Re: '78 Ebko Lebaron - Therapy
Finally got a chance to pop in and see the wonderful gifts you found by the front door...
Don't feel too intimidated or nervous about doing all this glassing...
Even though I can personally guarantee you that you is like everything in life we do for the first feels like you are going to make every mistake in the book and really screw things up...:facepalm:but you won't...
That comes later...
...just when you think you have got the hang of it, that is when you will get all ****-sure of yourself and the little goof-ups will begin to happen...
Like welding your bubble roller solid with dried resin...or tipping over that freshly mixed bucket of resin, or forgetting the tools you need and the pre-cut CSM and 1708 after you are already in the boat, and you have to climb back out and get the stuff...:redface:...don't ask me how I know...
But it does get easier and less stressful as you become more familiar with the products you are using...
Realistically you have anywhere from 10-20 minutes of working time with the resin...under what seems like a ton of can get everything you set out to do in that time period...
The more familiar you get with this stuff, the slower the clock gets and the faster you accomplish the tasks...
Like has been mentioned, keep your batches of resin to a quart or less at a time...this keeps the pot from catalysing too fast...
For a coat of resin and CSM on the transom at the work bench, that will be will have plenty of time...just get everything prepped to go...
For the transom installation, it is obvious you are going to need more than a quart, probably 3-5 quarts of PB...pre-measure 3 or more separate batches...resin, mek-p, cabosil, milled fibers...but don't mix them together until just before you need them...preferably if available, an assistant comes in mighty handy...but if you are really organized and set can do it by yourself...
Later, I'll give you a call and try to point out a few other tips...right now I gotta go back to the grind...
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy...