Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild
OK, here is how my day went...
I started real early. First I pulled out the roller shafts and assemble those up. I believe it was Azlo who welded up his so his caps wouldn't fall off. Me, I used 4200 in the caps and drove them home...
Somehow I missed a photo of the finished product, bummer! Anyway, I have five of them cureing up in the garage. I ended up paying $2 a piece for those shafts (plus shipping, distributed by Overton), sweet eBay deal eh! I have extra if anybody needs em!
Next was fabbing up a set of stringers that were identical to the ones in the Islander left by the OMC Stringer (they are tapered by two inches). I really wanted to do this as I wanted to catch any issues before I actually dropped that engine in the boat. Threw on some casters so she can easily be rolled around in the garage. The board at the top of the photo is there just for setting stuff on, sitting on and mounting anything I want to it...
Next was jumping on the engine. I still had a bunch of stuff that had to come off, namely the hydro/power steering lines, and a few other things. Here is the Merc all set to be lifted...
Now free from Thumper the Baja forever...
Merc engine blood on the floor, usually it looks like that when a Whitetail is hanging from above...