1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

you will probably have the glass work done before me..it seems sorta silly that I am doing a finish item, like the seats before my boat is even rebuilt, but its a good winter task...that doesn't seem like it is going to take me as long as I thought....anyone else need some seats sewn? I am now open for business lol

Got my new toy today, a few pics so you all can see what fine shape she is in considering this lady is over 50 years old!

overall shot


Threading the machine is a maze of thread points, but it holds it nice and smooth


Stitch style selector, using a combination of 2 letters you get a plethora of built in stitch patterns, can add specialty discs to get even more options, Also the left/center/right selector


Stitch length selector, goes from as few as 6 stitches per inch to 20+ per inch


Stitch selector chart in the lid, also the thread pins and bobbin spooler is located under the cap. The condition of the paint impresses me, it means the lady who had this really took good care of it


Front door, has a pressure adjustment for the presser foot, allowing heavy and lighter fabrics, plus the threading chart, in case you forget how to thread it through the 10 points!


I got a steal on this, sews great, whisper quiet, all metal gear driven, and it looks nice enough I don't have to hide it when I am not using it!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress


Suggestion. When I got my 1950's model it sewed fine but... My sis told me to clean it and oil it with real sewing machine oil. I followed her advice and cleaned it very well with a tooth brush and acetone. I then bought some sewing machine oil and oiled all the moving parts. All I can say is WOW did it make a BIG difference in the Sound, and the Sewing. From the pics, I see a lot of dirt and grime that needs cleaning. Trust me on this. It is WELL WORTH the effort.


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

I wonder how much a sewing shop would charge me to do that...like I told ya mechanical stuff is my weakest point, and if it requires any unscrewing, I am nervous about doing it lol


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 21, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

It makes good sense to do the seats now. I was actually going to do the same thing, but you wouldn't believe the trouble I have had trying to find an old couch for free down here! I FINALLY found one today that I will be picking up this weekend, though. I'll gladly mail you the foam, vinyl, and dimensions/pattern for my seats if you want to do mine! ;) HA!

Texas still hasn't seen a winter (and likely never will this year), so I'm thinking I won't have any delay in getting to my 'glassing when that time comes. I think the biggest difference in our projects, Judge, is that you are going all-out and paying attention to EVERY little detail. I'm more-or-less just giving my boat a factory restore. I'm not going to have any fancy custom gas tank cutout, or windshield, or center console. That means I'm jealous! :D I wanted to do some cool stuff like that, but in the end it wouldn't be too feasible for my circumstances.

Anyway, as for the oiling of your machine: My mom has a little plastic bottle with a really long needle-like spout on it that she uses to squirt oil inside the moving parts. That might be an option for you to oil the hard-to-reach areas, but of course it doesn't help much with the deep-cleaning.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

Nope, no screws to loosen just open all the hatches and flip her upside down and get a toothbrush and some acetone and start scrubbing. I got a can of air from walmart to blow it all out too. Once I scrubber her down I got the oil with the long spout like fmjnax said and oid her up. BIG difference. Not hard to do. Even a JUDGE can do it!!!!!:D


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

I wonder how much a sewing shop would charge me to do that...like I told ya mechanical stuff is my weakest point, and if it requires any unscrewing, I am nervous about doing it lol

Somebody needs to go back & read the beginning of this thread...

'I don't know nothin' about glassing' (or roughly there abouts): doing a custom console built in, changing up style & location of wind screens, & fabbing up new gunnels..................:facepalm:

'I'm not sure about redoing a trailer' (loosely paraphrasing, of course): not only rebuilt it, but man what a paint job!......:facepalm:

'I'm not very handy w/ a sewing thing-a-ma-jig' (liberties taken in the interest of the message): doing all the scout banners for the parade (as if this isn't enough) and jumping neck deep into a custom layout & pattern, from SCRATCH custom upholstery job........:facepalm:

^^^^ this guy is concerned about the $20 sewing machine he just bought to finish this ^^^^ upholstery job :confused:.

JDA, I'd say you are well qualified & plenty talented enough to field strip that machine into individual parts. Maybe not this week wearing a blindfold, that will have to wait til the 1st week of Feb.....:D


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

Lol JBC, you just picked my one major flaw....I grew up with a father who would never point out what I did right, only what I did wrong, so I often say I am not good enough, because it can always be better...psycho babble BS here...laymans terms I'm all sorts of F'ed up in the head! I still don't have an hands on experience with any of this, I just learn quickly. I have an IQ of 136 so that means I'm just smart enough to get myself in trouble and do something stupid! Everything I have done so far I have learned from the fine folks here and the Oh So Accurate Internet.

Wood I took all the covers off, and it was all sparkly clean...the spot that was dusty was about the only open point on the case, where take-up lever comes out, so some dust got right there (easily cleaned up), I will get some oil and lube (needs lube grease since its all metal gear driven) and get it all slicked up...Am really happy with this machine, and currently have a bid on Ebay for a complete accessory package for it, I hopes I win lol

Fmjmax, I think your boat will be great...its an awesome layout for fishing and what you wanted, so why change it! giving it a fresh makeover should be good...I get too creative sometimes...I wanted a bigger tank, I wanted a windshield...so I made adjustments where needed to make it work, and I think when I am done I will have the boat I want, until I get bored and buy a bigger one!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

Well for newb's I'd put you & Jas (of course the Islander is technically his 2nd, the 1st rocks) both up against any of the other guys posting up currently. There may be more & better, but not that I've seen. WOG, oops, Andgott, ez & others have all done incredible work, but I wouldn't say 'better', and certainly not faster then you & Jas......

And no, I really don't want to date either of you:eek: ya'll came with the incorrect OEM parts:D

I have found a Slant-matic Singer close I may go see this weekend. I would never thought I'd be considering the upholstery this soon, but the weather & my limited garage/driveway have me jonesing..... I also just found out the the MIL inherited her sister's fairly nice Singer set-up: built-in table, M# 158.17033, and I need to look it up, but I think it's a heavier duty machine, so there maybe no need to go see the Slant. 95min 1 way, $50, hope to get it for less if I can get familiar enough to faux run through it w/ niece of the woman who passed. The niece isn't sure but thought it was from the early 50's, and didn't know which model, the 400's were lighter duty home use machines. I'll have to think about it 1st. But I may make it a combo trip & grab some boat stuff too:)....


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

I wouldn't group myself with those guys, they actually know a couple things...I learn from them and put what I learn to use, but would take me years to consider myself proficient enough to qualify for that group lol

machine depends on model number, the 400 series as a good machine too, just not as spiffy looking, the 500A (rocketeer) that I got is from 60-62 and were the last of singers all metal machines according to my searches, I put 7 layers of 32 oz through mine and it sewed without flinching..I could not try any more than that because the presser foot wouldn't raise any higher!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

Well, upon further research Ramona is my go to machine it seems. Its the Kenmore 158, my MIL's sister, Ramona, had a brass tape name plate put on it, so it's Ramona from now on.... Not afraid to give it a shot, is worth almost as much as know how. You can't teach pride (the good kind, not the sin type:eek: of boastful pride, depending on your belief system:).....) or the willingness to try. In fact, I'd rather have someone who knows little, but will give it 100+%, then someone who knows alot, but only gives 70%. That 30% can be HUGE. Not that any of the fellas we were talking about are 70%-ers, they clearly aren't. More like 170%-ers, else they wouldn't be helping us out nearly as much, and certainly not day in & day out for WEEKS, months or years!

Don't discount your efforts. Doing what you've done so far on a rookie effort, says something. Something good, heck great. That's what got you mentioned in the same sentence w/ them other guys. And if you enjoy it at all, you should seriously consider hanging that shingle out front. I look at the sewing as a means to an end: save some $ & get some upholstery. If I could afford it, I'd gladly pay you to do mine! What have you got in it? $175 including the new machine? If you figure low, $100 per seat, you've saved what, like 4times your investment? Besides, w/ a shingle out front, you'll get a regular adrenaline fix working on other peoples projects, get paid (!! :eek: !!), it'd be like having the worst MBS problem ever, and no headaches because there'd be no extra junk boats hanging around your place (<<-- that tends to wear on the significant others in our lives). How many times did Mrs JDA ask about the glasser you & your BIL cut up, before you finished cutting it up. Her flying cut-off wheel comment aside;)...

I decided that I was willing to give it a shot, although I will spend some money, or may even mess it up. Unless I take the chainsaw to it, the hull & motor(s) have value of some kind. So it keeps me busy, gives me both a project & a goal, and lets me lurk & poke around iBoats, learn some stuff, and has the possibility to pay off, and I figure it's worth it.

