Advise please!


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Re: Advise please!

The tri-hull might Mako a good boat for you if it's not all torn up. My last hull was real similar to that and the layout did Mako for a nice family boat. Any sort of chop in that hull and it would Mako for a rough ride though.

The Invader might be worth looking at - but for some reason I get a bad vibe on it. The thing about limiting yourself to the cheap boats (which is how I've bought too), is it requires you to Mako the trip to go look at 'em. You just never know until you go kick the tires.

The nice part is you've got some time to Mako up your mind, and think about which one would Mako a nice boat for your use. Heck, nearly anything that's runnin' will Mako the family happy for the first boat anyway.

By the way ... I think you should go look at the Mako. :D


Jan 27, 2012
Re: Advise please!

Well, just got off the phone with the owner of the Invader. I dunno guys, seams it has had some mods done to it. He said the seats are not original and something about the front two, drivers and passengers, not being bolted down. He said he switched out the original gas tank for (3) 6's. He said the hull was filled with foam and everything is solid. I asked him to shoot me some pics before I drive the hour plus to look at it and he said it would be too much work to uncover it:confused:. Hmmmm......

And.....the search continues......:facepalm:

81 Checkmate

Jul 20, 2010
Re: Advise please!

Salty. Been following your thread, Looks like you’re between a rock and hard spot with money. The Pickens in your area are slim to none for your budget, which is a bummer. One question would be are you mechanically inclined? To me this would answer many questions on what type of boat I would buy. If you have the tools and the desire to do the work, that would give you more options. I personally would not buy anything less than an 18 ft boat. I have a 21 footer and wish it was a 24ft, you would be amazed that 2 feet does make a difference in a boat. The reason I say this is because of your use description. Next I would do a lot of research first before buying. Like what is the difference between an outboard motor and inboard/outboard motor and inboard motors, there is a great deal of difference in them. Next do I want a bow rider or cuddy or do I just want a fishing boat. As well these are all different boats. Read, Read, Read and then read on it again. This is a great site for questions and answers for tuning and repairing a motor/ boat and whatnot’s. Just don’t go buy a boat without checking in here first. Take pics of everything to post up so we can look at it and give our opining. Don’t let someone force you into buying something you don’t want or do not like, just because they have one or had one in the past. It’s your choice and your capabilities that will make the difference. Good luck in your search!

P.S I do not like the 83 Foam filled !!, What’s the guy thinking. I do like the 84 sea ray, but it would depend on its current condition. I’m a I/O guy so the small block would be what I would look for. Just my opinion !!!!!!!!!


Sep 15, 2009
Re: Advise please!

In my opinion, given the shoe string budget, SaltyBlood is getting into very risky waters. Salty, honestly, I think you need to save a little more money to put towards a boat and have some in reserve for repairs/issues.

Stick to hunting the outboards and get your budget up a bit, and have some in reserve for stuff that must be fixed. I feel your angst and your fever; it's gotta be maddening. I am afraid you are at a point where the risk is so high and the cost of repairs is so high that you are going to drop 2 g's and not boat this year and then cripple your attempts to boat next year and beyond.

At 1500 bucks, I think you could find a much smaller old boat and old, rough 2-stroke outboard, but getting 18 or 19+ foot bowriders and such.... honestly, they're just gonna be boats that have slowly rotted. Go back and read some of our posts. especially about the Mako and Grady. At 2500 to 3000 bucks, with an outboard and better made boat, things start to look possible. Can't you tell that experienced guys start perking up when these boats in this budget are discussed? There's a reason for that.

Been 'round boats all my life. I can look at an ad for 5 secs & know it's a disaster or has potential <--- it's akin to reading a rookie poker player's 'tell'. Every stinking ad has a 'tell'. There are a fair number of folks on here that can almost sense which boats are even worth considering. 5 seconds is being generous. Most experienced guys can give it a 1-2 second scan and move on.

Go back and read the forum comments about the Mako and Grady I posted, then you'll know you need to be able to buy something like that AND have some money in reserve. That's the imaginary cutoff point to meet your needs. 2500-3000 bucks... and up.

Otherwise, I fear you might never fill your boating prescription and die from the fever you currently have.

Do this: Everytime you see an older I/O and older 18+ foot bow rider and what not, if the price says 1500, I want you to double that price. That's the real price you have to work off of.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Advise please!

For $1500, the only thing that wouldn't be a near-guaranteed money pit would be an aluminum hull with an outboard


Jan 27, 2012
Re: Advise please!

I honestly appreciate all of your help guys. The advice has been great and support overwhelming.

I gave my best at coming up with the $$ for the Mako last night. Family meeting, rearanged budget, asked my brother for $$, the whole 9 yards, and I just cant get it to work. I could potentionally save for a few more months, but to be honest with you all, I am afraid that life will happen, which it always does. It only takes for one our cars to break down or a kid to break a leg and there goes dads boat money. So that is why I am trying to find something while I still have it.

I took Monday off in hopes to drive all over New England and back this weekend. I am going to look, look, pry, and snoop. And fingers crossed and emotions left at the door, find a good starter boat. Does not have to be pretty or new, just something I could take the kids for a ride in and get my poles in the water on occassion.

I am good with motors, well, cars anyway. I can do most of my own work on my Chevy, so I am hoping with the help of the site and other resources, to do most of my own work.

My goal in all of this is to get a starter boat. Something to get my feet wet. Something cheap that runs. If I get one summer out of it, then great. By next summer I will have a lot more $$ and motivation.

Again, I really do appreciate all of your help in this. Wish I could buy all of you a beer!

Now, back to business:

Just talked with the dealer of the Sea Sprite again......remeber, my first post? Asked him several detail questions, and this is what he said:

This boat appears to be in excellent shape. We did remove the motor and inspect the transom and there were no signs of soft spots or rot. The bolts came out hard and in the original holes, they were still sealed up really well as well. An extra is possible, I do not have one from that boat directly, but I am sure that we could find one around here, or a new one on a pedestal would not be that expensive. I am pretty confident in this boat, the customer was a good customer of ours who traded it in, and he simply wanted a new boat. There was nothing really wrong with it, he just came into a settlement and decided to go brand new. Let me know.

So, with that, if I could get him down to 1500, maybe it is worth a look?

Would like to go look at the Seville as well, they are both in the same area. That is my plan for this Saturday.

Thanks guys!!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Advise please!

Except without a Chrysler ;)

I gave my best at coming up with the $$ for the Mako last night. Family meeting, rearanged budget, asked my brother for $$, the whole 9 yards, and I just cant get it to work. I could potentially save for a few more months, but to be honest with you all, I am afraid that life will happen, which it always does. It only takes for one our cars to break down or a kid to break a leg and there goes dads boat money. So that is why I am trying to find something while I still have it.

I hate to say this.....I REALLY hate to say this doesn't sound to me like you can afford a boat.

Seriously though...just being out on the water is fun. You don't need an 18' boat that can go 35+ MPH in order to enjoy your time out there. My dad's boat was $600. Yeah it only has a 4HP and is dog slow but man, we've covered a lot of area in that little thing. With $1500 you could probably get a larger version of that with 10 or more HP which would scoot pretty well. Grab something like that, get out there, enjoy exploring, fishing, whatever and in a couple years when you've got a little more $$ to play with, sell it for what you paid for it and get something larger!


Sep 15, 2009
Re: Advise please!

Except without a Chrysler ;)


Oops... I thought it was a Johnson. :D Was just a reference point for a small alum boat!

More importantly, Salty has said that once he buys a 1500-2000 dollar boat, he will not be able to fix his car when it breaks down or get his kid medical care; e.g, should his son break his leg. After reading that, I decided to stop endorsing any boats, budgets, etc.

Salty... dude... step back and re-prioritize.


Sep 21, 2011
Re: Advise please!

Have to agree with Philster here...gotta be able to get to work to pay for all those repairs to the boat.

Also wanted to highlight something Chriscraft254 said in a earlier post..." By the way, the right boat will come along if you keep being patient. It will feel right,look right and will probably fall in your lap."

This couldn't be more true. I'm 30, been around the water all my life, and always wanted a 16-18 open bow boat. Well, I was always in the position you are currently in. Don't have sufficient funds, and what is it that I'm looking at for $1500?! Each fall - spring, I was looking on those sites at $1500 boats that needed floor or transom work. CC254 nailed it. Granted, I may not own a high quality boat, but I found (when I was not really looking for one) a 1986 Sunbird 195 with galvanized roller trailer for $60. That's right $60! Yes it needs new carpet, likely a head gasket, and a little tlc in general, but for the purchase price I can live with some repair expenses. So be PATIENT. It's worth it.


Jan 27, 2012
Wooaaa.....maybe I painted a bad picture using the broken leg/car analogy. I make plenty of money, and am not broke broke. Kids, wife, and all have real good medical. It's not like that at all.....

I just wanted to find something simple that we could float on. Who knows, maybe the kids end up not liking it and later I can invest in a large Mako or something. It's our first boat and don't want to dive in too deep until we know for sure what we want......


81 Checkmate

Jul 20, 2010
Re: Advise please!

Geezzz you all are acting like $1500 - $2000 is chump change and he is going to end with nothing but junk. I understand were you are coming from but come on. Just like Asmithnew2 said $60 bucks and a new too him boat. I have seen a few people come out smelling like a rose on boats for under 2 grand. The key is look over something with a fine tooth comb before you buy. Your weekend trip sounds like a good way to go. Now you will be able see them first hand. Good Luck Salty!


Sep 15, 2009
Re: Advise please!

Au contraire, if we were treating it like chump change, we wouldn't be trying to help someone not get jacked out of 1500-2000 bucks and then some.

You got the whole effort here from the iboaters turned upside down. We know it isn't chump change, thus the care and attention. Further, Salty did paint a grim picture.

This thread is the epitome of what is good about iboats. My old signature used to say that "Asking about buying a boat on iboats is like getting slapped in the face with a wet fish."

Sometimes, you gotta take the feedback like a fish across the face to snap out of the trance and pay attention. This thread is everything that is right about iboats; let's not flip a good thing on its head, like this: ˙ƃuıɥʇ pooƃ ∀

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Advise please!

I have a reversal on the mako--but not really on the boat, but the distance. You are looking at low-end boats, so there will be problems. Just part of boating. You want to get it straight home (or to a hometown mechanic), assess and fix. But your low-end boat is going to be sitting on a low end trailer. You have to take it as is, sight unseen. OK to drive a few miles home and assess. Very bad idea to risk the whole venture on even an hour on the highway. I did that once and it scared me to death.

There are a few guys here with the know-how and desire who'd take along parts and grease to repack or rebuild the bearings for the trip. I wouldn't.

As I have said before, and others here make the same point, your purchase price is just a down payment. If you can't budget in the reserves (start with $800 to get it in the water for the first time) then slow down. NEVER set your budget at the purchase price. Have you priced out the list of necessaries?


Jan 27, 2012
That is

normally I'd stay away from a trihull but it's cheap and has the cool puke green stripes.... and since it's all solied.... did I mention cheap..... never know, If you can stand being in it you could be on the water for $500 and do a lot of fishing while you save up for something better.

Just talked to the owner. Has a Force 125hp outboard, says it has been kept in the garage and maintained on a regular basis. He is going to shoot me some pics and I'll post them later. May be worth a look and would save 1k for extras/repairs, etc.



Lieutenant Commander
Apr 16, 2011
Re: Advise please!

This thread is the epitome of what is good about iboats. My old signature used to say that "Asking about buying a boat on iboats is like getting slapped in the face with a wet fish."

Sometimes, you gotta take the feedback like a fish across the face to snap out of the trance and pay attention. This thread is everything that is right about iboats; let's not flip a good thing on its head

Umm, ditto! Think I gotta scale in my eye ...?


Jan 27, 2012
For 1k.....


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