hull extension in progress with pics

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Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

and so my friends.......the saga contimues.......:eek: :mad:

major snag yesterday.....!

kinda of a long story here....but here goes.

the two wires i pinched were the trim sensors...($149.00 each :eek:)
i tryed to solder them togeather but to no i started to take the sensors off the bell hoping to fix them at the source.....

thats when i realized that they were broken...the wires were not even attached to the sensor ?????

i waited till my buddy got back to the shop..(the mechanic) and he said ...wait just a minit !....we started taking the parts off the bell. thats when we found other problems......the bellows was totally destroyed ????

(i took the boat right out of the water and drove it to the mechanics to have the motor and drive removed and stored...the bellows and the trim was fine)

once we took the destroyed bellows out....we started looking even farther.....the gimbal berring was totally seized ????

it wasnt that way when i took the drive out !....the bellows was so bad that the boat more than likely would have taken on a huge amount of water. and i know that the gymball berring was good.

my mech suggested that the bell had been switched.....he said that the bellows was so bad that it looked like a u joint had exploded in it.

the guy that removed the motor and stored it was the same guy that could not cut the transom hole out last fall....this is also the guy that helped broker the deal for the v6 and the drive......telling me it was in exellent shape....(and it was or i would not have bought it)

we (noklu and i) loaded everything in the druck and drove across town to ask why.....

well, he suggested it was like that when i brought it in. when asked about the bellows and why it didnt sink my boat before i brought it to him......he told me a mouse ate the bellows while it was in storage !

we started laughing at him......his wife came out to see what was going on....she listened for a second and then looked at the bell...(thats the entire outer transom assembly...including the rams) the very first thing she said was, the serial numbers are filed off..!....(it wasnt that way when i bought it) was funny that, that was the first thing out of her mouth!.....thats an odd comment.

it is my opinion that he swapped the entire part and wanted to charge me for rebuilding it....thats why the serial number was filed off.

well the arguing went back and foruth about 10 minits....when i suggested he better rebuild the whole thing and now....he told me the standard "it will take 4 weeks"....we setteled on him selling me the rebuild kit..(less the trim sensors) at cost...

they will be in tommorow

as far as the trim sensors....i took them to a buddy that is the top starter/ alt rebuilder in the city....he thinks he can repair we will see about they are the kind that has everything in a sealed unit....

in the mean working on the odds and ends of the boat....finishing the fairing today...(i hope) and getting the new windsheild measured, purchased, and built.

i am hoping to paint the cap as soon as possible....that way i can re install the new gastank and all the bow fixtures so i can bolt down the cap for final assembly.....

the motor is just sitting....i dont have it wired yet and the carb isnt on...i might put that on today....

but it is getting very close.....still a ton of little jobs.....but each little job is only an hour or two.....the mountain of work isnt that big any more and i can see over the other side.


Darren Nemeth

Chief Petty Officer
Dec 25, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

That really sucks he ripped you off, like that.

You should sue. Seriously.

Never let a guy who is like that off the hook. :mad:


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

That sucks. It always seems like when you have somebody do something for you where you don't have time to immediately verify their work something goes awry. Sadly you don't really have much proof and they probably know that. Major bummer.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 12, 2008
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks


does this clown have an email address..

I think that we as a group should email him and
tell him.. you mess with one.. you mess with all of us.

and right now were mighty upset that he tried to rip off one
of own..


Jan 8, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

and so my friends.......the saga contimues.......:eek: :mad:

well, he suggested it was like that when i brought it in. when asked about the bellows and why it didnt sink my boat before i brought it to him......he told me a mouse ate the bellows while it was in storage !

we started laughing at him......his wife came out to see what was going on....she listened for a second and then looked at the bell...(thats the entire outer transom assembly...including the rams) the very first thing she said was, the serial numbers are filed off..!....(it wasnt that way when i bought it) was funny that, that was the first thing out of her mouth!.....thats an odd comment.

it is my opinion that he swapped the entire part and wanted to charge me for rebuilding it....thats why the serial number was filed off.

well the arguing went back and foruth about 10 minits....when i suggested he better rebuild the whole thing and now....he told me the standard "it will take 4 weeks"....we setteled on him selling me the rebuild kit..(less the trim sensors) at cost...

You're way, way, way too nice, dude.

What he did is called fraud and theft here in the US. Dunno what the laws are up there, but doing what he did is actually criminal, and at the very least would get him sued.

