1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17'

1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17'

  • Center Console

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • Side (or Side by Side) console

    Votes: 11 61.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17'

Nice enlargement, and as CC's go, NICE job!

Now, if you could school our old friend Jas in the finer points of great sketch work, he might hook you up w/ the MS paint skills he's so fond of showing off! :rolleyes:

Still, nice CC layout aside, gonna have to vote for dual side consoles :) Seating & extra windbreak mainly.

If they could figure out a 'good' open & lock down system for an operable center section, having a snap insert for the lower section, between the consoles & closing a center GREATLY increases the windbreak coverage. But fitment of non-original glass is difficult for 3 panel windshields, for sure.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17'

Ok, now that we aren't building a boat for ants...

I think your layout looks great on paper but standing/moving in that I'd bet would feel really crowded in a hurry.

Now, if you pushed that CC all the way forward up to the bow deck I think it would be a bunch more comfortable.

Or, dual consoles would be sweet too, eh!

Rock on!


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2011
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17'

I like center consoles...I don't know why I just do :)

The only question I have is where will your passengers sit while the boat is in operation? Just curious


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 16, 2012
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Just so you don't forget...

Just catching up, love the video. Glad to see your choice in boat will allow you to live a long itch free life :D


Jul 19, 2010
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Whew, got my vote in before it was too late. It's your boat, of course, so whatever you decide is the right decision. Having said that, I like the idea of the center console for a few reasons; 1)Obviously, "fishability" is better with one, center console. 2)Often times, you find that most of your passengers spend time either up front or in the back seats and the opposite side console is left empty or to hold wet life jackets, etc. 3)Because of reason #1, I think it adds to the appeal down the road, should you decide to sell it. I'd go so far as to say it would add $4-500 to a future value, as bold as that sounds. And, lastly 4)The side consoles take up so much space for such little return. You lose that front livewell/cooler option and the main helm livewell/cooler option which is a lot of space. Yes, there's more work involved in the initial building, but I think seating will remain the same, if not "increase" and when it's done, the versatility will remind you why you went to the extra effort.

I might try and alter the drawing a smidge, to see if there wasn't enough room to add a "flip back cooler seat" at the helm and still leave enough room behind it to have space between it and the splashwell/seating area/storage in the stern.

And hey, jasoutside already has a "plan" formulated in his head about how to convert those 2 into 1, so that helps to offset any "extra expense". Just my thoughts. Good luck with whatever you decide.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 9, 2008
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

I ran mine as a CC for a few trips before starting the tear down. It was fine for one guy but it was like a chinese fire drill for more than one. If I had what you have I'd put it back just like it came from the factory. I built mine with adding a second console and windshield in mind. If you end up with an extra one of those short windshields let me know, I'll trade you something for it. Id like to put one of those on now.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

I appreciate everyone's inputs, thoughts and opinions... It has really helped me clear my head on this one....

I'd love to have a center console (my dream boat), but I think its a lot to ask of a 16'3" boat. Going back and looking at pics Lmuss's 17' striper confirms that. His was crowded without a rear casting deck, which is MUST for me (plus I trust his word that it was style over function in terms of how it actually fished). Good to have that input...

So, I think I can save some time and money, move more quickly through my build and end up having a layout that works just fine for me (and be more conducive to bringing the admiral or the little ones along).

So, yeah - decision made: this boat WILL BE a DUAL Console....


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Cool man, good decision, let's build er!:D


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

So, plywood choices:

Lowe's and HD are both out of Auraco - which was my brand of choice. I really liked the way it didn't warp and it took resin really well..
It looks like Lowe's has replaced it with "top choice blondewood ply" - It looks good, dry and straight, but I have no idea what its really made of, whether it will take resin well and just how resistant to rot it might be - it says "good for exterior applications when treated?" HD has something similar.... The only other un-treated ply they have is BC Pine, which is all warped and carpy looking...

Any of you lumber gurus have any knowledge, thoughts on this stuff... I have heard good things about MDO aka "signboard" (not MDF), but the big box folks here don't have it and don't know how it works with epoxy resin.... Let me know, I'd like to get my transom done and start on the deck (hopefully) this weekend...

Thanks fellas.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Lowes.com lists it as cabinet grade, so not ideal for transom & deck. But well coated w epoxy &paint, and maintenance it might work if no other available choices. Did you talk to contractors desk or guys in lumber dept? Lowes here will order MDO for me, takes a couple days to arrive.
May 4, 2012
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

I have never, and will never understand the appeal of a CC boat. You take the biggest item in the boat, that hinders free movement throughout the boat, and put it right smack dab in the middle. Not only that, but they are usually always bigger than a single side console, so you lose more room, and lose it in the middle of the boat.

