Wow I am surprised you were able to not damage the shaft in that battle. Will remember if I ever need a prop taken off that will not come off easy to bring it to you. :laugh:
I swear I think someone played a not so practical joke on the previous owner and they glued the prop on. What a pain, surprising thing is I pumped the unit up to 10psi this morning before I left for work and it's still holding fast at 10
Anyone out there sent off any old chromed pieces to get re-chromed. I have the 2 original lifting eyes I would like to keep that need re-chromed and I remember reading in one of the threads recently where someone mentioned a company that did chrome resto.
Thanks for the quick response AllDodge. I went back and searched threads again and found the one I was thinking about it was in Archs thread "Superfineshine".
I actually found a local platter here. You might look around to see if there is one in the neighborhood. I'm going to try to swing by this one in the next week or two to see what they can do.
Well I got home and checked on the lower half of the out drive and it's still holding pressure. I checked the 2 props on the shaft and they were tight and sticky so I filed down some burrs and now they go on and off smoothly. I cleaned everything up and put the 2 halves together and pressured it up and so far so good. The areas I JB Welded sanded down nicely and held up well during all my banging and cutting with the Sawzall even when I accidently hit it several times.
EPIC BATTLE!!!eace: Glad you won. Ya know, with April 1st coming up, you should call a prop shop and tell them you have a prop that needs some "minor reconditioning", get a quote, and then drop that prop off and see what they say. Might be fun...
Getting closer everyday. I keep telling my friend to pull his prop once a year and grease the splines but he does not listen. I"ll show him this aand maybe it will change his mind. He bought the boat new in 03 and the prop has never been off.