Okay yet another progress report. Did I tell you how tiring sanding is. :facepalm:
I finally pushed myself, not sure that was a great idea, to finish the bottom of the hull sanding. And I did finish the bottom and the only thing left to sand now is the outside of the transom. But some of that is already sanded as well.
Yes the bottom is finished now. I did find some questionable issue in the left valley area that will take some fixing. But nothing serious.
Ha you can even see the old water heat sitting there too. I haven't taken it to the land fill yet.
And the side too. You can see what looks like some water on the hull. That is just sweat.
And another shot of the side.
And the iffy section that will take some filler. But nothing major and I don't see any issues with it.
So pushing the effort this afternoon got the bottom finished sanded. The transom will be a bit easier and then I can start mixing the magic filler mixture and filling the imperfections. Then more sanding. But the initial 60 grit sanding on the hull bottom is finished. YEA!
I will say the hands and fingers vibrate for a while after stopping sanding. Probably not doing the hands and finger joints any good, but some times you just have to do what you have to do. That poor little DeWalt DA sander is taking a beating and still going strong.
Until next time, you all have a nice day... :thumb: