1976 Tom Boy Boat, 1976 40 HP Johnson Outboard and who knows what Trailer


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Well as usual, something always crops up to take your time from doing boating work. And last evening that something came by.

We had a very severe thunder/lighting storm come through last evening and between the wind and rain (way over 3" in half an hour), I now have a lot of trees and even more branches laying on the ground. So many that even my son and I working on them most of the day, we haven't clean up but about a quarter of the branches and trees.

I now have a lot of maple firewood. And so many leafy branches, you just about can't see the house form the street presently. We stacked them up for the county to pick up. But with everybody else's stacked up as well, they may sit there for a while. And that isn't even starting on the back yard yet either. More trees and branches there as well.

But you have to always look on the bright side of everything. Nobody was hurt and we didn't have any damage to our house or shop. That IS amazing to me. Seems the trees dropped with guidance so nothing was damaged but the trees themselves. I hate loosing trees, but nature does what it does and I wasn't asked.

After chain sawing for a long time, I am positive my body will be aching tomorrow. But I guess it could have been way worst. So I will get everything cleaned up and move on to other projects...like a boat again. :thumb:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 17, 2016
Wow! That's a lot of rain!
​Glad you all faired well, and the house and shop are good.

Another piece of the "Bright Side"..... Sounds like you don't have to rebuild/fix your fence in the back by golfcourse for, what.. A third time since you started the boat? LOL :triumphant:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Wow! That's a lot of rain!
​Glad you all faired well, and the house and shop are good.

Another piece of the "Bright Side"..... Sounds like you don't have to rebuild/fix your fence in the back by golfcourse for, what.. A third time since you started the boat? LOL :triumphant:

Actually jbuote, it is funny you mentioned that. The very last dead pine tree that was still standing, did come down in that storm and towards the fence, as usual. However, it was only about 6" - 8" in diameter and hit the fence I just repaired but broke at the fence and didn't damage the fence even a little bit. So that IS another great thing to have happened. It no longer is standing, and it didn't damage the fence even hitting it directly. Seems that dead pine was really rotted and didn't have any ability to crush the fence like the other larger diameter trees did. I'll take lucky any day. Now there are no more dead trees on the golf course to fall. So there is always something good to come out of things. You just have to look for them. :smile:


Fleet Admiral
Oct 16, 2012
Looks Good from here!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Glad you made it through the storm gm!!
We've been getting some bad weather down here as well ...


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2012
I understand the God guided tree fall there Gm. I lost 12 trees in Sandy and the worst damage was the very top of one of my oaks brushed my neighbors house and knocked a leader off his gutters. I just climbed up there with my ladder and pushed it back on. That could have been alot worse. We lived for 3 months with a one lane road. Every house on our cul-de-sac lost from 5 to 12 trees. My neighbor got the worst of it with two trees landing on her 69 Mustang convertible but still not bad for 50+ fallen trees. We hired a heavy machine operator and his crew to clear our properties. My block looked like a tremendous beaver dam. They didn't cut the trees into manageable pieces, they just cut them enough to avoid the remaining trees as they dragged them out of our yards. The town didn't like that technique too much and left our block for last. It took the town three days to cut up and clear the road.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
kcassells, @sphelphs, and Patfromny, yea people love to talk about tragedies when something like this happens. But we rarely think about how lucky we are to be able to talk about it.

It can always be worst. But if you look for the bright issues, they are there to see as well. Yes, I have to get back at it this morning, but it isn't a life stopper that could have been. Some downed tress and lots and lots of downed branches is doable. It will take some time, but it is what it is.

With the trees and branches removed, our front yard will allow more sunlight into the yard for other plants to grow, So maybe nature just thinned out the growth for other things to grow and become new displays now. Who knows?

Anyway, I have to finish polishing the transom on the boat were I found a couple clear coat runs and wet sanded them out, and then it is sitting there to be flipped back over. But I have to carpet the cradle supports first so when I flip it, it is sitting on soft carpet and not directly on wood. I am sure if I am getting in and out of it to finish the inside, there would be a lot of wear on the wood to hull finish. I know it will get its battle scares over the years, but I wanting to forgo them from happening so early.

So between chainsawing branches and boat work and lots of other projects as well, I do have lots of things to do. Who say retiring will make you a slug without anything to do and be boring? :noidea:


Fleet Admiral
Oct 16, 2012
Got a piece of Sunshine in my pocket!
And yup always look at the bright side of...ba bum ba ba ba ba ba ba bum


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
As much rain as we've had in the least four days, maybe I better flip the boat over sooner then scheduled and get ready to use it just to get around, and there is more on its way too. At the rate it is raining, I will need a machete just to get out in the yard once it stops. And I still have branches to clean up from the high wind rain storm too. So much for not getting rain. Now it is so much rain that the local news channels are warning about flooding. Life always has something interesting to experience. Oh well, we have to wait it out and then clean up the yard. :eek:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Well with the last two weeks of rain and such, we had a ton (literally at least) of trees and branches fall from a lot of our trees in our yard. In fact yesterday they finally picked up the last of the branches I set by the road for removal. Everybody in our community has had branches and trees topple down. We think it was either a tornado or a strong straight line wind that came through our area to have so much damage. We had high wind and received over 4" of rain in less then 30 minutes to start the rainy weeks off.

