Ok, Here's how I did it. If you want the short story, my removable center section is the whole piece. Here's why:
We carpeted in a rim to live the motor box about 3/8 of an inch. This was done for two reasons, 1. it keeps things from rolling into the bilge when you're working with the box open or removed and 2. the spark arrestor was actually hitting the engine box, so no clearance.
I'm attaching 4 photos so you can see our procedure. What you can't see is that in the back of the engine, the engine box hinges actually mount on to the newly installed lip that we put it. This has another beneficial effect. When this motorbox was in my cousin's boat, someone would always catch a toe on them when moving around the boat. Now that they're lifted slightly above floor level no one has busted their toe on them yet in my boat.
The center floor section actually slides under the lip rail that we installed, and if you look in the pictures, it runs all the way to the tank with just enough clearance for the blower tube to get up and over. To remove that center section, I have to take both pieces of the back seat out, and then it lifts right out. And, I've had to do that on the lake...when we sheared the prop shaft. But that's a different story.