Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy
Houston....this is Ebko...we have a problem....
Seems there are these bubbles coming out of our fuel tank sending unit....We are losing pressure....
Ehh...Roger Ebko...this is Houston...Engineers have found that your gasket is a little brittle...could be the source of your bubbles...
Houston...this is Ebko again...Roger that...gasket was shot...made a temporary replacement so we can continue on with the pressure test mission...
However we have another problem...Seems there has been a clunking noise down in the tank....
Wait Houston....we found the culprit....
Pick-up hose was just flopping around in the tank...
So I am glad I did not get in too much of a hurry...plenty of work yet to do on the tank...
Was really hoping I could report that I had started laying the Deck....
If you have been following along on this know I like to experiment....
So I have been wondering if I could get 5200 down in the pilot holes when I put the deck in. Picked up a couple of test syringes...
Looks like the 5200 can be pushed through the syringe...I had my doubts to be honest...
Drilled couple 1/8" through, one blind...
I used this larger bore syringe on the through hole....this is the other side of that hole...
It worked! But not so good on the blind hole...will need to get a needle to start from the bottom and work my way up to top of hole...I forgot to get needles...
This is showing what happens with the 5200 after putting a screw in and pulling it back out.
Left is the through hole....right is the blind hole...I wiped the tops of the screws off before pulling them out.
The screw on right has 5200 on it...I also put the screw in dry, pulled it out, then put 5200 in it...It is coated pretty good.
The left one is just pushed all the 5200 out the bottom...
Hope everyone is having a good productive weekend...or those of you that have a water ready craft are being safe and having fun!