Well At least I got to run a chainsaw for a few days. I like cutting with a chainsaw IF the chain is sharp. And I did a lot of chainsawing. The pick up of all the cut up limbs and wood was the real work though.

I did keep a lot of the larger diameter (~18") wood that I will re-saw on the band-saw for making furniture being how the majority was maple. Oh well that is life. No one was hurt, so everything will be great after cleaning it all up.

Now for a question of all you iboaters that I hope to get an answer to. Does anyone know of a place to buy just the Johnson engine and wiring harness connector for their typical round style connections? I know there are a few places that manufacture replacement harnesses, but I just want the connectors for both male and female. I will make the harnesses to fit my setup myself. Anybody know of such a place that sells them?

I presently have some "Cannon type" metal connectors. But obviously they are not factory and I would love to go back to factory setup. :help:


Sep 2, 2014
Can't help you there GM but sorry to hear about the mess.

The only good news is once a couple of the trees go down the rest follow as the wind break crumbles apart. That's how it worked at the neighbor's anyway.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Well I did get all the branches removed and a very nice burn pile ready for the fall. We have a no-burn policy in effect in the summers around here. But it will be nice this fall when things cool down.

Well the hull has been finished painted and clear coated now for a couple week. And I haven't touched it in that time. To busy cleaning up the storm debris anyway. But I am now looking to raise it up, remove the cradle and carpet the cross braces to flip the hull and set it back down on the cradle again. I do have the trailer ready, but it is a ton easier to climb in and out on the lower cradled hull. And since I have to install the carpet and gauges and panels and do the final wiring, I'll work out of it on the cradle until that is all finished.

I'll post new pictures once I get it flipped over. Of course now the yard work comes every week with the wet growing summer we are experiencing now. We are getting huge amounts of rain. I know if I put out fertilizer, the rain will dry up instantly. I may have to try that. :noidea: :decision:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I guess I need to post just to let everyone know I haven't abandoned my project. It is just between rain, heat and a lot of yard work (getting thing back to some what norm after the storms), I haven't worked on the hull. But I am finishing up a lot of things that needed to be done and therefore will be boat working shortly again. Glad I didn't need the boat for anything important, because "Lovey" on Gillian's Island could have built a boat from scratch by this amount of time. And she didn't look like she could do anything of any value :facepalm:

Maybe I am setting a new record for the longer simple boat project. :noidea:


Fleet Admiral
Oct 16, 2012
Sometimes it just does feel like that GM, Maybe we should make another boat category for us slow pokeys. A little at a time is still better than nothing. By the way your boat looks GREAT!


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Well today I am planning to flip the boat back over. Yea I know, I am surprised as well. :eek:

Since we presently had a cool front move in, meaning it is only going to get to 90 drgrees today, I think I will give it a go.

Odd how all the things I used to flip it originally, I can't find anymore. So I had to rig up another setup of hardware. But it is equally as good or even better then the original. And since the boat really isn't hard to control when raised, I think it will be okay.

I need to raise the boat up far enough to slide out the cradle and put carpet on the bulkheads of the cradle so the boat will rest back on carpet instead of wood. And the cooler weather means I will start to sweat after about 30 minutes instead of 5 minutes like usual. Although the humidity is quite a bit lower as well. Not the typical 80%. So we will see.

And of course I (actually we the wifey too) are fighting head colds. So that always makes things extra exciting as well.

I'll snap a few pictures as proof and then I can start the inside issues. Yea!


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Well I finally did it. It is flipped back over now and ready to start the inside. Here is proof;
Boat Flip (1).JPG
Since this is probably the last time I'll see the bottom for a long time (I hope anyways), I thought I would give it a nice washing first.
Boat Flip (2).JPG
A roll around cradle sure make it easy peasy.
Boat Flip (3).JPG
And since the colors did wash off, I guess it will work in the lakes.
Boat Flip (4).JPG
Here is proof that I did raise it up. I installed some pieces of carpet to sit it back down on to help protect the finish.
I used an engine host in the back and a 2 ton come-a-long in the front connected to the rafters overhead. No problem at all.
YOu can see a piece of wood there as well. That is there to protect the hull from the come-a-long cable and hook.
Boat Flip (5).JPG
Nothing fancy with the carpet, just something to cushion the hull. I just stapled it on with a pneumatic stapler and good to go.
Boat Flip (7).JPG
And it is flipped. But not totally set down here.
Boat Flip (8).JPG
Now it is sitting. Not bad on the registration numbers. They look about right.
Boat Flip (9).JPG
Graphs don't look too bad either. You never know doing such things upside down. :eek:
I think once the rub railing is installed again it will look maybe like a boat. Who knows. :noidea:

I didn't find any birds or nest either. I guess there were merely using it as cover and didn't build any nests.

I did scratch a small area on the transom with the engine host chain, so the airbrush will get used again. No biggy, A 15 minute job.

So now I can get back to work. Once I clean out an area in the shop (again), it goes back in there to finish it up.

You all have a wonderful day!


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Funny its 72 here today instead of our normal 100ish weather this time of year! It was almost cold this morning, lol! Good luck with the flip!


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
That was funny, I finished typing to publish my comments above and pictures showed up! Guess we were posting at the same time! The boat looks great!