Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild
All right, little progress. I started sealing up the hatch covers, sand tossed in for traction...
After that, I figured I'd go about the business of building out the structure at the stern. So I sat on my new seat boxes, with some strong coffee, and stared at this for a while...
I was originally going to install storage/hatches back there like yo...
By the time I mount the trim pump, fuel filter, fuel tank 3 way selector, fuel lines, ventilation, bilge hoses, fish box hoses, steering cable, control cables, wiring, ventilation, a 3 gal kicker fuel tank, and whatever else I forgot about, I'll have no space left for storage anyway.
Even if I were to try and build a pair of hatches It'd be a frustrating job to try and work all that stuff ^^^ around hatches.
So, I scrapped the hatch idea all together. Bad news, I lost some storage space (albeit, not very much). Good news, I just saved myself a whole bunch of time/money not having to build that out. Also, it'll be way easier to run all the plumbing/ventilation/electrical/fuel without needing to negotiate shelves n' stuff. I'm cool with that!
So I think what that means is I can now move on to rigging this engine up (partially anyway), seems like the next logical step.
I suppose the trim pump is as good a starting point as any...
The bracket is totally rusted out at the bottom...
So, I'll pull that all apart, cut off the bottom (don't need it as I'm installing on the transom), and rehab. Game on...
Hope you guys enjoy your New Years Eve!:joyous: