Re: HUGE PROJECT!! 30' Scarab Sport overhual
Ok, well this just goes to show you that if my fellow Iboaters tell me to do something I do it! I was pondering leaving the rotted root in the interior shell, however a few of you, including you Oops said ?no way rip it out?. So needless to say I did just what I was told and ripped out all the old rotted wood.
That is an example of how much i value your opinions. With that said, we all must keep in mind, that there is a budget and its not always possible to use the best, strongest items or material out on the market. And I cant fix everything the ideal way or else this boat would be a fortune. With this said here is my neck question?. I have a 150 gal aluminum gas tank?I cleaned it up and it looks great exceeeeppttt for the bottom. She was a slat water boat and yes there are some (like 5 or 6) pits that I would like to ?fill? just for some extra precautions. The tank holds fine, however after doing all this work I would like to make sure these pits A. don?t get bigger, and B. don?t leak down the road. Now like I said yeah we all know the best solution is to just buy a new tank, but I don?t have that kind of money to purchase a new 150 gal tank. So with that being said I am opening the flood gates to all of you and asking that you help me with a solution to fixing these pits. I was thinking A B weld?its like a special epoxy that is made to stick to metals?..I know other people have found creative techniques to this problem, and im asking for you all to share! Thanks again?I have a bunch of photos I just haven?t had time to post them yet. Stay tuned they will be up in a day or so!!!