1989 Johnson 20HP


Feb 15, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Let her buck you will be very happy. I have two 14 ft. alum. boats one has a 25 hp. evinrude other 20hp. johnson. they both go about 30mph safely. Happy boating spring is right around the corner!!!!


Jul 18, 2007
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Boy Northwoods, you're makin' this a tough sale for this guy!:)

The l.u. oil is probably o.k., but hard to tell without looking in person. The grey tint is somewhat suspect in my opinion. It wouldn't keep me from trading for it. The new prop and chunk out of the skeg only worries me because the prop shaft could be bent. If you see it on muffs and run it in gear CAREFULLY, you should be able to see a bent shaft because the prop will appear to wobble. You could also turn the prop by hand and look to see that it is turning true by looking at where the prop meets the lower unit housing as you turn.
I think you would be lucky to see this guy's motor again. If he has to take it to a shop, they're going to charge him at least a $100 or more just for changing the impeller. He'll probably want to sell it for cash after that.
Good luck,


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"


Well, I am waiting for an email back from him. I told him I would do the repairs myself so he didnt have to take it to a shop, he was the one who suggested a shop not I ;)

What about this weight that is on the top of the cavitation plate?

I'll be honest. The only reason I didnt do the trade is because I wanted the opinions of you folks first. I am not a pro when it comes to outboard motors and what to look for... :cool:
He really really really likes the LCD ;)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"


If all goes well and I do get the motor tomorrow. What all do I need to order to replace the impeller. I am taking it that I will need a complete water pump repair kit just to be safe should I get the one with the housing? Take it I need a gear housing kit as well? Would be the first time I have ever done such a job if I do get it.


Jul 18, 2007
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

All you will hopefully need is the impeller itself. You'll have to take the plastic intake screens off the lower unit by removing the screws. Then you can take the shift shaft connector loose and remove the tiny black "keepers" that are on the ends of the shift shaft under the connector nuts. Don't lose the darned things! They look one-piece but are actually split so you can open them up and remove them. They are black and are cone-shaped. Then remove the bolts that hold the lower unit to the midsection. It should drop. Don't lose the key that fits in the drive shaft to turn the impeller, as you remove the old impeller, although the new impeller may come with a key.
Hopefully you will see that the impeller blades are all broken off, making the problem obvious. Try to find ALL of the old broken impeller blades.

I suspect the weight thing you mentioned is a zinc sacrificial anode.



Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Thanks JB.

Now would I not need the gasket and seals to go between the foot and mid section? or is there one?

What is a sacrificial anode? could you please explain what it's use may be :D When I first saw it I was thinking maybe someone put it on there to counter balance a wobble or something :confused: Again, my newbness showing here:D

I very much appreciate yours and everyones wisdom here. I dont know what I would do with out you guys! :) I am greatful for your advice!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

ha. so that thing is used to protect the drive from corrosion? interesting! And here I thought it was some redneck form of bandaiding a problem.. see guys.. this is why I never traded, I wanted to know first before I knew what I was getting myself into.. Ah! I hope this deal comes together now.. will keep you informed if I get her!
Thanks again!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"


The motor is mine :) going to go to his place and pick it up now :)


Jan 17, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Do yourself a huge favor and get a service manual...at least a Seloc but a factory would be much better, either way your going to need one.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Yes for sure. Going to get an OEM manual for it!
Whew, luggin that bugger up a flight of stairs was a mission within it's self :eek:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP "Update Post 57 down"

Hey Guys.

Been cleaning the motor for the better part of the night, went to take the crowl off to clean up the bit of gunk in there and noticed.... there is no air filter box on the carb..... is this model supposed to have an air filter? It is to my understanding that any carb should have a filter? looks like 4 bolt holes that bolt it onto the carb? Anywho, I contacted the person that had it and he said he's never noticed and ran it like that for ages :eek: either way, he is going to look into it for me and buy one if there is one. Jesus..... oh and the prop shaft seal is leaking I believe, so would all I need is the prop shaft seal or do I also need an O-ring that goes behind the hub as well?
I think this just started to happen, as there is no water in the gear oil, and by it warming up in my house the oil got thinner..

