Re: Love, Necessity and Pride
Just had to say, WHATSUUUUP!!!! And no you can't have my bud lite.
S'up CC? Been seeing you popping in 'n' out...hope all's well...any news on the getting the foot fixed?
How's the led's workin out?
GT, your on a roll ! Ya might better go play the lotto with all this karma going your way !
Thanks S.P., It sure feels good to be getting back at it...
Instead of giving my hard earned to gubmint folks via the hidden lottery tax...:mad-new:I'll just use it to restore my 'ol tub...:joyous:
Had a temporary issue with Photobucket, but now that is sorted out...something to do with an outdated version of Java...
Picked up fresh glassing supplies...
Picked up some 1x2 sticks of Clear Fir...
And spent part of Sunday Pre-fitting the "Nailer" pieces all around the top edge of the hull...
Glad to see some progress was attained by a few...
Hope everyone has a good fast week...
Monday down, 4 to go...
Hut, Hut!