Re: hull extension in progress with picks
Re: hull extension in progress with picks
hi guys...
i just dropped in to my buddies bowling alley to see if my puter was ready....
its not......but he says soon. (im on his business puter on a friday
i boater mrdjflores sent me a new keyboard. it is being installed, so i will be able to actually type !
my friend is totally realoading my puter, so between his three full time businesses, he is doing it as fast as he can!
im so excited to finally be able to comment and possibly help on your projects.
to all the people that pm'ed me....ill answer whan i have more time.....sorry for now.
quick up date.
the motor is in, but not running yet. the weather turned on us, a system moved in, and its raining, cold and cloudy/gloomy here.....but it is supposed to be for a short i hope to be able to do a engine run up and a full systems test soon.
im currently working on building the new wing windows in the boat......they are coming back eight feet ! looks different !
and yes....murphy showed up the other night....i have a ton of pics. to down load....
its friday night in my buddys business and im hogging his puter so i gotta run.
i just wanted to keep in touch.....i text johnny just about every day, so he can keep you all updated for now..
thanks for hanging in guys.
im heading back to the shop to work.