The seating arrangements stink IMO, and the actual seating looks very uncomfortable....Probably why CC users are always talking about standing. I would too with those seats.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Check with your Local Lumber Yards and see if they carry Floor Underlayment. Void Free, 100% waterproof Glue, will take resin well, Uses Fir for Lams. GOOD STUFF!!! They might also carry MDO. MDO has a fairly thick resin overlay on it already. It works well with epoxy if you scuff the outer layer with 60 grit for some Bite. I really like the MDO for decks since you don't have to coat the bottom cuz it's already done. No voids too!!!!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17 Foot

I like what WOG is thinking:)


Sep 14, 2012
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17'

Hey Pmc I have removed my floor form the same boat as you and I see a problem with your fuel tank plan. No I'm not an engineer or anything like that, but I am familiar with boat building coming from a family of stock outboard racers. I believe your fuel tank is too large for your bow. Not too large in dimention but too large in capacity. I think you are going to put too much weight on the keel at the bow and have a catastophic failure of the hull in heavy waves. I think you would be better served by putting that tank amidship, or better yet sell it and find a tank better suited for your needs. Just my two cents worth. Good luck with whatever you decide. Tim


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17'

Hey Bird, you musta jumped to the end to post when you saw that tank... Jas quickly pointed out that it was a monstrocity and wouldn't fit... So, I cancelled the sale... Looking for a smaller tank now....

On the ply, I visited my local lumber yard today... They only carried floor underlayment in 3/4 tongue and groove and it didn't look that great... It was 5 ply and looked liked it had some voids... They also said it was made from pine... They had some nice AC grade pine, but I think pine is frowned upon, so I ditched that idea... Their "extira" (apparently fancy marketing term for exterior) MDO was about 60 bucks a sheet.... Since I was going to pay top dollar for something workable anyway, I decided to eliminate any doubt and went with.......... Marine Grade, baby!! No voids and cuts like a dream...

Here is the transom tucked in for the night with a little PL clampage....



Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17'

Aren't the batteries supposed to go IN the boat?? :confused:

Might need to change your user name to Mr Moneybags.... Trades to a tinny & springs for the high dollar marine ply, my we've come a long way....:)

The 1 edge of the transom I can see, looks great. Nice & straight, tight joint, well clamped, minimal PL sippage, 2 sheets aligned & even. Keep it up, have a great productive weekend, and you'll be on to the deck this weekend!

Got a dual console layout drawn up yet? Or putting it back basically the same? Just adding a casting deck or 2?


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17'

You know that I'm here to help any way I can right?

OK bro, that plastic grocery bag you set on there, it's actually not that heavy. Not really worth the effort for the added weight.

Yup, I am here to help in any way I can. Now wasn't that just super helpful:D

(Just messin with ya man, have a great weekend;):cool:)


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 30, 2007
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17'

Glad to see some progress was starting to think you were going to be like your mentor Jas and debate seating all winter before starting.

Now that I can see the layout (I still say CC but hey) I like the idea of the steps/seats in the rear, a bit of something to catch your backside before you tumble out when the driver hits the gas. Even without a pic of the layout with SCs I can see it working out well. The sign of a good plan.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17'

Might need to change your user name to Mr Moneybags.... Trades to a tinny & springs for the high dollar marine ply, my we've come a long way....

The 1 edge of the transom I can see, looks great. Nice & straight, tight joint, well clamped, minimal PL sippage, 2 sheets aligned & even. Keep it up, have a great productive weekend, and you'll be on to the deck this weekend!

Got a dual console layout drawn up yet? Or putting it back basically the same? Just adding a casting deck or 2?

Thanks JBC and negatory on the money bags - I could only afford 4 sheets - will need much more before this is all said and done...
I do have a dual console layout, but its on my work computer... Will post shortly... Its basically the same thing, just get rid of the center console and move the side consoles up and flush with the front casting deck...

Yup, I am here to help in any way I can. Now wasn't that just super helpful

I need all the help I can get... :cool:

Glad to see some progress was starting to think you were going to be like your mentor Jas and debate seating all winter before starting.

Now that I can see the layout (I still say CC but hey) I like the idea of the steps/seats in the rear, a bit of something to catch your backside before you tumble out when the driver hits the gas. Even without a pic of the layout with SCs I can see it working out well. The sign of a good plan.

Yeah, I wish I could go CC, but its just not happening (will have to get a bigger boat)... :) The little steps will add some complexity, but I think they will be a nice little addition...

So, little update:

First I cut the board; good thing I had that plastic bag on there for a good bond:


Then, in the boat:


After some banging and coercion, I now have a flat/flush transom... Pretty amped about that:


And a coat of epoxy for good measure:


[Dumb} Question: Once you put the pumps on the epoxy can you leave them on there.... I hate to waste epoxy/hardener that's been sucked up into the pumps, but it would also be a major bummer if a gallon of epoxy and hardener went bad just because I left the little pumps on? Thanks for indulging my dumb-ness...

Thanks guys,


Nov 21, 2011
Re: 1988 Sea Nymph GLS - 17'

Looks great pmc....can't help with the pump question....