1989 Johnson 20HP


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 23, 2009
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Looks like you checked this water pump out at just the right time. The rubber stuck to the housing is an indication that the whole thing was ready to go. The rubber is aged and ready to be replaced.

Just a note to inspect the rubber gromet on the top of the copper tube. That gromet is subject to exhaust temperatures and is known to fail. When it fails, most of the cooling water for the motor runs back down into the leg.

Gotta get some rest here.....will check back 5:30am CST in usa.

Good luck you're doing fine.:D


Vice Admiral
Oct 21, 2008
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Ouch!! That impeller ran without water for a few minutes. Looks just like the lower unit from my 25. It looks like you had fun getting the lower unit off. I had that learning experience last Fall, but luckily, I got it done without any problems.:D:D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Looks like you checked this water pump out at just the right time. The rubber stuck to the housing is an indication that the whole thing was ready to go. The rubber is aged and ready to be replaced.

Just a note to inspect the rubber gromet on the top of the copper tube. That gromet is subject to exhaust temperatures and is known to fail. When it fails, most of the cooling water for the motor runs back down into the leg.

Gotta get some rest here.....will check back 5:30am CST in usa.

Good luck you're doing fine.:D

Ya. Well you see, I just bought this motor if you have followed this thread. When I tested the motor out in a bucket of water, it was no peeing out any water what so ever, just exhaust. And as for the cup, there is some wear in the center of it where the bushing should be in the middle of the impeller. Guess I will order the whole kit. I will for sure check out that tube rubber. Would you happen to know what it is called or have the part number so I may order one when I order the kit?
Thanks for your help eh!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Ouch!! That impeller ran without water for a few minutes. Looks just like the lower unit from my 25. It looks like you had fun getting the lower unit off. I had that learning experience last Fall, but luckily, I got it done without any problems.:D:D

HMM! interesting.. I just wonder if the seller tried to start it before coming here for me to test it.. .because I thought it rather odd that it started up with only 1 pull after having sat for 4 years:cool: So this is likely his fault, and he started the motor before coming here just to make sure it fired up well for me... hmm... hmm.... definately might make sense.

What motor starts in 1 pull having sat for 4 years!

SO! good point for sure. too bad that I have to be the one who has to pay for his mistake, ah well, I was going to replace it anyway!

But shouldnt it have pee'd water when I tested it... a bit confused there


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

It "felt" like it was a bit stuck to the base and perhaps the housing when I pulled it.. possible that impeller burn out made it stuck? wouldnt the key in the impeller along with the drive shafts revolution have made it spin?

Ok, I am going into town to order some parts.
I am going to get the impeller repair kit I guess. Would you happen to know the name of that special rubber on the end of the copper tube? "about to yank that right now to check its condition, perhaps that is half of the problem"


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

I cant get the copper tube out. guess I will just leave it in there, it is probably fine. I bet he ran it out of water.. I emailed him and asked him to just be honest so I can diagnose the problem, but it is obvious it was run out of water... Is there anything in the lower foot that could prevent water getting to the impeller? is it possible that the impeller burnout happened when I was testing it with something blocking water getting to the impeller? the screen on both sides of foot we're 100% clear, I checked when I was trying it out trying to find out the problem... I am confused... I guess I will just get the impeller, housing looks like new aside from the rubber in it which I will clean out.. or should I get another one seeing that there is some wear in the metal in the cup at the top of it?


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 23, 2009
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Check your private messages.


Jul 18, 2007
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Two problems are obvious and mentioned already about the impeller:
1. SOmeone ran the motor without a proper water supply and friction melted part of the impeller. As you've noticed, melted rubber is on the stainless cup.
2. The rubber impeller has "taken a set" and all the blades are set in a curved position, so the impeller can't displace water on idle.

You are probably wise to order the whole kit now since it does appear that the cup is scuffed pretty good. Those things are high, if I remember correctly! it would probably work with just an impeller, but probably not worth trying it.
It appears that one of the previous posters gave you far better advice than I did when he told you to wait to order parts until you've torn it down.:redface:

I hope you left the water tube in position in the midsection, if not you will likely have a hard time getting the tube inserted properly in the upper water tube grommet, and in the lower water tube grommet upon reinstallation of the lower unit. That's one of the slightly tricky parts of the impeller installation is getting the water tube back in the grommet.

Don't worry about the water you saw, that's perfectly normal, water and exhaust drains through there constantly and is the reason for that oddball hole in the side of the lower unit-- so water can drain out of the midsection and not freeze and break the housing.

The grommet you're looking for is called the water tube grommet and you should be able to find the part number on that link to the parts diagram I posted above.

