Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild
Tha'd be cool maddie
OK fellas, for a while now I'll be working on this engine install. I'll try to keep up with good descriptions and photos as I know that there are a few of us around here that will be working through transom jobs and engine installs over the winter months. Maybe we can struggle through this together, eh guys
I hope the rest of you fellas don't get too bored
That said, I got my new transom seal gasket the other day. NuWave Marine had a good deal on a kit that came with the bellows adhesive too...
There is no way I could have gotten that gasket in place without that ^^^^, lifesaver!
Here is the gasket in place...
Next is the bolt up!
(by the way, that brown stuff on the housing isn't rust, it's bellows adhesive)