application technique is as follows...
1- The tops of the stringers were rounded over to begin with, one of your many helpful hints...
2- I laid apiece of cardboard on the work table and wet out the 1708, CSM side up, until it was almost clear using a cloth type roller, similar to the foam rollers in size, but with a sort of cloth nap...
3- I then wet out the area with resin, where the piece was going to reside, with the same cloth roller...
4- With the assistance of my good friend, Gabriel, we then transported the wet piece to its permanent resting place...
5- Using mostly my gloved hands, I pressed most of the material into place by combing it down on both sides of the top, towards the fillet...
6- the rest of the material that was laying on the hull bottom, I just flattened it somewhat, but left it mostly kind of loose and a bit wrinkly...
7-Then, using the same roller dipped in resin, I started working the cloth down towards the fillet on both sides, adding more resin as needed to help it lay down...I also pushed with the loaded roller, into the curve of the fillets, and finally began flattening out the remaining cloth that was laying against the bottom of the hull...
8-I finished of by using the jab, jab, jab method with a chip brush to finish popping any remaining bubbles and moved on to the next piece...

As far as using a bubble buster, well let's just say, that I prefer to use the chip brush method for a couple of reasons...

The bubble buster, can, and a lot of times creates more air problems than it takes away, due to its somewhat hard nature...I don't know how best to describe it, but the chip brush is much more controllable and gentler...I find it more precise, when I just want to pop some small bubbles, without disturbing the surrounding area...

Which, by the way, was all I basically ended up with using the method described above of pre-wetting everything and applying it the way I did...

Another point is, I had an awesome assistant, and I kept at least 3 to 4, half liter batches of resin, ready to be catalyzed, as I used up what I had on hand, I had G-Man kick of the next batch...

Speaking of which, I was putting down anywhere from 12 inch wide to 26 inch wide by 50 inch long pieces of 1708...
and starting out with as much as 2.5 liters of catalyzed resin to do all the pre-wetting and laying down...

We were also working in the shade, out of direct Sun light, which would have made some of these huge lay ups impossible, no matter how slow I would have kicked the resin...which we were kicking at about an example, most of the lay ups we had done Saturday morning, remained nice and moist for the better part of a couple of hours, when we went for lunch, we pulled the boat out into the Sun, and less than an hour later, everything we had done was hard!

On a final note, even though we were working as efficiently as a well oiled machine, the center stringer alone took almost three hours of wetting, laying, and DE-bubbling the cloth...this stuff takes time!

Well as usual, I could have shown this long winded explanation with a video, if I had a working GoPro and knew how to produce the videos...but for now, you will all have to suffer through my feeble, wordy attempts at describing the process...

Off to La-La land...G'nite Y'all

Last Mohican

Chief Petty Officer
Aug 27, 2010
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Awesome work Gus. And to answer your earlier question jets love torque.


Nov 21, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Dangi it!,,,

I slept throught he update!

and a double good one at that....glassin looks great GT!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

I don't get it - how in the world is that thing supposed to stay together?? I don't see any rivets, none!


(nice work broham)


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Wow... Somebody grabbed an elf and got busy this weekend. Nice update... Glass work looks awesome!~

I agree with you on the bubble roller... I think they are just a gadget that was invented for no purpose other than making money off of newby glassers (or maybe I just never learned how to use mine)...

Trying to keep it clean (so it would still work, i.e. "roll") was also a major PITA...

And.. congrats? (I guess) on your admission to the iboats sewing circle.. :)...


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Dangi it!,,,
I slept throught he update!
and a double good one at that....glassin looks great GT!
Thanks Troop, don't worry 'bout snoozin thru the update, I do it all the time...

I don't get it - how in the world is that thing supposed to stay together?? I don't see any rivets, none!
Magic Dust...:hypnotysed::witless::twitch::der::madgrin:

(nice work broham)

Wow... Somebody grabbed an elf and got busy this weekend. Nice update... Glass work looks awesome!~

I agree with you on the bubble roller... I think they are just a gadget that was invented for no purpose other than making money off of newby glassers (or maybe I just never learned how to use mine)...

Trying to keep it clean (so it would still work, i.e. "roll") was also a major PITA...

And.. congrats? (I guess) on your admission to the iboats sewing circle...
Thanks to all of the above...I think...:distrust:

Can't wait for the weekend, one more major glassin marathon and I'll be ready for some cap action...Hurry up Friday!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

For horizontal surfaces a bubble roller is GREAT. Verticals, Uhmmm...Not so much. I'm glad you describe the "Hands On" method. I've found that to be the most effective method for going over the top of stringers, especially if they're 1 1'2" or less. Pre-Wetting both the glass and stringer is also a good detail. I might add that putting the glass in place Dry and working it with your hands to smooth it and "Fit" it over the stringer and then letting it stand overnight, help the glass to "Relax" and form itself to the stringer. I've even used the Large Stick pins to stretch it and hold it in place over night. Seems to always help me. Your techniques and methods, IMHO, are "Spot On" and should help many others when it comes time for them to take on the task of glassing their stringers.

This work demands the following...



Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

So if I understand correctly , you used both hands to kinda pull the glass down on each side of the stringers ?
I kinda agree on the bubble roller . It works real well on woven but not as well on csm . Thats just my experience with the BB. Haven,t really done much 1708 yet .


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Yes, S.P..., that is 100% correct...

Thanks WoG...I will wear my badge of approval with Honor!:joyous:

I actually got some video recorded with the camera, and as soon as I figure out how to "Produce" it...I'll get it posted up...
Really shows how we did the layups and how really fat I am...:rolleyes:

Happy Humpday, fellas...


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 10, 2011
Re: Love, Necessity and Pride

Aw man! Great update! I'm glad wood asked the questions, great explanation. I will be using the cardboard technique in the near future. Thanks GT.
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