Model# is CJ 20C RCEM 1989 20HP


Sep 18, 2008
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

The early 80s models had air boxes. It appears they were eliminated later on.

edit: actually, I only see them from '77-81.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

Seriously? You mean there is no air box for the 89 20HP model?
Why would they not have an air filter for the carb? that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard :confused: what if a piece of sand or something got sucked into the carb and damaged the motor:confused: so you mean to tell me I made an *** out of myself for nothing? :confused:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

I dont get it because I have the original owners manual in front of me, and I am seeing pictures of motors and they have an air filter box on the carb... mind you in my owners manual it is not the same motor as the engine block is black... ah im confused here... and worried


Jul 18, 2007
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

Don't get too carried away, as changing that prop shaft seal can be quite an ordeal. The prop shaft seal may be bad, but it could also just be fuel/water mix that comes out the exhaust of all 2-stroke motors. There is no air filter on an outboard. As far as I know, none of them do. They have what is called an "air silencer" which is just to reduce the sound of the motor coming through the intake and carb. So no worries on that.
There is basically no air filter needed because over water there is usually not much dust and such. I bought my '99 30hp brand new and it doesn't have ANYTHING in front of the carb, not even an air silencer.
No gasket between the mid section and lower unit, either.


Jun 22, 2009
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

hey northwoodslivin, congrats on your new motor!

Just like jbj said, there is no air filter on that motor. And don't worry, I made the same mistake myself once! I was lookin at a early 90`s evinrude 25hp and we popped the cowling..I said "hey, wheres the air filter?" He didn't know..he thought maybe he had forgot the part somewhere. I got 100 bucks off the price for that:D. Then when I called the dealer looking for an air filter they told me that they didn't need one.

Live and learn..



Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

:) You guys are the best!

Now I must put my tail between my legs and call the good fellow back and apologise :redface:

Hmm, Exhaust run off.. possible, but I think it is coming from the rear of the prop and leaking down the blade. That would be nice if that is all it was now that you say replacing the prop seal is a dirty job :) I will monitor that. If I have a big puddle on my floor in the morning then I guess it would be safe to say that I need a new seal :)

Alright fellas, I need your advice as I am going to place an order in the next couple of days. What all do I need in total parts to redo the impeller. Should I play it safe and get the whole repair kit? As I take it there are O rings and the seal for the impeller housing with that, should it be a good idea to replace all of those? No seals if I take the foot off? So I dont need to worry about ordering a lower end seal kit?

Appreciate all the help! There should be a Rep option in the board software to give people Rep on here as many of you deserve some! :)
Thanks again fellas, and I am sure there will be many more questions :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

JBJ. Ya know what? I think you are right, I think it is just unburnt oil/gas. I took a wiff of the drip off on the paper towel and I smell gas in it :) Whew! :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 3, 2010
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

Can someone help me as to what I should order?

I am thinking two drain screw O rings for the lower unit "will probably get a bunch seeing as you have to replace em every time you drain and replace the oil"

I am stuck as for what to get for an impeller kit... You folks say that is all I need to get is an impeller kit? I dont need any additional seals or O rings?

Which is the better kit to get? Sierra or the other one? I can get an OEM complete kit here for 59.99 but the order has to be 150 or more to place an order :rolleyes:


Jun 22, 2009
Re: 1989 Johnson 20HP

Can someone help me as to what I should order?

I am thinking two drain screw O rings for the lower unit "will probably get a bunch seeing as you have to replace em every time you drain and replace the oil"

I am stuck as for what to get for an impeller kit... You folks say that is all I need to get is an impeller kit? I dont need any additional seals or O rings?

Which is the better kit to get? Sierra or the other one? I can get an OEM complete kit here for 59.99 but the order has to be 150 or more to place an order :rolleyes:

Wait until you take the leg off and see what you are dealing with before ordering new parts. You might need the whole kit or you might need just the impeller.

You always replace the rubber o-rings for the lower unit when you change the gear oil. The o-rings are one time use items.
