Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild
OK guys, camera is still MIA so I snapped a few cell shots on my way out the door this morning.
Here is that nose piece that I had on the video a little wile back, muuuuuch better...
This is one of the removable center pieces that drop in when it's nap time...
That piping they actually built out of my Nautolex vinyl, so perfect match. Man they did a nice job! There is no way in the world that I would have been able to pull off that kind of quality had I tried to learn to sew this winter. Those seams are beauties!
Here is that great big U shaped piece...
You can see the wrinkles in the corners there, bummer. After stewing on it for a while, the issue may have been my own design flaw. See, I used plywood backers for this foam. Original was just vinyl all around. So, I think just by the nature of stretching the vinyl over and stapling, those wrinkles work their way in.
But, to take those plywood backers out of the mix would have resulted in just about double the vinyl material, double the piping, zippers installed all the way around and at least double (probably triple) the labor costs. That would have been biiiiiiiiiiigggg money had I gone that route. I simply could not have found that much $$$ in the budget.
I can live with the wrinkles.
By the way, this air stapler is
totally awesome! About a million times better than any manual/electric stapler! And bottom feeder friendly at 10 bux...
Man, how I wish I would have grabbed that before I did all that other vinyl work!
Cheers fellas