1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

Drew, I'm all out of the good stuff so Folgers will have to do, K?

I guess that will have to suffice for today :D

I would have to guess your within 1/8 to 1/4 inches of your alignment so as long as you leave that much for your adjustment you will be good to go. That Mercruiser repair sign must be paying off, you make it look so easy :p


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 26, 2010
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

Looks like a good fit to me. It's nice to see a bit of progress around here.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 2, 2011
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild


Not sure why you would use wood, unless you're covering it with fiberglass. In your case, why not simply use a piece of aluminum tubing and either bolt it or weld to the existing stringer?
I think you're asking for trouble, down the road. Aligmnent issues, gear coupler wear, etc...

Wood(not covered with fiberglass/resin, etc...) will change by way of humidity, vibration, and so on.
If I was you, I would either cover the wood with fiberglass/resin or use aluminum/steel(bolt on)...

If you do a bolt on with aluminum or steel tubing, you'll have to drill out an axcess hole on the outer side of both in order to reach the back side for the nut.
I am never if favor of using lag bolts for motors... There's a reason why machine screws are called what they are!

If you do use wood covered with fiberglass/resin, keep in mind to use some good sealant(5200, etc...) on the holes as you put in the bolts. As this will be a great area for water to get in...

Jas, love your project(s)...keep up the good work.

Just my $0.02 worth... Keep in mind, I am a fabricator/engineer/business owner, so stuff that leaves my hands needs to be something that will last a while... I would hate for you to have to re-visit something that could be done right the first time.
I am mostly concerned about your alignment issues, after a season, or a week or two on the water...

Thats all!



Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

Drew - Yah, I might even be within that 1/8", that was a great fit there:) Course, it'll all be scratched once I pull that V6 out and drop er in again. Ah well, no biggie.

Michael - Good to see ya man! Yah, I'm certainly not fast, but I do my best to keep moving forward anyway;)

Mario - Well, a fat wood block (plywood, hardwood, whatever) would be all sealed up with epoxy and paint so no need for fiberglass (apologies if I wasn't clear on that). The riser will be bolted down to the alum/wood stringers that came factory, they will never move. Plus, where it sits it'll never even get wet, it's high and dry. Moreover, any mating surface (and fasteners) will be totally gooped up with 5200. Given that set up, I'll be worm food by the time any of that would need to be replaced. If I went the alum tubing route that would have to be pretty thick for me to be feeling good about it. Kinda $$$ too. I like the idea of alum tubing as I wouldn't have to seal it up and stuff but it would be a wash by the time I cut all the access holes out. As for the lag bolts - I'm pretty sure that's how all engines are installed. I don't believe I have seen one that has been installed with machine bolts. I'm sure there is, I just haven't seen one. In the end, SS lags all sealed up should last as long as I'll ever be kicking. Likely my kiddos too. For alignment I'll set it in, align, lock it down. Nothing can move at that point. During winterization the following fall, pull the leg, run the alignment bar again. If she is off, make any necessary adjustments (the mounts allow for a little adjustments keeping the original lag holes).

Honestly, if I had a 3 1/2" alum square tube at 3/4" thick, with access holes pre drilled, I'd be all over that! Alas, I don't. So we'll go the wood route. I think it'll be bomber.

Thanks for chipping in man, that's what this is all about. Kicking ideas around and running with what's the best given the situation. Appreciate ya taking the time:)


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

Yah I wouldn't worry about the wood crushing any. You have a solid footprint for them to sit on the stringers and the base of the motor mount has alot of footprint to. It would take a nuclear explosion to move those bad boys.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

I wonder what shipping would be on 7':D

I thought all you Starmada guys passed the 'torch' hand to hand cross country??? SC owner to SC owner to SC owner to Jas & Sons Boat Yard = free shipping......:cool:


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 2, 2011
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild


Sounds like a winner!
You'll have to forgive me since I am mostly surrounded my metal and not wood. Most of the stuff I build is steel related...

I just thought the aluminum on aluminum would be better...
As for the fiberglass covering the wood block vs epoxy/paint, the fiberglass/resin would make the wood stronger.

I look forward to more of your work, as It will come in handy when I get going on my "project"...

Happy trails,



Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

You'll have to forgive me since I am mostly surrounded my metal and not wood.

Yah Mario, if I had access to what you have there, big bunks of alum would certainly be the route I'd take. Noooo doubt! Cheers man!


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 30, 2007
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

Good progress your making there Jas.

Since I'm an OB guy and know nothing of what adjustments can be made to aid alignment, I'll ask -

If the the alignment is dependent on the angle of the engine don't you want your alignment dead on before you make your risers?


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

Good progress your making there Jas.

Since I'm an OB guy and know nothing of what adjustments can be made to aid alignment, I'll ask -

If the the alignment is dependent on the angle of the engine don't you want your alignment dead on before you make your risers?

There is a motor mount on each side that has an inch or so of adjustment up and down so within and 1/8 inch or so and he'll be good.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

Thanks truck! Yah Drew has it there. I've got a fair amount of up/down adjustment and just a bit of side/side adjustment in those front engine mounts. So, close counts in the stringer height.:)


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

Do you realize how early it is? Or are you just trying to get an early start on boat building while the kiddos and bride are asleep? Hope you got a pot of coffee on, I'm getting awfully sleepy :D


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

I know why I'm up....(4 day old baby) why are you?


Oct 25, 2009
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

I know why I'm up....(4 day old baby) why are you?

Congrats to you Ez, those days were so long ago I can't even remember them, but I do know there were lots with out sleep.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2010
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

I know why I'm up....(4 day old baby) why are you?

Graveyard shift ;) I remember those sleepless nights about 7 months ago. He still doesn't sleep through the night very well, but that's the babysitters problem :D


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

EZ has an excuse, Drew has an excuse, Glen has problems, I'm perfectly normal:D


This morning I got the stringer risers cut to dimension and laminated with PL, curing as I write this;)

I don't believe I'll get much farther than that as I need to play landlord today and have some obligations tomorrow. We'll see what I can sneak in though.


I had a great opportunity to hang out (on the phone) with P. McCraney yesterday. What a excellent man!:D Such a cool cat, I can't believe the glass guys got him:rolleyes: What a shame.

Ah well, it was fun to chew the fat with ya buddy:)


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

K, quick morning video, nothing special, just talking about the stringer riser...

I failed to mention how the engine is sitting, sorry...

The rear engine mounts are resting on the transom shield with the bolts in place. The engine is suspended by the front lifting ring at the spot where it was aligned previously.

Have a great weekend!:)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 16, 2011
Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild

I guess it depends on how much you like the skin on your knuckles!