'78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

'78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

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Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

R U still keeping the Resin in the Fridge???

Yup, but was sitting in the boat since 7:00 am this morning...doesn't take long for it to get hot I guess.

Hey troop. sorry to say but it looks like your going to have to make some time in the evening when it starts to get cooler :(

Also may be a good idea to mix a small batch and see how quick it sets... and maybe not add as much catalyst... but than again i am talking out of my herher.. because i have not used resin yet... so it may be that if you put less catalyst you get less of a bond. but i dont know just shootin out ideas.

I was told not to go below 1% ratio...I was just in a hurry and wanted to get as much done as I could this last day of vacation.....

Live and learn...


Jun 24, 2010
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Troop are you using any kinds of fans to suck the air through the tent? I grabbed a 36" farm fan at Tractor supply and would set it up when grinding and to vent fumes.

fat fanny

Lieutenant Commander
Feb 9, 2006
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Troop you realy need to be carefull in that heat for your healths sake! No sence overdoing it trying to get that last bit of to do lists done before vac, ends that boat will be there tommorrow. I know how it is trying to get the most done with your time off. maybe try workin a lil later in the evening or early mornin to beat the heat. Glass work looks great nicely cut test fits top notch. Keep on keepin on.


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Troop are you using any kinds of fans to suck the air through the tent? I grabbed a 36" farm fan at Tractor supply and would set it up when grinding and to vent fumes.

RR - I peel the tent back before I start working, unless I am grinding...I try to contain the dust then suck it up with a vac...A fan might help though...I have thought about getting one, maybe I better....

Troop you realy need to be carefull in that heat for your healths sake! No sence overdoing it trying to get that last bit of to do lists done before vac, ends that boat will be there tommorrow. I know how it is trying to get the most done with your time off. maybe try workin a lil later in the evening or early mornin to beat the heat. Glass work looks great nicely cut test fits top notch. Keep on keepin on.

FF - you hit the nail on the head :)

Trying to make every minute count...I started at 7 this morning..hot sun hits the boat by about 930 or 10....then the real hot stays till 230 or 3...then I am under a tree's shade...hmm...shade....seems my dad mentioned something to me about getting some shade...and a fan....

Speaking of health..I really think I overdone it today...wasn't drinking as much as I should, had a killer headache...quit sweating for a little while too...haven't passed any urine since I got up...bet when I do it is dark.....

from what I recall of my Army training that sounds like heat stroke/exhuastion with a little dehydration to boot...finsihed up a little more work and sat in the shade, drank 3 full glasses of cold swet tea...took an hour to stop sweating....too hot... but I need to get it done now before the real heat kicks in....


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

And here is what I was finishing up.....

Not letting this thing kick my butt yet....

Take two...


Put my resin/mekp on ice...literally

was able to make a 750 ml set with no problems...

What really was a pain was all the rolling and bubbles....

I ran myself ragged trying to get them all. Finally I gave in...took out the scissors, cut where the worst one's were and will go over them with a "patch"....it will be good and strong when I get done.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

If you don't have a scalpel, get one. I works great for slicing open bubbles and sometimes they'll lay down and you don't have to patch em.


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Looking back through the pages since I started vacation. I guess I did get quite abit done.

Made gussets. Tabbed the stringers, and the bulkheads..ground those down to deck height. Got the deck plates cut to size and fitted.Fixed the bow eye and the old holes from previous location of the bow eye.Removed the front seating area...ground all the glass down in the front. Removed the foam blocks that were peeling along side the hull. Capped the gussets, some stringers and one bulkhead. Did a lay up in the bilge, and the fuel tank areas...

All in all not a bad vacation. I really wanted the deck to be in though.

Hope everyone had a good weekend....and have an even better week!


Seaman Apprentice
May 15, 2012
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

You sure did get alot done,
This stuff takes time and you actually make it look quick.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

You sure got a funny notion about what constitutes a 'good' vacation: Random cups of flaming toxic waste, heat & chemical burns, heat exhaustion, fumes, grinding glass, oh & the sun burn too...... Sounds more like the 2nd or 3rd ring of purgatory:facepalm:

Excellent progress! Heck of a lot in a short period of time.....

Getting thru it is the big deal, laying the deck will be a piece of cake.... Or pie, your choice:D. Both w/ ice cream is also a perfectly acceptable alternative.

I should be so lucky to get 20% of that much done the end of June. Just booked out of town for the Admiral's bday the 1st 4 days of my little stay at home & work on a boat or 2, 9 day Stay-cation.... She puts up w/ me & the dog, so, well you know, I gots ta do what I gots ta do......

Welcome back to the work week........


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

You sure did get alot done,
This stuff takes time and you actually make it look quick.

Thanks C_B....you must have seen my video? :)

You sure got a funny notion about what constitutes a 'good' vacation: Random cups of flaming toxic waste, heat & chemical burns, heat exhaustion, fumes, grinding glass, oh & the sun burn too...... Sounds more like the 2nd or 3rd ring of purgatory:facepalm:

Excellent progress! Heck of a lot in a short period of time.............

I really had a good time last week, it was over waayy too fast, but isn't every vacation?

Thanks for the kind words...it helps...


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Grinding glass is still better then work, but it's also better then a stick in the eye, so it's all relative.....


Seaman Apprentice
May 15, 2012
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Thanks C_B....you must have seen my video? :)

I think I did, can't remember, I did read the whole thread.