I believe you'll have a nice motor when you get this thing back together!
Go ahead and change your lower unit oil. After you run it the first time, let it sit overnight in the down position like it would be during operation and just barely crack the oil drain plug. If there's any leakage of the seals, a tiny trickle of water will come out since water will sink to the bottom of the gearcase where the plug is located. I suspect there won't be and you'll have a trustworthy engine for many years to come. Don't worry, if a seal is leaking, after a short run that lower unit oil will look like milk when it runs out as well! I don't think there's a better 25hp engine than an '80s OMC.

However, I noticed you were planning on doing some WOT running........I thought you were just going to troll it!:D;)

One last thing-----if you don't have muffs to run it on the water hose, make sure your bucket is big enough for the water level to get about 1/2 way up the leg, or about 3 or 4 inches below the exhaust relief on the midsection. Otherwise, you will just ruin your new impeller. Those pumps are not self-priming and the water level has to be over the pump housing or it will not prime. That's a VERY common mistake, one that I've made myself in the past.......



Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Right on JBJ.

I will order the whole shabang tomorrow ;) No! I havent taken out the copper water pipe, it wont come out! lol. Shining a flash light up there it looks like it is pretty tight around that pipe seal wise so I am not going to bother.

Thanks on the info about the water level, I never knew that. I always ran my motors on muffs. Had to make due with a bucket this time though "winter, pipes are shut off"

I shall let you know when I get her back together! Is it safe to leave the foot dry with no oil in it if it is my house until I get the foot back on and replace the oil? I drained it all out. No milky look to it at all.

ETA: Naw. I might open it up on a big lake maybe once or twice just to see how the boat handles with the 20, but it will be used for fishing 99.9% of the time :)
Thanks guys!


Jul 18, 2007
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Yes, it's fine to leave it in the house with the gear oil drained out. The only worry is when you have water in the lower unit and it freezes.
I just looked at the parts diagram again. The cup is only 12 bucks, no so bad. I'd get it and an impeller, put it back together and change my oil with some new plug washers and call it a day.:)
Last edited:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Quick help please! =)"


Well I live in Canada so I did some calling around today and there is a place in town that can get me the impeller repair kit made by Kimpex for 51.99 "your dollar is worth a bit more exchange wise ;)" So I am going to go that route. saves me paying for shipping and customs fees :)

I dont need a new housing, but I guess this kit probably comes with one for that price. Oh and washers for the foot. I am going to order a bunch of those! I wonder if they are common and I can get them from Canadian Tire or Walmart? hmm


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

Well no real update.

So today I went to the person who I bought the motor off of on my way into town as he forgot to sign the bill of sale and I wanted to give him an HDMI cable for the tv, not knowing when I got there he had written down a list of parts and prices for the motor.. He ended up buying me the impeller kit,a brand new lanyard, fill and drain screw o-rings and a big 32oz bottle of Johnson HPF XR Synthetic gear oil "is this the right stuff for my motor?"

So nice of him! I wasnt even expecting that nore asked him to do that ha!
There still are good people in this world :D

Kit should be in on thursday. Will report back then!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

That's real cool. I had a good experience as well when I bought my '89 Evinrude 4HP. The man I bought it from only used it once or twice a year for fishing trips in Canada. He assured me everything was working. I bought it and the first time I tried to use it it wouldn't start and gas was shooting out of the carb. I called him and he was obviously upset. Told me to take it get fixed and he'd foot the bill. I did (dirty carb/stuck float) sent him the bill and he prompty paid.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

ehe.. It must be the luck of 89! :p

He ended up going into town with me and we got talking. I asked him how it was on gas and he said he honestly did not know as he did not use it that much, he said a 6 gal tank of gas lasted him all year with even left over gas!

Plus he has run the motor 40:1 since brand new. So that was all good to hear. Then I started talking to him about the Skeg damage and he hit a rock in the lake that I fish alot LOL. He also did that damage the same year he bought it brand new, so I know that the gear case is all good! small world, gotta be careful out there! Lots of rock caves under the water and logs!

Now I need to get a good fish finder. I made a thread in the electronics section asking for opinions. I want a fish finder that is going to for sure mark fish and not miss em, and most importantly, good bottom structure read out in a good resolution.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

Got the Mallory kit today :)
Anything I should be aware of before installing? Might do it tonight if I am up to it, but the olympic game is on tonight, and well... here in Canada, hockey is a big deal for us :D


Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

Got the Mallory kit today :)
Anything I should be aware of before installing? Might do it tonight if I am up to it, but the olympic game is on tonight, and well... here in Canada, hockey is a big deal for us :D

Slovakia is toast!

We hope


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

well I got it all back together, but im havin a heck of a time getting the top keeper over the shift linkage brass fitting at the foot :eek: and tricks? already tried WD-40 lol


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

I guess I am the only fool up at 2:40 in the morning drinking beer and working on his motor LOL!:D