I am my harshest critic, so I'll depend on you guys to buoy my efforts when we get to glassing round here:rolleyes:


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

I hear ya JBC, this is a labor of love, it is something we have to enjoy doing or it wouldn't get done, and I say if your going to do something you love, do it right and make it unmistakeably yours! having a boat that people have to ask what make/model it is will be fun and make good conversation. I already have one customer! the gentlemen that helped me build the console frame would like me to redo his pontoon seats, I told him I would, but I am not cheap lol! So anyways, it is all good enjoyment, and learning, and reaching a goal I set before myself

So I sold my little sewing machine, put it up on a local yard sale site on facebook and had 20 bucks in my pocket 15 mins later....I fixed it and it was sewing fine again so I didn't sell a broken machine...so that being said, now my new machine was free! I won the auction for an attachment set for 57 bucks plus shipping so 65 Dollars, that gives me a complete machine for 65 bucks! im kinda stoked

here's the auction, yes it says it is for 403 model slant, but the parts are the same and work with the 500, I checked!



Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

Oh o, I see seat cushions w/ zippers....Ouch, them there is spendy I tell you. Congrats on a commissioned job. Let the fleet start lining up at your door...... Hey, did the pontoon guy supply you w/ the couch for you to steal cushions or are you going to reuse his existing foam? 2nd donor CL couch?

This ^^^ is how it starts...... I think its a few posts back, but I predicted a sewing spree starting at the JDA upholstery shop awhile back. Now you really will need to sew your iBoats buds some xmas stockings. Should be all set w/ all those 'new' fancy attachments... And 10+months to practice before xmas shipping deadlines!

Post up a new thread for the pontoon seats, & shoot archbuilder some photos.... He's going to be needing some really big lounge seat cushions in the mid-term future...... And some pontoon/'futon' seat cushions....


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

If I do seats for a paying person, I wont use old trash cushions, I haven't looked to see if his cushions are reusable or not yet, that's a ways off, I told him I wanted to finish mine and get the learning out of the way on my own stuff!

On a side note, without a slant shank zipper foot until I get my new bag of goodies from E-Bay, I only had this to sew....

My own staple Hide-em!


Started by hemming the 2 edges of a 2" strip


Then I rolled one hemmed edge over to the middle and sewed it


then rolled second edge to middle and sewed it


and viola got the perfect match of staple hide strip!


All I have to say is WOW, I had no idea what I was missing using a sub-par machine, this thing did not break a sweat, fed smoothly and straight, wishing I had this at the start, the quality would be tenfold!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

Nice job on the Hide Em.
Be Prepared for the prohibitive cost of High Density foam. 3" x 4' x 8' sheet is $200 bucks. Make sure you figure that in if and when you decide to make seats for someone else. That's the main reason I went with the Donor Couch. Even though I knew it would be somewhat softer, I knew I could live with it.


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

yeah, I plan to do the estimate the same way I used to do my construction projects...take a lot of measurements, get a quote for materials, foam, vinyl, thread, needles, staples, everything, add 10% for mistakes, then add my labor to that and give him a price estimate with a +/- 10% clause in the contract.

For my own stuff, I am happy with using donor couch, etc. but if someone is paying for a product, I wouldn't skimp, and they would pay for what they get


Apr 5, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

The hide em looks good.
Glad to hear the machine works good for you.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

Nice hide 'em JDA!

Did new rig come w/ a camera mount? Ya'll have a great week...................... Limit up on the iBoats for tonight........ Stoked your new rig is the pigs 'jammies:D


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

Yeah, when I did all that I quickly found out that the upholstery shops were charging a pretty fair price. I was quoted $700 dollars to build my Bench Seat and I figure if I was to build one for a customer now that I have done one, I would charge about the same. And I still wouldn't be making that much.


Apr 18, 2008
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

If I do seats for a paying person, I wont use old trash cushions, I haven't looked to see if his cushions are reusable or not yet, that's a ways off, I told him I wanted to finish mine and get the learning out of the way on my own stuff!

On a side note, without a slant shank zipper foot until I get my new bag of goodies from E-Bay, I only had this to sew....

My own staple Hide-em!


Started by hemming the 2 edges of a 2" strip


Then I rolled one hemmed edge over to the middle and sewed it


then rolled second edge to middle and sewed it


and viola got the perfect match of staple hide strip!

I must admit...I cheated on the staple hide 'em...I bought it from my vinyl supplier! It was only like $1.65/foot and I hated to buy too much vinyl just to make a 2" strip 20' long! I only needed like 14'. Yours looks great though...new machine!!!


Aug 27, 2011
Re: 1982 Skeeter SS-1 Sport Fisherman Restoration...In Progress

Baja, I had excess green, when I purchased the green I bought the roll remenants, so got 7.4 yards X 50" for less than I paid for the 3 yards of tan, so I had plenty to spare, and I am a cheap bastage! I did my own piping as well, so far have sewn almost 80' of piping in this job, only got like 20' of my 100' roll of screen spline left. Plus making my own ensures a perfect match, some of this will be visible, like in my glove box, etc.