Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

I still can't figure out why all the venom directed at Clinton. From all these responses, it appears that it originates out of nothing of substance at all.<br />And Kiwi is right. While Clinton had good approval ratings here, even with his personal failings, he was vastly popular worldwide.<br /><br />The country as a whole was never in better shape while he was president, and it is for sure we would not be in this mess with Iraq had we the opportunity to vote him in for a third term.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

Originally posted by PW2:<br /> I still can't figure out why all the venom directed at Clinton. From all these responses, it appears that it originates out of nothing of substance at all.<br />And Kiwi is right. While Clinton had good approval ratings here, even with his personal failings, he was vastly popular worldwide.<br /><br />The country as a whole was never in better shape while he was president, and it is for sure we would not be in this mess with Iraq had we the opportunity to vote him in for a third term.
yeah, he was very popular in the world...he will be missed...By saddam, al queda, n. korea, bin ladin, china, france, germany, the UN, castro , PW2, the media ....well you get the picture.. ;)


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

You know, Sault Ste Marie is just up the road from my in laws. I think I might travel up there and see what makes you all so empty headed.<br /><br />I can't believe you said that. Clinton was delaying dealing with Iraq's little dance. It was either because of the Ken Star investigations, or something else. However, it was a situation that needed immediate attention. Yea he had Bosnia, and he dropped some bombs on what he believed were Alqueda camps. You should know by the reports now, that just bombing one camp isn't goin to do anything but stir up the network.<br /><br />He just tried to live the sharade of a high and mighty person. I feel that plastic people like that, need to be removed from the gene pool. I for one did not want to be represented by someone like that. I did not vote for him at any point in time. I did not vote for his stooge, Mr Internet creator, either.<br /><br />I don't like the guy. He represents everything the plastic wealthy want to be. Those are the types I want to yank their self apointed thrown out from under, and smack them with it.


Aug 11, 2002
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

Clinton made of mockery of the Presidency because he was, and is an idiot. If he would have made half the effort to thwart terrorism, as he did to grope the interns, then maybe 9/11 wouldn't have happened. All these screwed-up Countries had 8 full years to build their network of terror because the Clinton administration did nothing stop them..........Nothing. We won't even talk about the couple of times that they had Bin Laden caught, and didn't react.<br />Funny how nobody talks about the Clinton administrations responsibility involving 9/11................Makes me sick!<br /><br />
The Country as a whole was never in better shape while he was President
Is this the punchline to a joke?<br />Sorry to burst your bubble PW2, but Clinton won't go down in history as a great President...................Oh, and by the way, he couldn't walk on water either.


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

To "Bin"Lurkin, PW2, BrianFD<br />a)We dont let it alone because he is hawking his book on the talk circuit...front and center.<br />b) We'd forgive him if he owned up. He is still spinning his story. <br />c) Why the venom?.. because he is still spinning when caught out in the rain. uhhh the emperor has no clothes. We flies (ref Skinnywater) are naturally offended at his continuing coverup in the same way that you on the other side are so sure that GWB is such a bad guy. We think he put his own selfish interest ahead of the country, a severe violation of trust and decency right up there with the likes of SantaAna giving away Texas to save his skin after he sacraficed thousands of soldiers. MAybe we are all wrong :eek: <br /><br />BTW, why on earth would you pick a moniker that sounds like UBL?


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 11, 2003
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

When Clinton lied, at least nobody died.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

Originally posted by SCO:<br /> To "Bin"Lurkin, PW2, BrianFD<br />BTW, why on earth would you pick a moniker that sounds like UBL?
Was wondering the same thing.


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 11, 2003
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

Number of military killed in Iraq in case you're interested. Still no WMD found. <br /><br />Military Fatalities: By Month <br />Period US UK Other* Total Avg Days <br />6-2004 32 0 7 39 1.7 23 <br />5-2004 80 0 4 84 2.71 31 <br />4-2004 135 0 5 140 4.67 30 <br />3-2004 52 0 0 52 1.68 31 <br />2-2004 20 1 2 23 0.79 29 <br />1-2004 47 5 0 52 1.68 31 <br />12-2003 40 0 8 48 1.55 31 <br />11-2003 82 1 27 110 3.67 30 <br />10-2003 43 1 2 46 1.48 31 <br />9-2003 30 1 1 32 1.07 30 <br />8-2003 35 6 2 43 1.39 31 <br />7-2003 47 1 0 48 1.55 31 <br />6-2003 30 6 0 36 1.2 30 <br />5-2003 37 4 0 41 1.32 31 <br />4-2003 73 6 0 79 2.63 30 <br />3-2003 65 27 0 92 7.67 12 <br />Total 848 59 58 965 2.09 462