Now, you're sort of limited by what evidence you have of this... like did you know your serial number before this... if not, the previous owner should know it. He'd need it to be sure of getting the right parts.

If it were me in that case I'd be calling the cops and getting the guy in a whole mess of trouble. If he wants you to keep quiet and not sue him civilly for this he at *least* needs to provide you a whole new drive train FOR FREE. I'm not kidding, you have his naughty bits in a pliers at the moment, don't walk away from his perfidy just settling for a slight discount. More to the point, you're letting him keep on doing what he's doing to people.

Here's a couple thoughts for you: If your drive or parts have the serial numbers filed off, how do you know they're not stolen? Did he screw someone else by changing out their damaged bell housing for your used one and charging them a "new part" price? If he did, did he even bother to do any work on it, or did he just stick yours on their boat and write up a bill?

Why at the very least didn't you go back and demand he produce the original bell housing you had on the boat? Get the serial number from the old owner and check it.

You can be sure this isn't the only "shady" deal he's done. Do you want to let him keep on sticking it to your fellow boaters in exchange for a discount on parts you wouldn't have needed in the first place if he hadn't pulled a fast one?

Seriously, back off and think about what you're doing here.

FYI, bellows rubber is coated with a powdery poison at the factory, partly to help keep beaver and muskrat from sinking boats. I strongly doubt a mouse or rat would ever chew on it, and if it did it wouldn't live long.



Jan 8, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks


does this clown have an email address..

I think that we as a group should email him and
tell him.. you mess with one.. you mess with all of us.

and right now were mighty upset that he tried to rip off one
of own..

Even if he has an email, he'd ignore us. Seriously, someone who would do this kind of thing isn't worried about word of mouth at all.

He is the kind of boat dealer/repair shop that gives all the good ones a bad name. He needs to be out of business and behind bars, not just harassed by a bunch of folks "from the internet".


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 26, 2005
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

I would not have been able to keep my cool! Like eric said its criminal, but I would have thought about the fact that i did not have the serial number or a way to prove it, so most likely would have punched him as hard as I possibly could! I mean I would have done it in mid sentence so he did not know it was coming. Just like you did not know this guy was going to stick it to you in the rear without any lube! I would have had stepped about 3 steps before i hit him. And let his wife see it too. She knew the scam he was pulling! Thats just me though. If i know that someone screwed me and there was nothing i could do about it thats what I would do.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 12, 2008
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Even if he has an email, he'd ignore us. Seriously, someone who would do this kind of thing isn't worried about word of mouth at all.

He is the kind of boat dealer/repair shop that gives all the good ones a bad name. He needs to be out of business and behind bars, not just harassed by a bunch of folks "from the internet".

yea I know .. but since I am not an attorney and i dont live in canada.. there isnt much else I can do.. go up there with our boats and wait for him to go fishing and pull a pirate and abscond his vesel.

"arrrgggghhhh we be takin yer dingy as payment for stealin from our buddy oops."


Jan 8, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Um... violence is not a good idea.

Plus the previous owner had to have the serial number.. it's how he'd tell which parts to get based on date of manufacture.

Even without the serial there's a good chance triggering a police investigation will cause the guy some serious sweat. Like I said, this probably isn't his only shady deal, so probably it would turn up something else that would put him in the hot seat... at which point you offer a settlement not to press charges and he takes it.


Jan 25, 2008
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Sorry to hear about that one Oops, sucks to be taken.

I'm with Erik on this one, he needs to make you 100%. Not a discount on parts, but putting things back in order, the way they were before he pulled this shenanigan. Rebuild gimble assy, new trim senders, etc. If he's selling you the parts at cost, so you can fix his mess, then he's not being affected in any way by the problem he caused.

Since the S/N was filed off, I don't look at it as he was trying to hide the fact that he gave you a different transom assembly, but that he gave you one that quite possibly could have been stolen. I certainly don't want to own anything that's had the S/N filed off, makes you look like a crook if the authorities were to go looking. (slim as the chances might be)

Good luck and I hope everything turns out in your favor.


Sep 30, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

That truly does suck the big one. As a former member of the badge and gun carrying crowd, filing serial numbers off is something criminals do to hide the fact that what they have IS stolen. The police have no way of checking the numbers to see if it is, in fact, stolen. He ripped you off big time! I would check with your attorney and see what options he has for you. I'd cover my butt if I were you. He sounds very slimy.


Jul 16, 2006
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Some day there will be a Saint Oops! of the Holy Charity if you keep up like this Ward!

Seriously, take the advice already given, I will only add a "ditto" to what has been said. I wouldn't feel right with the knowledge that this guy has already done and will do more harm to the boating public at large, and worse to those who "don't know" a thing about boats. He could kill someone pulling that kind of crap.:mad::mad::mad:


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 7, 2009
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Here's how I read this:

guy owns a shop, removes and stores a good shape drive, sells good drive for big money to someone, original boat owner comes back and shop owner goes out back to a wrecked boat and pulls a poor condition drive to replace the good one he sold...

Ooops, dude, please don't take this, the guy needs to be taken down. Call the cops. I'll bet they find some other shady dealings going on in that shop.


May 27, 2009
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks


does this clown have an email address..

I think that we as a group should email him and
tell him.. you mess with one.. you mess with all of us.

and right now were mighty upset that he tried to rip off one
of own..

Im up for a little emailing. 100 times a day should do for a start. Then i have a friend that can make it more if i ask.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 23, 2008
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

I was there when this discussion took place and there is no way we can prove this guy did anything wrong. The guy oops! is sharing the shop with told him not to trust this guy and that he was totally capable of things like this but he already had the drive. oops! used this guy from day one and he had worked on all oops! boats. To hear his wife say look there's no serial# on the drive and smile at us you knew they did it. A mouse ate the bellows and the gimble bearing rusted solid on the shelf!!! He was trying to set oops! up so he could sell him the parts and have oops! pay to have them installed when he put the motor in as oops! had made a deal in the beginning for this guy to do the motor. The only way we can get him is by word of mouth and in a small city like this it won't take long for him to feel the pinch. There is only a few marina's here and once the owners start talking about this it won't take long for word to reach his till.On the bright side getting those parts new will just make things last longer than they would have. We are close to painting the cap and I am polishing all the chrome and aluminum.


Mar 22, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

I will be up there on Aug 1 for 10 days. Looking forward to seeing this beast on the water, how about a Thunderboats party?? Looking forward to that. Marvyn still has the coupler if you need it. Keep up the good work. Two steps forward, one step backwards. Been there, done that.

Have a great day



Seaman Apprentice
Jun 28, 2009
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Wow, I got through all those pages!

So many comments, so many jokes, so much valuable info, so much Corona!

Oops, you are an inspiration to us all. I know I'll be looking for stuff to extend now...

Back scratcher? We can get a few more inches on that.

keyboard? I've always wanted another number pad on the OTHER side...

Sharpie marker? I want to label DVD's from ACROSS the ROOM baby!

No, seriously, this has been a remarkable saga and I eagerly await the next plot twist and long awaited picture update.



Jul 23, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Hey Ooops! I don't mean to rekindle the past But since your workin on the engine here's somethin I ran across while serchin for merc parts and thought of your project.

By the way, your project is outstanding! I wish I had your stamina, my buds are starting to call me Noah. Your thread has all the answers to my project rebuild. So thanks for you dedication to keeping up the posts and allowing us learn somthin new.



Jun 6, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Hey oops, I'm sorry to hear about the issues you have with the parts guy, man that's a bummer for sure.

I just wanted to mention, I've had about 6 boats with Mercruiser engines, and not one had a working trim gauge, all broken wires on the bellhousing I couldn't get to :rolleyes: but, it really didn't matter, I got used to it quick, and I could always tell where the trim was by feel. I find I was only trimming up, or down, at WOT anyway, or when running in shallow water, I never really needed the trim gauge ;)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 23, 2008
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Way to go IWELD, just gotta rub in the stroker thing.:D He's going to be way happier with a 300 hp engine anyway. At almost $5 a gallon here for gas he'd spend most of his time at the gas barge with a stroker and it wasn't a good choice for his style of boating. This engine is a good compromise. Even when he was cutting out the transom he wanted to cut the hole higher just to get a little more on the top end. He dreams of a gofast frankenboat but he needs a daily driver with a little zip for the morning constitutional and soda runs. If he needs more speed we'll router out the extra 2" of the transom and he'll pick up a few mph with the weight drop. haha. As for the sensors It makes no sense to build the thing broken and on ebay they can be had for $69.
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