Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild
You guys are pretty awesome. Really, thanks a ton. Truly, a great group of guys!
Mom is actually in treatment as I write this. Such a heart breaker to see her in this condition, terrible.
OK, I really need to talk about something else, this stuff is just......... stinks.
OK, back on the boat this morning. Man, feels like forever since I was last working on er!
So I installed the starboard side panel. Here is what I did (really sorry about the carpy cell photos, camera had legs again)...
First I schmeared PL all along the alum angle at the bottom (mounted to the deck) and along the shelf edge in an effort to make it bomber and water tight...
Another schmeering on the inside/bottom edge of the side panel for good adhesion...
I counter sunk and installed stainless screws through to the angle alum. Also, ran a fillet of PL between the deck and panel. I'll come back once it's cured, fill in the screw heads and sand everything nice and smooth before painting (you can see it's bubbling a little there)...
At the shelf, I installed stainless screws all along from the backside...
That top edge will get sanded smooth too. I am thinking I may add a piece of aluminum all along the top edge of the side panel to protect it a little better. We'll see on that.
Overall it feels like a good, solid, water tight connection
Just had time for the Starboard panel today.