Trooper, looks great! Nice, clean lines back there... I know how hard it is to get that set up and the angles just right, so kudos my friend... We are just about at the same spot... Keep plugging!
The first section isn't the full 48" only 33" or so. that is why I am starting the 48" from bilge bulkhead forward. I hadn't really thought about it too much until I put the tank in tonight to see how it was going to lay with a sheet under it. Glad I found it now instead of later...done did that mistake once (cut / then measure). The bulkheads are all in different locations now vs. where they were when I took them out, but that doesn't bother me any.
Are you running the ply parallel with the stringers ? would that be ok with the width of the tank? To far of a span and it may sag . Just an un educated thought..
Yes that helps. Actually what I thought you were saying, but pictures helpSo what is supporting the plywood seam cleat? just screw it into first sheet, then second sheet pulls it up flush? What if I did that, but added some side girder type things like bulkheads? So I would be supporting that seam/cleat on the outside of tank at least.