Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy
Lunch time....
No rain yet, in fact the sun peeked out for the last hour and heated up the greenhouse pretty good...
Drilled for my brass tubes on bilge stringers..
Little long, will have to trim them down, but that won't be a problem...
Got some PVC pipe cut for under the tank..
Kind of undecided on how to proceed here..
The bottom of the tank will be riding right on that strake there in top of the pic...Not much room for a pipe to go down and tie into the central pipe there..
I plan on using PL to hold the PVC down to hull, then 5200 on ends to keep water out of the foam under the tank.
Should I fashion a tube to go down into that PVC or continue the limber hole to go on top of the fiberglass I will be putting on top of the foam here?
Here is a CRUDE drawing showing the cross section of what I am trying to accomplish...
Blue is the tank
Red is stringers
Green glass I will lay on top of foam/under tank
Yellow is the foam