Aug 11, 2002
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

I bet all those soldiers that died believed in what they were fighting for.<br /><br />Is the world a safer place because of their sacrifice? .............You bet your backside it is!<br /><br />.........and what about this WMD that they tried to detonate on our troops? That classifies as a WMD..........right?<br /><br />Funny how people ignore what they don't wanna hear.<br /><br />.......anyway, I thought this thread was about Clinton, and how much of a jerk he really is.<br /><br />Typical liberal approach, change the subject if you don't like the replies. :rolleyes:


Jun 4, 2003
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

Clinton is a rusty tool.<br /><br />Welcome back Carp ;) <br /><br />All that have died in Iraq for a worthy cause still do not equal the number of people murdered on 9/11 in a few hours. President Tool didn't do his job because he was too busy hiding from his and his wife's personal scandals.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

Hey knobby. Here is part of an article from the Republican policy committee. I take it you still don't think the Clinton administration played things? Note the Muslim regime mentioned in there as well.<br /><br />"As of this writing, planning for a U.S.-led NATO intervention in Kosovo is now largely in place, while the Clinton Administration's apparent willingness to intervene has ebbed and flowed on an almost weekly basis. The only missing element appears to be an event -- with suitably vivid media coverage -- that would make intervention politically salable, even imperative, in the same way that a dithering Administration finally decided on intervention in Bosnia in 1995 after a series of "Serb mortar attacks" took the lives of dozens of civilians -- attacks, which, upon closer examination, may in fact have been the work of the Muslim regime in Sarajevo, the main beneficiary of the intervention. [For details, primarily reports from European media, see RPC's " Clinton-Approved Iranian Arms Transfers Help Turn Bosnia into Militant Islamic Base," 1/16/97.] That the Administration is waiting for a similar "trigger" in Kosovo is increasingly obvious: "A senior U.S. Defense Department official who briefed reporters on July 15 noted that 'we're not anywhere near making a decision for any kind of armed intervention in Kosovo right now.' He listed only one thing that might trigger a policy change: 'I think if some levels of atrocities were reached that would be intolerable, that would probably be a trigger'" [Washington Post, 8/4/98]. The recent conflicting reports regarding a purported mass grave containing (depending on the report) hundreds of murdered Albanian civilians or dozens of KLA fighters killed in battle should be seen in this light. <br /><br />Kosovo, Bosnia: Here We Go Again... "


Aug 19, 2001
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

debatable Knobby as the avoidance in dealing w the middle east problem might be considered a lie, and all this may have been prevented. Thats too soft, let me restate that IMO he didn't confront the middle eastern terrorist threat because it would not have been a popular move, would not have been in his self interest(from his limited perspective of his self interest...actually it would have made his legacy a respectable one). He waited till he could tell GWB "it's your biggest national security threat". Thanks Bill. Then again, maybe we all were asleep at the switch till 911. There was little mandate. Why the heck are people still arguing about that mandate post 911? This isn't about wmd per sey, it is about people that want to exterminate us. Let the man do his job.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

Here is another piece from the same article. Note who they say may be behind it, as were behind the Muslims practicing genocide in Bosnia.<br /><br />"Contributing to the success of this strategy to date has been the negligible attention given to the KLA's ties to organized crime elements in the Albanian diaspora [See: "Speculation plentiful, facts few about Kosovo separatist group," Baltimore Sun, 3/16/98; "Germany 'can take no more refugees'," The Guardian (London), 6/17/98; "My plan to save Kosovo now," by Paddy Ashdown, The Independent (London), 8/5/98] and indications that the KLA may be receiving assistance (as did the Muslim regime in Bosnia) from Iran [See: "Radical groups 'arming Kosovo Albanians'," Financial Times (London), 5/8/98; "Italy Become's Iran's New Base for Terrorist Operations," Defense and Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy (London), February 1998]. "<br /><br />Here is the link. There is also mention of UBL himself.<br />


Oct 8, 2003
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

Originally posted by knobby:<br /> When Clinton lied, at least nobody died.
Because nobody died, is presisly why we are in this fix in the first place. Why cant you liberal peace freaks figure this out?<br /><br />Peace equals death or you have no peace.<br /><br />I know this sound ironic, but a more truthfull statement could never be made.


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 11, 2003
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

You might think differently if your son or daughter was beheaded all in the name of George Bush.


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 11, 2003
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

Carp,<br />Your statement: "I bet all those soldiers that died believed in what they were fighting for."<br /><br />We won't have a chance to ask them will we?


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 11, 2003
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

LD, your statement, "Because nobody died, is presisly why we are in this fix in the first place. Why cant you liberal peace freaks figure this out?" <br />Sounds like you think I'm a peace freak, not so, at least the VC didn't think so. Just a Vet who don't like my sons and daughters going to a war based on a lie by the establishment. Liberal or Conservative.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Clintons book, (My Life) Or (My Lies)

Knobby, I dont know what Lubedude thinks about you. But based on your point of view, I think you got a hood over your sheethead.