1976 Tom Boy Boat, 1976 40 HP Johnson Outboard and who knows what Trailer


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 2, 2013
GM, I feel your pain. I too have been accosted by life stuff, and my boat is sooooo far on the back burner that I will feel lucky to get to work on it this year! If there is one thing that I can say, it is to just try and enjoy the process of the project, and not be too caught up in "getting it done". OR perhaps that is just what I tell myself to ease my own angst.:noidea:

At any rate, it is good to see you on here again!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Hey Buddy, I kinda know what you mean. Since I moved the boat and boating and the forum have kinda been "Back Burnered"! Just doesn't seem to have the same ZIP it used to. Probable just cuz I'm gettin to REALLY BE a Real Old Dumb Okie! Hang in there and get it done on YOUR Schedule.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 16, 2012
What...??? GOM I think they call um. {grumpy ole'Men**:) besides what life throws at ya there's still the boat to do. Plus the winter doldrums seem to have hit hard this year.
Pull it together will ya..too many people counting on ya here at IBoats!
C'mon spring!


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Hey GM the enthusiasm kind of comes and goes. Right now I am really enthusiastic about finishing up some remodeling so I can get back to Fuggly! I think it is good to step away for a while, gives me a little perspective and I approach it with a little more pep when I start again. And they can be big projects, life doesn't stop because of them! Glad you are doing well and looking forward to hearing from you again!


Aug 18, 2013
Hey GM good to hear from you. I too have dropped back on posting. Life and work and the new forum layout have conspired to take some of the fun out of my favorite site.

Like others have said finish the boat on your time and when your feeling inspired to work on her.


Sep 2, 2014
If you only focused on the boat then life wouldn't be :) you'll get er knocked out in short order when it is the right time. We all know when you do It'll be done right... Which is why I subscribed long ago!


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Hello everyone. I know it has been many many months since I last posted on here. But a lot of things has happened in that time. Some not so good. I have lost my younger brother in that time and other family members are in some questionable health as well. As for me and my wife, we seem to be doing great. So that is a comfort to me.

I have to admit, I did loose a ton of interest in the boat there for some time. But I have now gotten back to trying to finish this project up. And I have done a lot of work on it recently but not much on the show and tell side. It seem the little things take the longest time to do. And everything seem to be in the realm now.

Once I again figure out how pictures are upload in this new forum (to me) I'll try and get some posted.

Hope you all have a wonderful day. More to come soon...


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
GM, I KNOW how Life takes precedence over Boat Restoration. So sorry to hear about your Brother! I lost mine 21 years ago. It's on my mind everyday. I hope the boat work helps you get thru each day and if I can help in any way, I'm a PM away!!
Welcome Back!!!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Welcome back !
Really sorry to hear about your brother .. Good to hear you and your wife are well !
I found it is pretty easy to just reduce the pics by downloading into photo gallery then use the little fish hook in a box icon next to the advanced section ..


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Sorry for your loss gm. Glad to hear you and your wife are healthy. Looking forward to following your thread again!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 2, 2013
Sorry to hear about your brother GM. Glad to see you back at it.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Well let me see if I can offer you all a picture of where I am presently on the boat. It looks convoluted because I am trying to get things painted before installing the carpet. The entire hull is covered in polyester and therefore water proofed. But I wanted to get the finish color down before the carpet, so I don't have paint drips on the carpet. So is it what it is presently. And the domino effect is in work now also. You know, you have to do this before you can do that. And to do that, you have to get this finished first. So seems everything is now depended on something else that needs finished first. But isn't that typical? I need to carpet the very front section so I can install the rub rail, because the rub rail has to sit on top of the carpet in that area. BUT, in order to get the carpet installed in that area, I need to get the front LOGO cast aluminum part installed....which also fastens the run rail. So it is interesting to say the least. I'll get there.

I also started to figure out how I am going to incorporate all the wires into the control section area. I made a Word document for the wire labels. Amazing how many labels that is taking. And while I thought the buss bar was going to be for the positive side, seem it is the negative side that needs the buss bar. The positive side gets daisy chained from the main circuit breaker to each other circuit breaker that fans out to all the other circuits. Who knew...

Sorry for the long winded post! You all have a great day.


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Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Hey gm you might look at how I did the labels on mine. Worked really good. I have 3 fuse panels and I think 3 busses one hot and two ground. Dont ask me how i ended up with so many!


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Hey gm you might look at how I did the labels on mine. Worked really good. I have 3 fuse panels and I think 3 busses one hot and two ground. Dont ask me how i ended up with so many!

archbuilder, beenas long since I've been on here, about what page is your labels on? I guess I could look through the project to find them, just wondering.

What I do is print out the wire name and wrap it around the appropriate wire and then use clear heat-shrink over that to seal it off but still allows you to read it easily. Been doing that for years now and I like it. Won't fade or scratch off.

sphelps, No, it is still in the shop,no air. And it is amazingly hot and humid as well. Today I only managed about an hour and I was kaput with sweat. But I did get some work done all the same. I try to do something everyday even if it a small something. Every bit counts....I think...:rolleyes::confused: