'78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

'78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

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Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Said before somewhere, but it is always worth repeating..."We are our own worst critics"...so there!:)

If the BB is stickin...1- make sure it rolls/spins completely freely, you should almost be able to blow on it and get it spinning, well sort of...
2- give it a dip in Mineral Spirits or Acetone while using...

Don't recall if you were able to save any of the bulkheads or stringers to use as templates, but if Not...try the cardboard strip/hot glue method...gets you real close to the finished shape...

Definitely a good idea to take the day slow and easy, do some odds and ends and engulf yourself in the good feelings surrounding you after doing all that hard work yesterday...you have earned it!


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Just thought of a possible good use for those squares, if you are not going to use them for their original purpose...instead of tossing them, you could create a 1" thick by 12" high piece of Plywood to use as bulkheads or reinforcements...???

There I go again, thinkin...:facepalm:


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Troop, Just want to say what a fine job you did on the transom. I know the stress and trepidation one goes through the first time you prepare for this. You did great!!!! It will get easier from here. After the first stringer is in you'll be wondering why you worried about it so much and what the big deal is. You've come a long way since the day you brought her home!!!!!;)


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

I have been thinking too. It is too hot to do any glassing right now, 117 F under the plastic.

So i did remeasure the bulkheads and fir stringers. Got me thinking about the large space thatwillbeabove the gas tank. It had strips of wood going across it before to help hold the deck up. I am using 3/4 ply, think I still need to have strips on top of tank?

Looking at the work I did yesterday also has me thinking, and learning I hope.

When tabbing, it is not necessary to completely cover the length of the area. I wound up with some wrinkles that could have been avoided.


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Troop, Just want to say what a fine job you did on the transom. I know the stress and trepidation one goes through the first time you prepare for this. You did great!!!! It will get easier from here. After the first stringer is in you'll be wondering why you worried about it so much and what the big deal is. You've come a long way since the day you brought her home!!!!!;)

Thanks Woody. What really got me going was the way it went gluing the transom in. My hairy pb was fuzzy. I used a drill to mix. In hind sight should have just mixed it in with a stick. Lesson learned. So many different recipes out there had me confused. I came up with what looks and feels right now, so should be ok.

Anxious to get some done. Maybe after it cools down a little.


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Mixed cabosil, with resin, added cat then but in 1/4 csm fibers. Problem was the way i mixed it. I didnt like the way it looked. I tested it witha good switft kick after it set. Didn't budge.


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

I must have got to relaxed today...didn't get anything done :( other than the measurements and sanded a few high spots from the work yesterday. Found a few places I will try to get covered with new glass tomorrow evening. Just some spots in the lower part of the hull that are weak or flaking. Will try to do a little each night this week, then hit it hard next Saturday morning. Weather permitting of course.

Have a good week everyone!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Yep this stuff kinda wears ya out! It's good to take a break now and then heck me and fsil went fishing for a while yesterday..
I think on the pb mix it works well by mixing the resin and hardener then add the 1/4 fibers then tap in the cabosil and mix until you get the thickness you want. As long as you don't make it to hot you should have plenty time to use .
Have a good week Troop !


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Mixed cabosil, with resin, added cat then but in 1/4 csm fibers. Problem was the way i mixed it. I didnt like the way it looked. I tested it witha good switft kick after it set. Didn't budge.

Yeah that's my formula but I don't use a power mixer.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Transom & tabbing came out looking great! Where did you fall on the 12X12 ply squares? No carpet = no squares?

Have a great week


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Thanks JB. Spoke to YD on pm about the squares and he suggests they go back in.


Apr 5, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

I knew there was a glass man hiding in a Pink Floyd t-shirt.
You did a excellent job on the glass work.
I agree with sphelps ^^^^ resin then 1/4 strand cat and cabosil. If I mix a quart of resin I use about 3/4 cup of 1/4 strand and 1/2 gallon of cabosil. Twice as much cabosil as resin. Works pretty good that way.

I wish I could help about the plywood squares but I don't have a clue why they were used in the boat.
I would PM Yatch Dr or Opps and see if they have seen this before.
IMHO I wouldn't think they were used just to staple carpet in. The factory would use glue.
Hate to see you spend the money and all the time to cut them up for nothing. :facepalm:


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

What a difference a day makes...

Patched a couple or three spots...

Used some scrap CSM to cover this area, I had nicked it with the circular saw. I will be putting some 1708 over this too, just didn't have any ready when I had some left over resin to use. Glad I left the scraps laying in the boat, with scissors :)

Another small patch to strengthen a spot I had ground kind of deep...

Check this out, I have a bilge frame made..whooo hoooo....note the 1/4" strips holding it all off the hull....will be putting some PL in there, but not till I get everything tested with a dry run. Tacked these together with a brad nailer so I can keep it like so. I spent a lot of time measuring to make sure it was right, and want it to go back that way. Note the aluminium bar showing where the bottom of the deck will be. I left plenty so I will have wood to remove to get it down to correct height when the time comes.

I also got all the stringers cut. Blanks cut out for the other bulkheads. I see a floor in my future and I am excited!
Plan is to finish the rest tomorrow evening. I think I will be able to, should go much faster than these did tonight. Then get the PL bead laid under it all on Wed. and let that cure till Saturday morning. We all know what comes after that...weather permitting...yup that's right..PB and tabs.

I have been saying I want to redesign the motor mounts. I am thinking of making a U-shaped box so I can put through bolts on the motor mounts. I will try to draw something up in SketchUp to show you what I mean. Looking for advice on one layer of 3/4 ply or two. I am leaning for two myself.

Hope you all have a good week.


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

I knew there was a glass man hiding in a Pink Floyd t-shirt.
You did a excellent job on the glass work.
I agree with sphelps ^^^^ resin then 1/4 strand cat and cabosil. If I mix a quart of resin I use about 3/4 cup of 1/4 strand and 1/2 gallon of cabosil. Twice as much cabosil as resin. Works pretty good that way.

I wish I could help about the plywood squares but I don't have a clue why they were used in the boat.
I would PM Yatch Dr or Opps and see if they have seen this before.
IMHO I wouldn't think they were used just to staple carpet in. The factory would use glue.
Hate to see you spend the money and all the time to cut them up for nothing. :facepalm:

Hey thanks Decker! I must admit it is getting easier. Wish I had done my trial/error with the PB on some scrap though. I came up with about the same recipe you just mentioned. I thought it worked quite well. The resin looks like Vaseline. And no power mixing in the CSM fibers...

I did hit YD up on PM and he suggest they stay. Said it was not for carpet, just like you he said they would glue that in. He thought it would have balsa core squares about 1 1/2 " in size. The foam on the sides (towards front and rear) were small squares like that but still went up the side 12". Not looking forward to glassing all those pieces though to be honest. But a man has got to do what a man has to do!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Were they just above the 'normal' water line while on plane? If so, they may have been vibration & or sound dampening, esp since part of it was originally done w/ foam.

Or: Instead of reworking how they laid up the hull in to the mold, or to go back & re-enforce hulls that were pulled from the mold but not yet finished on the interior, it was done to reduce flex &/or stress along that 'panel' of the hull &/or chines.

Either way I think YD did you right. Yep, its a little investment in materials & time, so it would be better to go back then to skip them.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Yep, got back from NC @6pm, quick stop @ vet for kennel cough & rabies shot and home for dinner. Carp, Bonnie Bleu's an eater! But 9hrs back in the car today & not 1 beep, whine, growl or bark. Didn't sleep for more then a couple minutes at a time.

Couldn't be happier w her, she'll fit in just perfect! 4months old 4/27/12.

Thanks for asking. Cell pix aren't showing up in my email (??:confused:). So I'll put some up in the am.


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

That's great! Man has to have a good dog....such good friends...


Nov 21, 2011
Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy

Here is what I am thinking of doing for the motor mounts....which one?