Question about the resin trooper.

You say you can't go below 1%, Is that the knowledge of Iboats speaking or manafacture.

only reason I ask is because the us composites poly says 1 gallon = 1 oz of MEKP, so thats 128oz = 1oz,
but they say the mix can be increased or decreased by 50%.

Just from our "test" glassing @ 70 degrees , like no humidity we used 50% less , and the stuff did not want to set until we added heat, lol.
Next test we doubled our MEKP, and it took about and hour temp was 70, with heat added.

So I was just wondering on your thoughts on this, , I know 10 degrees warmer makes a huge difference and 20-30 , must be crazy,


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

OK, I didn't do anything but clean up my messy work area last night. Rearranged the shed so I can pull out large quantities of glass easier.

Did a lot of thinking and have a dilemma or two...hope someone can point me in the right direction.

Item #1
Water in the Foam...

I have put a lot of thought into the escapement for water under the deck. When I first started the project I was convinced water would never be able to get under deck. With the months of reading I now know that I still must plan for it. That is why I have limber holes in every section (still have a few more to put in after doing the gussets). Down the "V" bow to stern I have limber holes in all the bulkheads. a couple of these will have foam going in, like under the tank. I can put a piece of PVC or hose in there to connect the bulkheads, but I still need water to get from the compartments made by the stringers into this foam filled area and what ever type of connector I use. I also will need something to leave a path for water from the outside of stringers into the "V". I have holes but do I need a channel along the base of the stringers too? I have seen/heard different ideas on how to go about this, but have not seen evidence that anyone used the methods they explained. For instance I have heard of using balloons ( I doubt that would work), cardboard tubes (sounds good in theory), garden hose. PVC pipe cut in half with holes drilled in it. I have also considered a perforated drainage pipe type system. Problem is the foam will find a way into al the perforations, I'm sure.

One other idea I had I put to the test last night. The poly foam will not stick to slick plastic..so....I thought ...vinyl tubing is slick. I made a very small batch of 2PF. poured it over a small 3/8" piece of vinyl tubing I had laying around. Let it set up. it was stuck pretty good. I could not pull it through the foam. I could however peel it from the tubing. It indeed did not stick to the tubing completely. So I thought...Needs lubricant... I had some 3in1 oil close by repeated my experiment. Was actually worse. I could not pull the tubing free, nor could I peel the foam from it. So back to the drawing board. Now I start thinking about putting air pressure in the tubing to expand it, then let the energy built into the wall of the tubing work to my advantage. With a large diameter tube I think this might work. I will try and test it this week sometime. But then...I think what about a bike inner tube? cut it so it is straight, seal it on the ends...fill it with enough air to make my mold then put in the foam, remove the air and pull it out? May try that experiment as well. If anyone has already done this, let me know.


Motor Mounts

You may recall I have fashioned a set of motor mounts. Was a slow day when I did them, did not have anything solid in the hull yet. Just going with numbers I had jotted down on some paper. Well..those of you who have been watcing me for awhile remember that I did the same thing when I cut my first stringers....too short...doh!!!

These mounts are too narrow. I need to have 24" on center ...my stringer faces are 32" apart. I cut these things 5" wide. that leaves me with 27" centers...and I need 24"...do I put spacers behind them, then glass them to stringer/hull as planned? Or do I remake them?


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

I think I did, can't remember, I did read the whole thread.

Question about the resin trooper.

You say you can't go below 1%, Is that the knowledge of Iboats speaking or manafacture.

only reason I ask is because the us composites poly says 1 gallon = 1 oz of MEKP, so thats 128oz = 1oz,
but they say the mix can be increased or decreased by 50%.

Just from our "test" glassing @ 70 degrees , like no humidity we used 50% less , and the stuff did not want to set until we added heat, lol.
Next test we doubled our MEKP, and it took about and hour temp was 70, with heat added.

So I was just wondering on your thoughts on this, , I know 10 degrees warmer makes a huge difference and 20-30 , must be crazy,

Not exactly sure where I saw that 1%. I know early on when I did my transom I had went like .75% and I think it was WoodOnGlass that suggested to stay @ 1% or higher. let me see if I can find it and will update this post.


CB here is where I asked the question MEKP Ratio?

Next few posts afterwards explain it...


Jun 24, 2010
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Trooper what about some rope coated in grease and the foam poured over it?


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Trooper what about some rope coated in grease and the foam poured over it?

The way this stuff expands, I think it would find a way into the nooks and crannys.

But you know that is something else I was thinking about. Roll some smooth nylon rope into a sleeve of plastic sheeting. the rope would pull out, and the sheeting might too...if wrapped like taping wire...know what I mean?


Jun 24, 2010
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Maybe that saran wrap stuff they use at Lowes/HD for holding molding together.... I was thinking a cotton type rope with wheel bearing grease slathered on real good.


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Foam expansion....one other thing I learned from my experiment. I only had maybe 1/4" in the bottom of one of those small drinking glass size incremented cups. When the foam started to go, I Put my hand (in a nitrile glove) over the top and the pressure got to a point where it was equal or greater above the foam and it stopped expanding. As soon as I removed my hand the pressure above the foam dropped and the expansion continued. For this reason , I will be placing 2 holes in each area I will be foaming. if it expanded and blocked itself in, it would not expand properly. as long as there is a vent for the pressure created allowed to escape it should fill entire void.